Apologies for the cross-posting:

Sept. 30, 2014

Read it online: http://duraspace.org/node/2305

Winchester, MA  Over the past few months, the DSpace Community Advisory Team 
(DCAT) has been engaged in outreach for increased global participation in the 
developing and funding of the DSpace project. DCAT’s role in the community has 
been formalized in the project governance structure and the goals and 
strategies of the group have been broadened.

DCAT Seeking Use Case Requirements

In order to ensure that the community's needs are reflected in the software, 
DCAT has recently undertaken the task of gathering requirements for future 
versions of DSpace. This input is critical to continued success of DSpace. 
Through monthly conference calls and the wiki, DCAT is documenting community 
use case needs for end users, administrative users, statistics/metrics, 
integrations and structural changes. To view use case requirements gathered so 
far visit here. Everyone from the DSpace community is encouraged to attend the 
monthly DCAT meetings and/or to add use cases directly to the wiki. Community 
input is also welcomed on any use cases found on the wiki, either by commenting 
or ‘liking’ a specific use case. The next DCAT meeting will be on 
statistics/metrics use cases on October 14 and 15. For information on 
participating, please visit here.

New DCAT Charge

DCAT represents the interests of repository managers and administrators across 
the globe and, indirectly, DSpace end users. DCAT is a permanent Working Group 
which advises other DSpace project governance and leadership groups (e.g., 
DSpace Steering Group). The Team solicits feedback through community-wide 
discussions, surveys, etc. to help ensure future software releases address the 
needs of the community. DCAT submits an annual report to the DSpace Steering 
group that makes the report public after review. A specific area of focus for 
DCAT is defined annually by DCAT and the Steering Group. For second half of 
2014, DCAT’s area of focus is gathering use case requirements from the 
community. More about the DCAT charge and 2014 focus can be found here.

New Chairpersons

DCAT has two new co-chairs from the community; Maureen Walsh from The Ohio 
State University and Bram Luyten from @mire. As chairs, Maureen and Bram 
facilitate the team meetings, build consensus about the team’s priorities and 
serve as ex-officio member of the DSpace Steering Group to ensure effective 
communication between the governance groups.

New Discussion Participation or DCAT Membership

You do not need to be a DCAT member to express your needs and opinions! Anyone 
from the DSpace user community is welcome to participate in either the DCAT 
monthly meetings (which include satellite calls to accommodate various time 
zones), or in the online wiki discussions of use cases.

You are also welcome to become a DCAT member. DCAT members are primarily 
individuals who function as DSpace repository managers at their institution. 
Members have an interest in advancing the development of the DSpace software 
and expanding the DSpace user community. DCAT aims to have global 
representation in order to provide broad support to the DSpace user community. 
DCAT members generally devote approximately 5-10 hours per month to the Team. 
For more information about DCAT activities visit here.

If you have questions about DCAT, please contact Maureen Walsh 
<walsh....@osu.edu> or Bram Luyten <b...@atmire.com>.

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