we installed dspace6 on debian 8 64 bits 

we had set  in local.cfg :
     dspace.dir = /home/dspace
     dspace.hostname = dspace.domain.com
     dspace.baseUrl = http://dspace.domain.com:8080
     dspace.ui = xmlui
     dspace.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}
     solr.server = http://localhost:8080/solr
     handle.canonical.prefix = http://${dspace.hostname}/handle/
     handle.prefix = domain

we would like to run xmlui as the default root  for tomcat8

we have done
Cd /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps
  rm -rf ROOT
  ln -s /home/dspace/webapps/solr
  ln -s /home/dspace/webapps/rest
  ln -s /home/dspace/webapps/oai
  ln -s /home/dspace/webapps/sword        
  ln -s /home/dspace/webapps/xmlui ROOT

systemctl restart tomcat8

we can get access to dspace interface, login in with administrator account and 
we can add new collections, items ..
but we can't logout correctly :  An error is displayed when the account is 
disconnected: The page is not redirected correctly

Did we have missing some configurations or have making mistakes 

Someone could guide me to have xmlui run on default root of tomcat8 
we'd appreciate any ideas  to solve this error
 thanks for help

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