Why is it that everyone immediately demands "an extraordinary show
of facts" when it comes to situations like the KP5?

It is clear that the KP5 operation was cut short by external pressure.
The DXCC desk has examined the documents and determined that the two
operators originally had permission to be on the island ... and as US
territory the operators were licensed to operate there.  That is all
anyone is "entitled" to know.  If the operators care to release any
further data they are welcome to do so but if it impacts their
employer and/or the contacts with FWS that allowed them to receive the
landing permission in the first place there is no reason that they
should be forced to do so just to satisfy the curiosity of others
reading this.

W3UR has posted, for his subscribers only, details of the external
intervention.  I hope that Bernie or some other individual will
eventually release the details of that intervention as that is the
real "crime" here and anyone involved in the intervention that cut
short the KP5 operation should not only be banned from DXCC for
life but they should be required to reimburse the cost of the
operation in full.


    ... Joe, W4TV

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