Hello all,

I have a quick question concerning the datacite crosswalk in DSpace 5, in 
particular the section of alternateIdentifiers, see below:

                 Add alternativeIdentifiers.
                 This element is important as it is used to recognize for 
                 DSpace object a DOI is reserved for. See below for further 
            <xsl:if test="//dspace:field[@mdschema='dc' and 
@element='identifier' and not(starts-with(., 'http://dx.doi.org/'))]">
                <xsl:element name="alternateIdentifiers">
select="//dspace:field[@mdschema='dc' and @element='identifier' and 
not(starts-with(., 'http://dx.doi.org/'))]" />

I have noticed that the above results in the record's DOI to be included 
here (i.e. dc.identifier.doi). Is this intentional? I can see that the 
contents for dc.identifier.uri should be included here, alongside any other 
identifiers for versions of the same content elsewhere, but shouldn't the 
repository's own DOI be excluded from here?


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