At 04:02 PM 12/08/2006, Dan Violette wrote:
Just put:

TO: ONL8XYZ at the top, remove the QSO and 2X type items (cross-out) and replace with HRD WORKING, MODE, etc.

example: HRD WORKING Date Time Mode RST (QSO with, 2X crossed out)
                  PT4XX        2006/12/07  1715Z   SSB    59

I use DX Base for logging, which has a very complex label generator, and I have special labels for SWLs (which frankly look better than my standard 2X labels!). I'm usually nice and give the SWL a 4-colour card, not a cheap B&W "buro" card. I actually had one guy send me a SWL request from Wales with an SAE and $1 in US coins.

Many countries require some SWL QSL card replies to get a license <snip>

Is this still the case in 2006? I know Belgium, France and Germany still have SWL "licenses," but is being a verified SWL still required there (or anywhere, for that matter) in order to become a licensed ham?



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