I live in South Carolina and N7YP who lives about 30 miles north of me worked 
the BS7  on both 17 and 20 SSB. But thats not the real kicker, he was running 
100watts and a 135 ft dipole at 70 feet.  He uses  an old TS-430S Kenwood 
transceiver.  The dipole has to be tuned through a tuner and is fed with 
ladder-line. He is now the big gun DXer around these parts.
I listened every day and I only had propagation one day for about 2 hours on 
twenty meters.  During that time the SSB station peaked at S-9.  I missed the 
only opening we had on 17 meters because I was at work, so I only made one 20 
meter SSB contact.  I heard the 20 meter CW station loud enough to work, but 
the operator had to be sending 50 wpm.  I can read my call and 5nn sent at 40 
wpm, but not at 50wpm. I would have liked to have worked him. I have my call 
and report in my memory so I can send it perfectly at any speed.  I am really 
not a CW operator, but I can manage to work most DXpeditions using 2 keys on my 
My rig is a TS-2000, AL-1200 and a 3-element SteppIR at 65 feet. I am not one 
of the big guns, but I did get through by being there when we had propagation 
and by calling on the right frequency, a very important part of working DX.  I 
did have to call him for over 1 hour to get through and I got through about 45 
minutes before we lost propagation.  I could hear him most days, but not well 
enough to have worked him again.

Jim Abercrombie N4JA STILL AT #1 on the DXCC Honor Roll

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