David, I always saw you as more of a trilby (or perhaps a homberg) gent rather 
than a baseball cap guy.....  Still, at least it's not a Burberry baseball cap 
with a matching white shell suit (apologies to those who don't travel to UK 
cities - you'll miss the joke there)

I too think that congratulations and many thanks should go to the Desecheo 
team.  They did a wonderful job in "persuading" recalcitrant US Government 
pen-pushers to allow the operation, have shown that amateur radio enthusiasts 
can organise and behave responsibly where there's political sensitivity 
involved and have done a simply magnificent job of setting up the station, 
putting excellent signals out and handling the pileups.

As I predicted on this forum a few weeks ago, the Italians (plus a few others) 
have performed true to type like monkeys at the zoo but the guys on the 
dxpedition handled them well.

I hear on the grapevine that the FWS are to allow an operation from KH4 at some 
point this year, so let's hope that in view of the success of K5D they now 
agree that an operation from KP1 will be a good idea too.  Operations along 
with FWS staff seem like a sensible compromise.

Well done K5D!  Fingers crossed for a safe journey home


Dave G0OIL

--- On Wed, 25/2/09, David Rollitt <da...@g3xyp.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
From: David Rollitt <da...@g3xyp.freeserve.co.uk>
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Desecheo 2009 baseball cap arrives!
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Date: Wednesday, 25 February, 2009, 5:58 AM


Hi Guys,
Congratulations to the guys on Desecheo on reaching the 
massive 100,000 QSO's ... well done!
I hope everyone has got their contacts in and is happy. Not 
many more hours to go but we do have a  sunspot so maybe if you are still 
looking today will be better. I was lucky to get a CW QSO about 2 hours 
into the operation.
My K5D baseball cap arrived yesterday and it's great, well 
made and clear printing, I am happy with it. So, go to the shop and order 
help the expedition.
Here as promised is my photo from yesterday on my Flickr 
a QSL from Desecheo
Keep looking for the dx, its out there somewhere.
73 David G3XYP
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