Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-05 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 09:17 PM 05/05/2007, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

To ALL de IZ8DEO <1824Z> : 10.104 the mother of the idiots is always pregnant


BS7H a no go for me.  Gotta wait 'till next time.  I should have some
big aluminum in ten years

Heard 'em well on 20m several mornings but couldn't pull the trigger.

Very easy here in NNJ. CW and SSB on 20 on Tuesday morning. Heard on 
30 and 17 but too weak to work reliably, and I really didn't want to 
be a hog and deprive others of an all-time new one just for a 
band-fill. Never heard loud long-path or evenings, but booming 
early-mornings, before 8 am.

I didn't really need a super-fancy antenna system either. No stacks, 
no long-boom monobanders, just a Force 12 C31XR up 70' or so (3 
elements for 20m on a 31 foot boom), but  having a legal-limit amp 
and diversity-receive on the Mark V really did make things go easier.

I couldn't believe the cluster-crabs whining like girlie-men, and 
especially one nutjob in 8-land who needs some serious couch time - 
or at least a tribander, good feedline and a decent amp for next 
time. I'm laughing my @$$ off, too, because this lid was complaining 
how hard it was at solar minimum. Imagine an operation like this at 
solar max, with ten times the number of low-power/low-skill 
appliance-operators calling with their popgun stations making it a 
lot harder for the DX to hear anything out of NA.

All in all a great big-ol THANK YOU to the whole team for a job 
well-done; card and DONATION on the way. I'm really looking forward 
to seeing their presentation at Hamvention.

I still can't believe how lucky we, The Deserving, have been in just 
the last two years. KP5, VU7, VU4, Peter the First and now BS7. I 
missed Ed in P5 but someday :)  Now hoping for Bouvet, Navassa, a 
legal/accepted operation from Yemen.



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[DX-CHAT] Fw: cqsong

2007-05-05 Thread nick cominos

Subject: cq song

A good Ham friend sent this along to me.quite amusing but really fun 
to listen to..enjoy.
GL/DX vy 73, Nick W9UM..CQ CQ CQ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H on any band-Trouble, trouble, trouble

2007-05-05 Thread Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH)

At 07:53 PM 5/5/2007, Bill Hawkins wrote:

Let me tell you my sad story.Long but true.

Fantastic story,  but scary. I have been down the road with kidney 
stones and it's a no fun deal. It has been said that they are woman's 
revenge for having to give birth. Congratulations!  I only wish BS7H 
had been my last one. Still need 2.

Mike, W5UC

"age & treachery will overcome youth & skill" 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-05 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

To ALL de IZ8DEO <1824Z> : 10.104 the mother of the idiots is always pregnant


BS7H a no go for me.  Gotta wait 'till next time.  I should have some
big aluminum in ten years

Heard 'em well on 20m several mornings but couldn't pull the trigger.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H on any band-Trouble, trouble, trouble

2007-05-05 Thread Bill Hawkins

Let me tell you my sad story.Long but true.

