LIBYA   11600  Radio Télévision Libye, Tripolis Libye today Oct 24.
Transmitter at Sabrata on air very late at 16.06.15 UT, more than fair
signal noted in Genua Italy and Finland Europe, S=9+15dBm. Program on same
muffeled audio quality like yesterday, today measured and noted bandwidth
like - three different audio levels, best is 1000 Hertz tone from the
transmitter site, followed by "Russian Waltz" music wide of 4.4 kHz, and
annoying spoken part quality of small 3.11 kHz.

Suffered by 11600 kHz co-channel CRI from Baoji-CHN in Swahili to Africa
from 1700-1757 UT.

And also hit by some "fade out" heavy splash from 11590 kHz Radio Pakistan
Islamabad which appeared from 1721 UT onwards. SDR radio notch cut function
of 11585 to 11599 kHz portion upgraded to worth listening.

Identification in French and Russian Waltz music started at 16.07:23 UT.
For audio quality comparision I recorded some piece of VoRussia Grigoriopol
in French on 11635 kHz at 16.54 UT in between.

At 16.55 UT a African vernac folk song played from Sahel zone.

At 17.11:20 UT modern West African like rumba music played, with singer in
French language.

Anncmt ID in French logged at 1729 and 1747 UT. Much talk on Libye
Revolution, as well as Revolution Francaise at Paris Bastille.

Russian waltz music played til late 18.03:45 UT.
TX OFF today Oct 24 at 18.04:14 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 24)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:41 PM
Subject: 11600 Libya, from 1558 UT on air, Oct 23

Please Jean-Michel,
may you help to identify this time/frequency announcement in French,

LIBYA  11600  Transmitter at Sabrata on air approx. 1558 UT Oct 23,
powerful fair signal noted in Europe, S=9+10dBm, station started
with a test tone signal of 1038 Hertz til 16.06:35 UT, also at
16.07:55 UT many Tripolis and Libya IDs in French given.

But different to the huge TX carrier power and the superb test tone
signal, the original program feed from Tripolis broadcasting house
to Sabrata was opposite quality of small bandwidth and little
undermodulated. Noted increased audio signal level later at 1637 UT.

A lot of western waltzing and symphonic music played.
Listen to attached recording of some pieces between 1558 and 1608 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 23)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean-Michel AUBIER"
To: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 8:22 PM
Subject: Re : 11600 Libya, from 1558 UT on air, Oct 23

mmmhhhh...same bad audio as at my QTH ...

Here's what I heard:
"Ici Radio Télévision Libye(*). Radio Libye de la capitale Tripoli. Très
chers auditeurs en Europe (**) et sur le continent africain, vous pouvez
suivre nos émissions en langue française.(.....??)..... de la capitale
Tripoli sur ondes courtes sur une interférence (***) de 11600 MHz de 18h00 à
20h00, heure locale, soit de 1600 à 1800 GMT. Radio-Télévision Libye. Radio
Libye de la capitale Tripoli

(*) I wonder if they really say "Libye" as I heard something like "IRI"
(**) Europe ? need to be confirmed
(***) they really say "interférence"

Regards, Jean-Michel
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