Dear community,

I'd like to report you some question/observation:

1) The links in don't work.

2) I'm going to deal with surfactants, which in my case means, 2p3c or 3p3c: water and oil phases, and polymer/surfactant agent as third component.

Now, as I understant, one issue in this regard, is that all material laws (i.e. permeability, capillary) depends not only on saturation but also on the concentration of the agent. For example, the capillarity number will vary with concentration and also the other parameter. Thus, during the simulation our for example permeabilities will not be constant but change.

This said, just for me to understand (since i'm not of the field), is this issue what is commonly addressed by performing flash calculations?

If so, is there any example in Dumux about it? I saw there are some tests in:




how can I run them? How is ran the flash calculation in a testcase (should I add some header or call some specific function or it is done behind the scene?). Are there any examples/tutorials?

Thank you,

Best regards,


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