The QSL softaware BV7 makes a special label for SWL cards so its very easy to print them. Its by DF3CB and is easily available on the net. You can have as many as 20 logs open at the same time and is VERY user firendly uses ADIF for import.
No fiddling about  with text or formats



Peter Dougherty wrote:
At 04:02 PM 12/08/2006, Dan Violette wrote:
Just put:

TO: ONL8XYZ at the top, remove the QSO and 2X type items (cross-out) and replace with HRD WORKING, MODE, etc.

example: HRD WORKING Date Time Mode RST (QSO with, 2X crossed out)
                  PT4XX        2006/12/07  1715Z   SSB    59

I use DX Base for logging, which has a very complex label generator, and I have special labels for SWLs (which frankly look better than my standard 2X labels!). I'm usually nice and give the SWL a 4-colour card, not a cheap B&W "buro" card. I actually had one guy send me a SWL request from Wales with an SAE and $1 in US coins.

Many countries require some SWL QSL card replies to get a license <snip>

Is this still the case in 2006? I know Belgium, France and Germany still have SWL "licenses," but is being a verified SWL still required there (or anywhere, for that matter) in order to become a licensed ham?



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