Dear Dumux users,

this concerns you only if you are using our _non-isothermal_ implicit porous-media models.

Subversion revisions 14070/1 introduce a change that breaks compatibility. If you use a later trunk version or a future release (from 2.7), you have adapt your thermal solid parameters in your spatialparams file.

So far, the "heatCapacity" function in the spatial parameters and volume variables of the implicit nonisothermal models was a misnomer, since it returned an effective quantity, namely,
heatCapacity*density*(1 - porosity) in [J/(K m^3)].
Except for mpnc, which resulted in an additional inconsistency.

Corresponding to the decision documented in FS#216, we renamed the function to "solidHeatCapacity" and return always the "true" (non-effective) heat capacity in [J/(kg K)]. This requires an additional function "solidDensity" which returns the mass density of the porous matrix. Moreover, the functions "thermalConductivitySolid/Fluid" are renamed to "solid/fluidThermalConductivity". The decision to prepend with "solid/fluid" rather than to append is motivated by consistency with components and fluid systems, where "gas" and "liquid" are always prepended to the corresponding function names.

Therefore, you have adapt your thermal solid parameters in your spatialparams file such that they offer functions "solidHeatCapacity", "solidDensity" and "solidThermalConductivity". See test/implicit/2p2c/injectionspatialparams.hh for an example. If you run into trouble, please let us know.

Kind regards


Bernd Flemisch                         phone: +49 711 685 69162
IWS, Universität Stuttgart             fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61            email:
D-70569 Stuttgart            url:

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