This MFSK32 image, showing both was received 6 January at 1618 UTC on 9400 
kHz,via both short (8600 km) and long (31500km) path, using a receiver in 
northwestern Canada.

Hello friends,
Please note that WRMI Florida has replaced 11580 kHz with 7780 kHz to 
accommodate winter propagation in the northern hemisphere. So listen for 
Shortwave Radiogram on 7780 Sunday at 2030 and 2330 UTC. See the new schedule 
Due to automation problems, WRMI last weekend broadcast Shortwave Radiogram 
Monday at0800 UTC on 5850 kHz but not the advertised 7730 kHz. Both of those 
frequencies did not sign onuntil 0800 UTC, even though they are scheduled to 
start at 0700 UTC Sundays and Mondays. WRMI has been informed. I hope both 5850 
and 7730 kHz carry Shortwave Radiogram this weekend, with the latter frequency 
more likely to reach Europe.
Last weekend’s Thor Micro was generally successful in weak-signal 
conditions,although this mode failed when received via a multipath signal. And 
there were many examples of successful decoding of the Persian text (see below).
This weekend’sShortwave Radiogram will mostly be in the usual MFSK32, but there 
will be one item in Thor 22. Thor 22 (I still don’t know if it should be Thor 
or THOR) haslately been used by digital HF nets in the northeastern USA. At 78 
wpm, Thor 22 is somewhat slower than MFSK32 (120 wpm). As you decode the Thor 
22, you will see the Shortwave Radiogram avatar in the upper right, and an 
image at the endof the news item. Unfortunately, Fldigi saves these images as 
files, which are not as convenient as the .png files of MFSK32 images. You can 
find freeware to convert the .raw files to .jpg.

Here is the lineup for ShortwaveRadiogram, program 30,13-14 January 2018, in 
MFSK32 except where noted:

1:33 Program preview
2:45 Norway strengthens Arctic cooperation withUSA*
10:13 Bamboorailway restarts operations in Cambodia*
16:37 ABC TVlogos might look interesting with multipath*
18:33 Thor22: FEMA communications exercise*
23:23 MFSK32:Image* and closing announcements
* with image
** use UTF-8character set
Please sendreception reports to
And visit

Shortwave Radiogram Program 30 (13-14 January 2018)
1600-1630 UTC 9400 kHz MFSK32, Thor 22 Space Line, Bulgaria
2030-2100 UTC 7780 kHz WRMI Florida
2330-2400 UTC 7780 kHz WRMI Florida 
0800-0830 UTC 7730 kHz 5850 kHz WRMI Florida

The Mighty KBC transmits to Europe Saturdays at 1500-1600 UTC on 9400 kHz (via 
Bulgaria), with the minute of MFSK at about 1530 UTC (if you are outside of 
Europe, listen via ). And to North America Sundays 
at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 7-9 pm EST) on new 6150 kHz, via Germany. The minute 
of MFSK is at about 0130UTC. Reports to Eric: . See also and

Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) For the complete IBC transmission 
schedule visit Five minutes of MFSK32 is at the end 
of the 30-minute English-language “Shortwave Panorama,”per the schedule below: 
To Europe

2025-2030 UTC 1584 kHz (MW)
0325-0330 UTC 1584 kHz
2125-2130 UTC 1584 kHz
1155-1200 UTC 6070 kHz To the Americas
0125-0130 UTC 11580 kHz 
0225-0230 UTC 9955 kHz
0155-0200 UTC 11580 kHz
0055-0100 UTC 7730 kHz 

Thanks for your reception reports!

Kim via KKX

Kim Andre wElliott, KD9XB
Producer and Presenter
Shortwave Radiogram

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