Rod etal,

I think the Bill number has changed.. see:

Mac, W8XF

I keep checking with Peter DeFazio on the status of HR298 and it appears
that it is stalled in the House Committee on Resources.

If you have a representative who is on this committee I suggest that you
contact him and encourage him to put on pressure to get this bill heard and
acted on by this committee.

Below is the list of member of this committee

Rod WC7N

Members of the Committee on Resources

109th Congress

Jurisdiction | Staff

      Richard W. Pombo, California, Chairman
      Nick J. Rahall II, West Virginia, Ranking Democrat Member

      Don Young, Alaska Dale E. Kildee, Michigan
      Jim Saxton, New Jersey Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, American Samoa
      Elton Gallegly, California Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii
      John J. Duncan, Jr., Tennessee Solomon P. Ortiz, Texas
      Wayne T. Gilchrest, Maryland
     Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey
      Ken Calvert, California
     Donna M. Christensen, Virgin Islands
      Barbara Cubin, Wyoming Ron Kind, Wisconsin
      George P. Radanovich, California
     Grace F. Napolitano, California
      Walter B. Jones, Jr., North Carolina
     Tom Udall, New Mexico
      Chris Cannon, Utah
     Raśl M. Grijalva, Arizona
      John E. Peterson, Pennsylvania
     Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Guam
      Jim Gibbons, Nevada
     Jim Costa, California
      Greg Walden, Oregon
     Charlie Melancon, Louisiana
      Thomas G. Tancredo, Colorado
     Dan Boren, Oklahoma
      J.D. Hayworth, Arizona
     George Miller, California
      Jeff Flake, Arizona
     Ed Markey, Massachusetts
      Rick Renzi, Arizona Peter DeFazio, Oregon
      Stevan Pearce, New Mexico Jay Inslee, Washington
      Devin Nunes, California
     Mark Udall, Colorado
      Henry Brown, South Carolina Dennis Cardoza, California
      Thelma Drake, Virginia
     Stephanie Herseth, South Dakota
      Luis Fortuno, Puerto Rico

      Cathy McMorris, Washington

      Bobby Jindal, Louisiana
      Louie Gohmert, Texas
      Marilyn Musgrave, Colorado

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