Dear Dumux users,

thanks to everybody that has submitted a title, we could refine our program a bit more. We have also thought what we want to present you from our LH2 side. Have a look at

There are still a few slots left. You can get one if you send me a tentative title.

Announcing participation is still possible at
If you announced your participation, but changed your mind, please be so kind and cancel your announcement in the doodle.

Judging from the titles, names and affiliations, I am looking forward to a nice first Dumux user meeting. Have a safe trip to Stuttgart, kind regards


Bernd Flemisch                         phone: +49 711 685 69162
IWS, Universität Stuttgart             fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61            email:
D-70569 Stuttgart            url:

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