Apologies for the cross-posting.

Just a reminder that the "What’s New in Fedora 3.3 and DSpace 1.6?" 
webinar is this Wednesday, March 17. See full description and 
registration info below.

Valorie Hollister
Director of Community Development, DSpace Project
Skype: vhollister

Please join Fedora and DSpace community developers for a free 
DuraSpace/SPARC “All About Repositories” web seminar highlighting new 
Fedora 3.3 and DSpace 1.6 features on March 17, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Find out about what’s new in Fedora 3.3 open source repository software, 
and how it can boost your repository’s functionality and performance in 
this session. Fedora 3.3 was made public in December of 2009 (Download 
Fedora 3.3 here: http://fedora-commons.org/confluence/x/jQ3S) marking 
the first entirely community-led release of the popular open source 
repository software. New features include support for relationships 
among datastreams within digital objects, including API methods for 
manipulating relationships and indexing, integration of the Fedora 
Enhanced Security Layer (FESL), a new community-developed module to 
support a wider range of authentication methods, improvements to the 
Fedora REST API, support for retrieving content using a File URI scheme 
during ingest, support for Microsoft SQL Server, support for Mulgara to 
2.1.4, proving a significant performance boost, upgrade of bundled 
Tomcat to version 6 and support for HTTP Proxy server for getting 
external content.

Learn how to put the new release of DSpace 1.6 (due March 3, 2010) to 
work for your institution. Several new community-requested features are 
now available including an enhanced statistics package, an embargo 
facility so items can be kept dark for a period of time, authority 
control lists, the ability to delegate community administration so you 
can assign management permissions to others to manage at a 
community/sub-community/collection, improved documentation and more. 
Bram Luyten, @mire (http://atmire.com/) who is an active DSpace 
community member commented, “Both from an end-user perspective, as well 
as the administrator side of things, this release is a great leap forward.”

Register for the web seminar here: 
http://www.arl.org/sparc/meetings/event_registration.shtml. Recordings 
of past “All About Repositories” web seminars may be downloaded here: 

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