Hi Barry... it is always nice to see postings from you... 

Like you... I am #1 honor roll and have to work the new ones... but more 

It was the journey... and I must be honest... it was meeting people like 
yourself... classy... dedicated... willing to help others get to the top... 
that made the journey worth while...

It took me 45 years to work them all... and a lot of anxious moments when the 
signals were fading... and when the DX was 599 to other parts of the country 
and when it was my turn (while the DX was working by the numbers)... the 
propagation was down to just above the noise level..

But... it was worth it...

Kay, N7KH

On 1/27/2012 7:17 PM, Don Berger wrote:
>>> Longevity and persistence pays.    Yet others like
>>> Turkmenistan (EZ) have disappeared from the airwaves.
>>> If it were easy, it wouldn't be as fun or as rewarding.
> Absolutely and I am happy it is difficult, otherwise, there would be 
> do challenge nor a feeling of accomplishment. By the way EZ8BP was on 
> 10M last week. I assume he is good as he is quite active.

DXing has become a point and shoot activity, and has become more 
drudgery than anything else.  The Cluster and RBN have taken the fun out 
of it, which for me was the hunt.  Nowadays the QSO is pretty much a 
given, if you just spend the time fighting it out in the pileups.  If I 
didn't care about losing my spot at the TOTHR, I wouldn't bother working 
the new ones any more, as they are created and put on the air.

Barry W2UP


Barry Kutner, W2UP             Lakewood, CO

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