
I have just noticed a problem on my DSpace 4.1 DEV system (running JSPUI) with 
the size of the "Day" input field (one of the 3 part date input fields) on the 
Item Submission forms in Firefox, Chrome and Opera - the field is present but 
it is too narrow to be able to see the day value that is entered - here is a 
screenshot of what I'm seeing (there is a value entered in the Day field!):


- the field appears wide enough if the screen is narrowed, altering the flow of 
the elements on the page (you can now see the value entered):


The field displays perfectly in Internet Explorer but is not wide enough to 
view the entered data in the other browsers I have at my disposal.

Is anyone else seeing this? Anyone have any suggestions how to fix it?



Michael White 
eLearning Liaison and Development (eLD)
Information Services
S8, Library
University of Stirling 
Stirling SCOTLAND 
FK9 4LA 
Email: michael.wh...@stir.ac.uk 
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 466877 
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 466880

The University of Stirling has been ranked in the top 12 of UK universities for 
graduate employment*.
94% of our 2012 graduates were in work and/or further study within six months 
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