Hello from Andaman....3 days into the event....
Good news... lots of attendees from India and otherwise.... and gud hamfest sessions. Vy good political connections made. Bad news... lots lots lots of interstation QRM... the RTTY boys's xmitter can be hrd on all bands and multiple places on all bands, otherwise, the other stations can cope with.

I am running IC-706 and
G5RV and Cushcraft roto-dipole D3W for WARC all on one pole on the roof of the Sinclairs Hotel... same place as last time. Only now there are other stations xmitting here also and the IMD blocking is severe. Many times my rcvr just shuts down ... so if u are working me, pardon this RF intense environment over here. There was no cocordination between locations for stations, op times, nor nothing. Bandpass filters are worthless hr.

BUT, I am having a great time!!!!!!!!!!

See u all on the bands, de VU4AN/VU3CHE

My direct QSL route is on GO list with mail to Thailand.... HS buro also is best for me. 73
Charles Harpole

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