
I can run successfuly the testcases proposed in implicit/2p, but those from 
multidomain directory do not run. The error given by the multidomain run is in 
the attached file. I can't trace this error message, but I guess that it comes 
from Boost::FUSION library, which is required explicitly by multidomain module.

Regarding the Boost::Fusion module, I notices that the Boost flags are 
different in the files 
dune-common/cmake/modules/FindBoostFusion.cmake    uses the flag BOOST_FOUND
dune-common/cmake/modules/DuneBoost.cmake             uses the flag Boost_FOUND

Fixing this difference, the compiler finds the Fusion library
-- Boost version: 1.57.0
-- Checking whether the Boost::FUSION library is available.
-- Performing Test HAVE_BOOST_FUSION
-- Performing Test HAVE_BOOST_FUSION - Success
-- Boost::FUSION is available

but BoostFusion is still in the list of "The following OPTIONAL packages have 
not been found:". Can be this the reason for the failure of multidomain 

Thank you in advance,

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan, Calin-Marius 
Sent: Freitag, 17. April 2015 16:53
To: DuMuX User Forum
Subject: RE: [DuMuX] dunecontrol options file - example

Hello Christoph,

Thank you for explanations, it compiles now! I have another problem with 
Boost::Fusion needed by dune-multidomaingrid. I have installed boost_1.5[7,8], 
both contain the Fusion libraries in boost_1_5?_0/include/boost/fusion During 
the compilation, it finds boost, but it does not check for Fusion:
-- Boost version: 1.58.0
-- Skipping check for Boost::FUSION as Boost is not available.

I attached the compilation outputs. Do you have any idea what could be wrong?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dumux [mailto:dumux-boun...@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de] On Behalf Of 
Christoph Grüninger
Sent: Freitag, 17. April 2015 11:27
To: dumux@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de
Subject: Re: [DuMuX] dunecontrol options file - example

Hi Calin,
I assume you use DuMuX 2.7 where we provide opts files for CMake.
Unfortunately I forgot to add "USE_CMAKE=1" in them.

1. You can use the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH as described in [1].
2. Alternatively you can set -DSUPERLU_ROOT and -DUG_ROOT.