After receiving my VU4 qsl, I was in pretty good shape.
Only one (1) to go---BS7.
Then all of a sudden I had three (3) to go!
Got two (2) of them. Now to get the cards.
Received the cards, 4O3T and KH8SI, and got them to ARRL in March.
News of an impending BS7 DxPed got me worrying about the antenna.
I have to clean it up and get 10 more feet of tower.
Got the beam down and started getting top section ready.
Late winter rain,wind, rain, wind, etc kept me off the tower.
Still plenty of time. It's only the first of April.
Have to make a pulley brace--still plenty of time.
Work is getting in my way!
Still have 2 more weeks, plenty of time.
Uh oh, Mom is feeling bad. She is 96.
Uh oh, Mom has to go to hospital. I must stay there quite a bit.
Uh oh, Mom unexpectedly passes away. Her funeral is on April 23.
We visit with friends and family until late Monday afternoon.
Maybe I can do a bit of antenna work tomorrow.
Uh oh. What's that pain in my side?
It's getting worse and I'm gonna throw up.
It's still getting worse. I hope it's not a kidney stone.
I can't stand it any more. Doc said meet him at hospital ER.
They can do anything they want--IF they stop the pain.
Cat scan confirms stone! Pain seems to be gone at 3 AM Tuesday.
My son and his wife stay with me all night.
She keeps nurses bringing pain meds.
Go home Tuesday mid-morning with filter. Drink plenty and watch.
Still plenty of time.
Tuesday noon the pain is coming back. Get the pain pills.
They're not working!
Bad afternoon. Bad night. Bad Wednesday. Fever has arrived by Thursday.
Pills still not working!
Doc says meet him at hospital for admission.
Time is shorter than I would like.
Wow! Liquid pain medicine in the vein works better than pills!
Tests show that the Doc has to go in and get the stone.
What does he mean "go in"? Uh Oh!!!
Surgery Friday. Is BS7 there yet? Rest Saturday and Sunday and go home
Monday in a hospital is like Monday everywhere. What are they waiting for?
Is BS7 operating?
Arrive home shortly after noon, April 30.Wife says sit so I sit.
Drink lots of fluid and watch.
Computer shows lots of BS7 activity.  I have to stretch my legs.
A walk to back yard shows a naked tower with beam on the ground next to it
Great weather, no rain, no wind--maybe tomorrow if I play my cards right.
My son says he can help tomorrow. My wife says she will help him!!! I'm out
of time.
They both understand the urgency. Thank You, Thank You!
Tuesday morning he set the beam on the mast and we pull it to the top.
Turn the radio on. Holy moley! BS7H is 589 on 20 meters.
Have to set the guys. I can hear them the entire time. No need to hurry.
They're loud!
Tuesday shortly after noon-let's go get them. uh oh, where did all those
stations come from?
Conditions go downhill. Not 589 anymore. Can't even hear them.
Maybe tonight or tomorrow.
Hmmm, nothing Tues night and Wed morning they are weak
and working JA and EU.
Hey, they are calling NA. 400,000 radios come to life.
No luck. More JA and U.
Same story Thursday and Friday. Keep seeing posts saying "easy, first call".
Yeah, right.
How many JAs are there? Friday afternoon I have to collect
some stuff for community garage sale my wife had committed to long ago.
Early Saturday bands are dead. Something about group photo.
How long can that take? Only 12 hours left!
Get stuff to garage sale around 7 AM and get setup.
I hope somebody is already planning another BS7 DxPedition.
Hope they can stay a month.
At 7:55 AM, my wife says "all is under control,
go home and see if you can get them".
Bless her heart!!!
Knocking over a couple of tables, I peeled out of the parking lot.
Five minutes later I hear them on 20m cw--599 calling NA!
I set up about 10 kHz higher and call, and call, and call, etc.
Thirty minutes later still no go. Did he call me? No, it was W5*c. Darn!
I listen around. Lots of folks calling. BS7H getting weaker. Gotta hurry.
There is another group up about 10 kHz more
and then I heard one give a signal report.
Could this be the freq? Back to split and BS7H says TU NA UP.
Quick call. Did he call me? Wait. Then a beautiful song played.
W5EC W5EC 599!
TU 599. If he only knew. It was #337!  The last one!
Thank you Liz (my wife) for sending me home!
Bill W5EC

I wanted to be a procrastinator when I grew up,
but I never got around to it.

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2007-05-05 Thread Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH)
Does anyone know anything about the gent from New Zealand who 
occasionally goes to ZL9?

Mike, W5UC

"age & treachery will overcome youth & skill" 

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[DX-CHAT] Best BS7H quote I have seen

2007-05-05 Thread Jim Reisert AD1C
>From packet:

To ALL de IZ8DEO <1824Z> : 10.104 the mother of the idiots is always pregnant 

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

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