The next time you want to complain about a DXpedition, consider this:

[ from OPDX Bulletin 907 May 4, 2009 ]

EU-189.  The big disappointment of the week was that the Rockall
Island operation did not take place. The rough seas and huge waves
were the major factors that did not let the team land on Rockall. With
both wind and sea conditions so bad on the way back, most of the team
and crew on board the sail yacht Elinca were seasick and did not come
out of their bunks, not even to eat. Some of the radio equipment got
smashed onto the floor when the Elinca got pounded with a big wave. As
this was being typed, no other news has been reported about the MM0RAI
team since Friday.  Please visit their Web site for latest news and
updates at:

And please be grateful for the next "new one".

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, <>,

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