People who are more than casually interested in computers should have at least 
some idea of what the underlying hardware is like. Otherwise
the programs they write will be pretty weird.         -- Donald Knuth
No parameter file given. 
Defaulting to './test_2cstokes2p2c.input' for input file.
Starting with timestep size = 0.5s, simulation end = 7200s
YaspGridParameterBlock: Parameter 'overlap' not specified, defaulting to '0'.
rglobal = 0 0.25, rlocal = 0 0.5
lengthLeft = 0, lengthRight = 1, hLeft = 0.0333333, hRight = 0.0333333, nLeft = 
0, nRight = 30
lengthLeft = 0.5, lengthRight = 0.5, hLeft = 0.0015046, hRight = 0.0015046, 
nLeft = 31, nRight = 31
ParameterNewtonRelTol= , 1e-05
 Dune::mdgrid::FewSubDomainsTraits<2, 4ul, Dune::mdgrid::AllCodims> > > (dim=2, 
level 0 codim[0]=930 codim[1]=1921 codim[2]=992
leaf    codim[0]=930 codim[1]=1921 codim[2]=992
leaf dim=2 geomTypes=((cube, 2)[0]=930,(simplex, 1)[1]=1921,(simplex, 0)[2]=992)
 Dune::mdgrid::FewSubDomainsTraits<2, 4ul, Dune::mdgrid::AllCodims> > > (dim=2, 
level 0 codim[0]=930 codim[1]=1921 codim[2]=992
leaf    codim[0]=930 codim[1]=1921 codim[2]=992
leaf dim=2 geomTypes=((cube, 2)[0]=930,(simplex, 1)[1]=1921,(simplex, 0)[2]=992)
Using fast H2O-Air fluid system
# Run-time specified parameters:
[ FreeFlow ]
RefMassfrac = "0.008"
RefPressure = "1e5"
RefTemperature = "298.15"
RefVelocity = "3.5"
SinusConcentrationAmplitude = "0.0"
SinusConcentrationPeriod = "3600"
SinusPressureAmplitude = "0.0"
SinusPressurePeriod = "3600"
SinusTemperatureAmplitude = "0.0"
SinusTemperaturePeriod = "3600"
SinusVelAmplitude = "0.0"
SinusVelPeriod = "3600"
[ Grid ]
CellsX = "30"
CellsY = "62"
File = "grids/interfacedomain.dgf"
GradingFactorY = "1.13"
InterfacePosY = "0.25"
NoDarcyX = "0.0"
RunUpDistanceX = "0.0"
UseInterfaceMeshCreator = "true"
XMax = "0.25"
XMin = "0.0"
YMax = "0.5"
YMin = "0.0"
[ Newton ]
MaxRelativeShift = "1e-5"
MaxSteps = "12"
TargetSteps = "8"
[ Output ]
FreqFluxOutput = "1000"
FreqMassOutput = "2"
FreqOutput = "50"
FreqRestart = "1000"
FreqVaporFluxOutput = "2"
[ PorousMedium ]
InitialSw = "0.98"
RefPressure = "1e5"
RefTemperature = "298.15"
[ SpatialParams ]
AlphaBJ = "1.0"
LambdaSolid = "5.3"
Permeability = "2.65e-10"
Porosity = "0.41"
Snr = "0.01"
Swr = "0.005"
VgAlpha = "6.371e-4"
VgN = "6.9"
[ Stokes ]
StabilizationAlpha = "-1.0"
[ TimeManager ]
DtInitial = "5e-1"
EpisodeLength = "3600"
InitTime = "0"
TEnd = "7200"
# Compile-time specified parameters:
[ Implicit ]
EnableHints = "0"
EnableJacobianRecycling = "0"
EnablePartialReassemble = "0"
MassUpwindWeight = "1"
NumericDifferenceMethod = "1"
[ Newton ]
EnableResidualCriterion = "0"
EnableShiftCriterion = "1"
ResidualReduction = "1e-05"
SatisfyResidualAndShiftCriterion = "0"
UseLineSearch = "0"
[ Problem ]
EnableGravity = "1"
[ Stokes ]
StabilizationBeta = "0"
# UNUSED parameters:
TimeManager.MaxTimeStepSize = "360"
Grid.Refinement = "0"
Output.NameFF = "stokes2c"
Output.NamePM = "2p2c"
FreeFlow.ExponentMTC = "0.0"
FreeFlow.BoundaryLayerOffset = "0.0"
FreeFlow.ConstThickness = "0.0016"
PorousMedium.CharPoreDiameter = "1e-4"
Newton.WriteConvergence = "false"
Newton.MaxTimeStepDivisions = "20"
LinearSolver.ResidualReduction = "1e-10"
LinearSolver.Verbosity = "0"
LinearSolver.MaxIterations = "200"
Initializing problem 'simCoupled'
Writing flux data at interface
Writing result file for "stokes2c"
Writing result file for "2p2c"
Initialization took 1.38004 seconds on 1 processes.
The cumulative CPU time was 1.38004 seconds.
Properties for TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem:
  opaque FluidSystem defined at 
  type   Grid = 'Dune::UGGrid<2>' defined at 
  type   LinearSolver = 'SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>' defined at 
  type   MultiDomainCouplingLocalOperator = 
'Dumux::TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCLocalOperator<TypeTag>' defined at 
  type   Problem = 'Dumux::TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag>' defined at 
  type   SubDomain1TypeTag = '::Dumux::Properties::TTag::Stokes2cSubProblem' 
defined at 
  type   SubDomain2TypeTag = '::Dumux::Properties::TTag::TwoPTwoCSubProblem' 
defined at 
  Inherited from TwoCStokesTwoPTwoC:
    int    FreeFlowBoundaryLayerModel = '0' defined at 
    int    FreeFlowMassTransferModel = '0' defined at 
    opaque GridView defined at 
    type   JacobianAssembler = 'Dumux::MultiDomainAssembler<TypeTag>' defined 
    type   NewtonController = 
'Dumux::TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCNewtonController<TypeTag>' defined at 
    bool   NewtonWriteConvergence = 'false' defined at 
    int    NumEq = '1' defined at 
    opaque SolutionVector defined at 
    Inherited from MultiDomain:
      opaque JacobianMatrix defined at 
      int    LinearSolverBlockSize = '::Dumux::Properties::GetProperty<TypeTag, 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::NumEq>::p::value' defined at 
      int    LinearSolverMaxIterations = '250' defined at 
      scalar LinearSolverResidualReduction = '1e-6' defined at 
