Apologies for the cross posting.

Dear DSpace Community, 

There will be a one day DSpace User Group Meeting on November 10, 2010 in 
Baltimore, Maryland, immediately following the SPARC Digital Repositories 
Meeting (http://www.arl.org/sparc/media/10-0513.shtml) on November 8 and 9. 

A big thank you to @mire (http://atmire.com/), a Registered DSpace Service 
Provider, who is sponsoring the DSpace meeting.

As the DSpace Global Outreach Committee plans the user group meeting, we are 
looking for community feedback on what type of content would be most 
interesting to include. For anyone who may attend, we'd like to know what you 
are most interested in hearing about. 

Please email me (vhollis...@duraspace.org) your feedback on the top content 
items you would like to see -- either based on the list of possible 
presentations below or add your own ideas for content. 

Valorie Hollister
Director of Community Development, DSpace Project

DSpace User Group Meeting Presentation Ideas:

1) Update on DSpace: 1.7 and beyond

2) DSpace Under the Hood: How DSpace works (based on the joint presentation of 
DSpace Committers and the DSpace Global Outreach Committee at OR10 

3) DSpace Under the Hood: The development process and YOUR role in it (based on 
the joint presentation of DSpace Committers and the DSpace Global Outreach 
Committee at OR10 
4) A Tutorial on the Batch Metadata Editing Tool (based on the presentation by 
Leonie Hayes at OR10 

5) Structured discussion on a topic of interest - some examples could include: 
        -preservation and archiving practices - what Solutions Communities may 
have to offer
        -usage statistics (item downloads, page vists, etc) - establishing 
standards so info can be exchanged
        -your DSpace team - what skills do you need to keep DSpace up and 
running? how many staff to you need to                support your repository?
6) Half day Manakin Training by Eric Luhrs from Lafayette College

7) SWORD Workshop: Adding SWORD to your repository armor (based on the OR10 
workshop http://or2010.fecyt.es/Publico/WorkShop/index.aspx#b3) 

8) Presentations from the DSpace community about interesting projects - 
successes or failures of different DSpace use cases (video repositories, dark 
archives, etc)

9) DSpace Surgery - bring your questions and problems


On Jun 17, 2010, at 10:29 AM, Jennifer McLennan wrote:

> Registration is now open for the next installment of the popular SPARC 
> Digital Repositories Meeting. The meeting is hosted by SPARC, in partnership 
> with SPARC Europe and SPARC Japan/National Institute of Informatics, and will 
> be held November 8 & 9, 2010 at the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel in 
> Baltimore, Maryland.
> The SPARC digital repositories meetings have played an integral part in 
> advancing the potential of repositories to expand the dissemination of 
> scholarship and transform scholarly communication. First held in 2004, the 
> meeting is regularly hosted in the UK or Europe, Japan, and North America, 
> draws hundreds of participants from around the globe, and has helped set the 
> stage for key developments over the past six years.
> The North American meeting is a unique forum for diverse stakeholders – 
> librarians, technologists, research producers, research funders, publishers 
> and commercial interests – to come together and consider how best to leverage 
> the practices and policies that have proven successful and explore new 
> challenges. The meeting is also a key venue for librarians, the leading 
> advocates for repositories, to share and refine strategies to engage 
> stakeholders across campus.
> For more details about the meeting, visit 
> http://www.arl.org/sparc/media/10-0513.shtml
> REGISTER NOW at http://www.arl.org/sparc/meetings/dr10
> -------------------------------------
> Jennifer McLennan
> Director of Programs & Operations
> jenni...@arl.org
> (202) 296-2296 x121
> Fax: (202) 872-0884
> *******************************
> SPARC 2010 Digital Repositories Meeting
> November 8 & 9 - Baltimore, MD
> http://www.arl.org/sparc/media/09-0223.shtml
> *******************************
> Open Access Week 2010
> October 18 - 24. Everywhere.
> http://www.openaccessweek.org
> *******************************
> http://www.arl.org/sparc

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