Well, well said Roger/G3SXW...



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ragnar otterstad 
  To: DX-EU ; dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:14 AM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] A perspective on ZD7XF

          Dato: Torsdag 30. juni 2011 15.09

          Hear, hear

          I might add that Nigel is on target to have more QSOs as a single op 
          in just over one week as I have in my entire 30 year-old log!

          We can all aspire to reach that level, but few achieve it.

          I am happy to work any dexpedition, regardless of their capabilities. 
          are trying their best, and that's good enough for me (and probably 
          than I could do!).

          Rob, G4LMW

          ----- Original Message ----- 
          From: "Roger Western" <g3...@btinternet.com>
          Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 12:08 PM
          Subject: A perspective on ZD7XF

          The only problem is that DXers expect every DXpedition operator to be 
          good as Nigel. They don’t allow that he is not only highly committed 
          also has 40+ years of DXpeditioning experience under his belt. Not to 
          mention amazing ears. Is it realistic to expect every Rookie SP or OK 
or EA 
          DXpedition operator to equal Nigel’s skill? Of course not. Yet those 
          unskilled operators attract instant and strong criticism as soon as 
they get 
          on the bands, while they are simply trying their best. Of course, 
          pre-trip training and pile-up practice would help . . . but we all 
have to 
          start somewhere. Our community seems quite intolerant.

          I see an analogy here with the 5-Star team: they set the bar so high, 
          provide us all with 58 band-slots like falling off a log . . . and we 
          expect all DXpeditions to be as superbly effective.

          Enjoy working Nigel and 5-Star guys, but please be more tolerant of 
          with lesser skills.
          73 de Roger/G3SXW.

          From: Anthony Quest
          Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:3

          As I write, Nigel's website seems down.

          I've been listening to Nigel as time permits ever since
          he came on the air, watching the spots and reading your

          I have him in the log on 30 metres, and being currently
          antenna-challenged (as a Canadian visitor who had a nice
          set-up back home once said to me - "You worked me on THAT ?")
          I've not seriously tried on the other bands.

          But with no disrespect to those of you who could probably
          do the same thing, I'm amazed.

          On continuously with hardly a break to eat or sleep, steadily working
          through those revolting pile-ups, all areas, all bands, carefully 
          out every G station he could hear, even my own classic 339 signal,
          masterful management of the pile-ups. And even on my bit of
          wire, he could be heard comfortably, just as propagation has dropped
          and the other DXpeditions have called it a day for the summer.
          All in a relaxed way, giving us our names when he comes back to
          us as often as not.

          Since the bug bit again early this year I've worked or just heard
          most of the big DXpeditions, most of them with umpteen operators,
          and although you may not agree with me, some of them have been
          just plain awful by comparison.

          And when he gets back, he will QSL fast as well.

          Maybe we should give him some kind of presentation - election
          to the CDXC Hall of Fame, or something like that.
          Although as a modest guy, he probably wouldn't want it.

          With all the DQRM and insane operating around I've not been
          alone in thinking of just throwing in the towel and calling it a day.
          I'll stay around for a while, now.

          Tony G4UZN

          On 30/06/2011 10:05, mailto:Lauriemar%40aol.com wrote:
          > Nigel seems to do with very little sleep. In the last 28 hours, 
          > several intensive days on air, he's been spotted in the 06, 07, 08, 
          > 1100-0400 inclusive, 07, 08, and doubtless (because I can hear him) 
09 hours. Not  bad  for someone licensed even before me!
          > Laurie G3UML

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