      type   Model = 'MultiDomainModel<TypeTag>' defined at 
      opaque MultiDomainCondition defined at 
      opaque MultiDomainConstraintsTrafo defined at 
      opaque MultiDomainCoupling defined at 
      opaque MultiDomainGrid defined at 
      opaque MultiDomainGridFunctionSpace defined at 
      opaque MultiDomainGridOperator defined at 
      opaque MultiDomainSubProblem1 defined at 
      opaque MultiDomainSubProblem2 defined at 
      scalar NewtonMaxRelativeShift = '1e-5' defined at 
      int    NewtonMaxSteps = '15' defined at 
      int    NewtonMaxTimeStepDivisions = '10' defined at 
      type   NewtonMethod = 'NewtonMethod<TypeTag>' defined at 
      int    NewtonTargetSteps = '8' defined at 
      opaque NumEq1 defined at 
      opaque NumEq2 defined at 
      type   SplitAndMerge = 'SplitAndMerge<TypeTag>' defined at 
      type   TimeManager = 'TimeManager<TypeTag>' defined at 
      Inherited from ImplicitBase:
        type   BaseModel = 'Dumux::ImplicitModel<TypeTag>' defined at 
        type   BoundaryTypes = 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::NumEq>::p::value>' defined at 
        type   ElementMapper = 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::GridView>::p::type, Dune::MCMGElementLayout>' 
defined at 
        type   ElementSolutionVector = 'Dune::BlockVector<typename 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::PrimaryVariables>::p::type>' defined at 
        bool   ImplicitEnableHints = 'false' defined at 
        bool   ImplicitEnableJacobianRecycling = 'false' defined at 
        bool   ImplicitEnablePartialReassemble = 'false' defined at 
        int    ImplicitMaxTimeStepDivisions = '10' defined at 
        int    ImplicitNumericDifferenceMethod = '+1' defined at 
        type   LocalJacobian = 'Dumux::ImplicitLocalJacobian<TypeTag>' defined 
        type   PrimaryVariables = 'Dune::FieldVector<typename 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::NumEq>::p::value>' defined at 
        type   VertexMapper = 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::GridView>::p::type, Dune::MCMGVertexLayout>' defined 
        type   VolumeVariables = 'Dumux::ImplicitVolumeVariables<TypeTag>' 
defined at 
        Inherited from ImplicitModel: (none)
          Inherited from NumericModel:
            opaque Components defined at 
            opaque DefaultComponents defined at 
            opaque EnableComplicatedFluidSystem defined at 
            type   GridCreator = 'Dumux::DgfGridCreator<TypeTag>' defined at 
            string ModelParameterGroup = '""' defined at 
            opaque ParameterTree defined at 
            type   Scalar = 'double' defined at 
            scalar TimeManagerMaxTimeStepSize = 'std::numeric_limits<typename 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::Scalar>::p::type>::max()' defined at 
            opaque VtkMultiWriter defined at 
            int    VtkOutputLevel = '0' defined at 
        Inherited from LinearSolverTypeTag:
          int    LinearSolverGMResRestart = '10' defined at 
          int    LinearSolverPreconditionerIterations = '1' defined at 
          scalar LinearSolverPreconditionerRelaxation = '1.0' defined at 
          int    LinearSolverVerbosity = '0' defined at 
        Inherited from NewtonMethod:
          scalar NewtonAbsTolerance = '1e-5' defined at 
          bool   NewtonEnableAbsoluteCriterion = 'false' defined at 
          bool   NewtonEnableRelativeCriterion = 'true' defined at 
          bool   NewtonEnableResidualCriterion = 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::NewtonEnableAbsoluteCriterion>::p::value' defined at 
          bool   NewtonEnableShiftCriterion = 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::NewtonEnableRelativeCriterion>::p::value' defined at 
          scalar NewtonRelTolerance = '1e-8' defined at 
          scalar NewtonResidualReduction = 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::NewtonAbsTolerance>::p::value' defined at 
          bool   NewtonSatisfyAbsAndRel = 'false' defined at 
          bool   NewtonSatisfyResidualAndShiftCriterion = 
::Dumux::Properties::PTag::NewtonSatisfyAbsAndRel>::p::value' defined at 
          bool   NewtonUseLineSearch = 'false' defined at 
      Inherited from LinearSolverTypeTag: (none)
      Inherited from NewtonMethod: (none)
Assemble: r(x^k) = dS/dt + div F - q;   M = grad rtest_2cstokes2p2c: 
 Dune::mdgrid::IndexSetWrapper<GridImp, HostGridViewType>::IndexType 
HostGridViewType>::getSubIndexForSubDomain::invoke() const [with int codim = 2; 
GridImp = const Dune::mdgrid::MultiDomainGrid<Dune::UGGrid<2>, 
Dune::mdgrid::FewSubDomainsTraits<2, 4ul, Dune::mdgrid::AllCodims> >; 
HostGridViewType = Dune::GridView<Dune::DefaultLeafGridViewTraits<const 
Dune::UGGrid<2>, (Dune::PartitionIteratorType)4u> >; 
Dune::mdgrid::IndexSetWrapper<GridImp, HostGridViewType>::IndexType = unsigned 
int]: Assertion `me.domains.contains(_subDomain)' failed.
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