
2) You have to implement your custom "FluidSystem" class that can, e.g., inherits from whatever fluid system you used before and overload the viscosity function. You can use the surfactant concentration passed in through the fluidState from the VolumeVariables class.

I'm trying to do this thing but I have some doubts ...

Let's assume that I have 1p2c (polymer and water component in water phase).

I want to say that viscosity depends also on polymer concentration (or molar/mass fraction).

Let's say that I have some tabulated value for such dependency which I can interpolate.

Then, should I write such tables/interpolation in the component file (i.e. liquidviscosity() function) or in the fluidsystem file?

In any case, how to overload the viscosity function adding the fluidstate.molefraction variable (or something similar) as arguments?

Is there any example?

Thank you,

Lorenzo Campoli

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