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Date sent:              Fri, 31 Dec 2004 10:22:39 -0500
From:                   "Kurt W. Zimmerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings all;
 I thought I'd provide you a recap of the 3 Steves and a Kurt
DXpedition to W1AW.  Yes, as we always do, we had a great time.  To
start the day we headed to Lentini's to shop around and to pick up
some odds & ends.  Then off for a cuisine lunch at Hooters and then
back to the league. Joe NJ1Q was all ready for us having all of the
computers networked together so we can keep track of everyone while 
operated.  The logging software of choice was Writelog, which was
quite simple to use. 

 Bands were not in that bad of shape.  We managed to put 460 Q's in
the log, operating as W1AW/90, which I might add is a real pain to
send CW..... 

 Here is the breakdown, by band with our Q count:

Band    Q's     Mode    Operator
40m     49      SSB     Steve - KF2TI
30m     95      CW      Kurt - W2MW
20M     174     SSB     Steve - KB2ENF
17m     13      SSB     Steve - ? (a drop in visitor named Steve. No
15M     107     SSB     Steve - N2IFA
6m      22      SSB     Andrew - N2IFB (Son of Steve - N2IFA)

The only modes we operated were SSB and CW.  KF2TI was to busy
collecting his DXCC Honor Roll award from the league as well as
working W1AW from his car to play on other modes besides SSB.

The following stations will be getting the coveted 3 Steves and a 
certificate (suitable for framing)...


Some of the local stations that we worked are Jeff - WO5D, Steve -
K0LBY and Bob - W2WG

I'd like to comment that if you have not had the opportunity to 
to the league; it is well worth the trip.  The station manager, Joe -
NJ1Q is very helpful and is an all around great person.  You have the
option just to visit the station or play with some REALLY NEAT, state
of he art equipment (except for the old Icom 781 that I've been using
for many years   ;-)  ).  

One final note.  I've been working to get the 3Steves&Kurt website up
again. When I do that I will have more pictures to share with all of

I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

Best of 73;
Kurt - W2MW

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