*Cluster * *Bldg* *Unit* *Type* *Rent*  *International city*  * * * * *
* * * * *  England  Y12 216 STD-FF 32k  England  Z4 219 1BR 36k  Spain T1
104 1BR 36k  Spain S18 G02 1BR 35K  Spain S07 316 1BR 36K  Morocco I8 301 1
BRH  34K  Morocco  I03 401 1 BRH  34K  Morocco  I03 107 1 BRH  34K  *Discovery
Gardens *  DG 64 116 1BR 55K-57K  DG 83 302 1BR 55K-57K  DG 83 401 STD
40K-42K  DG 70 204 STD 40K-42K  DG 92 311 STD 40K-42K  *SPORTS CITY *  Sports
City Ellite 4 604 STD-F 36k  Sports City Ellite 4 1203 STD-F 36k  *DUBAI
SILICON OASIS*  DSO Palace Tower 2 1703 STD 36K  DSO Dunes 320 1BR-Duplex
50K  *JVT*  JVT Villa D4-10-1   2BR 140K  *COMMERCIAL*  China F16 S07 81sqmt
65000  China F16 S09   65000  Italy  U04 S18   75000  Italy  U04 S13 1000
sq ft  85000  Persia    S14   45000  Greece   S10 770 sq ft  50K+5K  England
  X11 S14 744 total 1700 sq ft AED.160,000  England  X11 S16 478  England
X11 S18 478  *Best Regards ,*  *Aneeta Bashani 050 922 1586 *

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