Hi, I am giving a talk to introduce the latest version of DSpace at Open
Repositories 2013 at PEI next month. And, I'd like to hear from you if
you've put 3.1 into production. I'd particularly like to hear from anyone
with a 3.1 "war story" to tell, or screenshots you're particularly proud
of. I'll even just take links and make my own screenshots, but if you
don't trust me, feel free to make your own.

If you have a favorite feature of 3.1, I'd like to hear about that, too.
My personal favorite is the new build.properties file, and the related
ENV.properties capability. But, that's me, a developer, talking. We're not
all developers here on DSpace_tech, and I'd like to hear from all of you.

Alas, I can't speak for everyone, though, so you should probably reply to
just me, and not the list. Thanks!

A quick recap, here's what I'm looking for: I need stories and pictures,
favorite features and why, pain points and how you dealt with them (as an
example, I intend to share what we elected to punt on implementing, but
still intend to implement). The cold hard truth, and pretty pictures.

AND if you're running 3.1 in production, that makes you an "early
adopter." Let me know if it's OK to mention your institution by name, but
I think you should be proud about running the latest version. I also bet
there's a good story behind why you implemented "early", and I want to
tell that story for you.

HARDY POTTINGER <pottinge...@umsystem.edu>
University of Missouri Library Systems
"It is a well-known fact in any organization that, if you want a job done,
you should give it to someone who is already very busy." --Terry
Pratchett, Unseen Academicals

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