Hello Andrea,

that is great news. Congratulations!
Thank you and your team for your work.
My regards to Andrea and Riccardo.


Fraunhofer Competence-Center Research Services & Open Science

Fraunhofer-Informationszentrum Raum und Bau (IRB), Stuttgart

Am Mittwoch, 9. August 2017 11:18:03 UTC+2 schrieb Bollini Andrea:
> ***apologies for cross-posting*** 
> Dear all,
> I'm glad to announce the availability of the *5.7 version of *
> *DSpace-CRIS* built on top of the recent security fix release DSpace 
> JSPUI 5.7:
> *https://github.com/4Science/DSpace/tree/dspace-cris-5.7.0 
> <https://github.com/4Science/DSpace/tree/dspace-cris-5.7.0> *
> This version includes the bug fixes from DSpace 5.7 and provides new 
> functionalities to DSpace-CRIS (details below).
> The official demo of DSpace-CRIS 5.7 can be found here: 
> *https://dspace-cris.4science.it/ 
> <https://dspace-cris.4science.it/>*
> Please find below the list of the new features and improvements that are 
> now available:
>    - *Hierarchy metadata support for DSpace items (new addition from the 
>    RC): *It is now possible to configure one or more metadata as child of 
>    another one. If the parent metadata is repeatable, adding an additional 
>    value for the parent metadata will allow to input values also for the 
>    linked child metadata. Currently only text-based (onebox) metadata can be 
>    used as child metadata but support for the other input types will be added 
>    in subsequent minor releases. 
>    - *Signposting support*: DSpace-CRIS is more machine friendly than 
>    never. It supports now the following signposting patterns 
>    <http://signposting.org/>: Author, Identifier, Publication Boundary 
>    - *The CORE Recommender Engine integration*: Display documents that 
>    are semantically similar. Powered by CORE https://core.ac.uk/. You can 
>    take a look at our example here: 
>    https://dspace-cris.4science.it/handle/123456789/102 
>    - *Authority Lookup based on Getty Vocabularies*: For more information 
>    about Getty Vocabularies please check 
>    https://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/index.html; 
>    DSpace-CRIS implementation involves both the "Getty Thesaurus of 
> Geographic 
>    Names Online" (
>    https://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/tgn/index.html) and 
>    "The Union List of Artist Names" (ULAN - 
>    https://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/ulan/index.html) 
>    - *Authority Lookup based on Viaf service*: The VIAF® (Virtual 
>    International Authority File) combines multiple name authority files into 
> a 
>    single OCLC-hosted name authority service. More info at 
>    https://viaf.org/ 
>    - *Import ORCiD publications via Submission Data Loader*: During the 
>    submission process, users can choose an ORCiD and check which publications 
>    to import 
>    - *Cookies Policy Popup*: This feature allows easy compliance with 
>    the EU legislation on cookies 
>    - *Other minor improvements*: It is now possible to clean Solr 
>    statistics entries via WebUI; to upgrade Hibernate and Spring to the minor 
>    versions; we have improved the automatic calculation of derived metrics 
> and 
>    the creation of CRIS objects as part of the submission process 
>    - *Other minor* *fixes*: the out-of-box DSpace OAI Harvesting in 
>    DSpace-CRIS; the DSpace-CRIS SOAP web-services; the DSpace-CRIS Network 
>    when users try to show many graphs 
> We are committed to keep the DSpace-CRIS functionalities aligned in 
> version 5.x and 6.x so that institutions using DSpace-CRIS are not forced 
> to move to the latest version to enjoy all the new functionalities.
> Please note that DSpace-CRIS 6 is still a release candidate as we are 
> waiting for additional tests before cutting an official release. You can 
> find a public test-drive site for DSpace-CRIS 6.1 RC here: 
> *http://test.dspace-cris.4science.it/ 
> <http://test.dspace-cris.4science.it/>*
> As for DSpace 6, the most important things we worked on are "behind the 
> scene" and they are technical changes in preparation of DSpace(-CRIS) 7.
> Our goal was to make this release as stable as possible but it is 
> undisputable that the underlined persistent layer of DSpace 6 is too young 
> and not intensively tested on and optimized for large sites yet. We 
> suggest developers to use version 6 either if they need to make extensive 
> customizations on the business layer or if they want to contribute to 
> DSpace(-CRIS) 7. For standard use of DSpace-CRIS, the version 5.x is a more 
> solid choice at present.
> A special thanks to Andrea Pascarelli, DSpace Committer and lead Engineer 
> at 4Science, who put a lot of effort on this new release making it 
> possible.
> -- 
> Andrea Bollini
> Chief Technology and Innovation Officer
> 4Science,  www.4science.it
> office: Via Edoardo D'Onofrio 304, 00155 Roma, Italy
> mobile: +39 333 934 1808
> skype: a.bollini
> linkedin: andreabollini
> orcid: 0000-0002-9029-1854
> an Itway Group Company
> Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Qatar, U.A.Emirates
> -- 
> This message has been checked by Libra ESVA and is believed to be clean.

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