Hi Ali,
as the Intel compiler is not officially supported in Dune 2.2 and I
never tried one myself, it could be possible that you have to fix some
issues yourself.

>From your output I would advise you to do:
- use --enable-fieldvector-size-is-method in your configure flags. This
will reduce the warnings and switch off the Dune 2.1 behavior. In Dune
2.3 this will be default.
- I am not sure about the errors from ALUGrid. The error message is not
very helpful without investigating the code more than I did.
- The catastrophic error about the missing "unordered_map" is related to
the not enabled C++11 support. You have to add -std=c++11 to the compile
flags. dune-common tries to detect this, but in Dune 2.2 only -std=c++0x
is tested that does not work with Intel. Either add -std=c++11 to the
CXX_FLAGS or replace the file m4/cxx0x_compiler.m4 with the one from
dune-common's master where the test is exted to -std=c++11.

When you use C++11 with ipcp, you might run into this bug:
If this is the case, you can use the code from the bug tracker's last
comment (from Markus). I would like to get feedback, whether this solved
the bug for you.


Une science n'était vraiment développée que quand elle
pouvait utiliser les mathématiques.    (Paul Lafargue)
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