2009-11-25 Thread RHunt

 From K5YAA OKDXA Pres & W5 QSL bureau manager:

I am sorry to report to all that my good friend and OKDXAer
Ken Adams passed away peacefully this last Sunday afternoon.

Most of you know Ken had been undergoing chemotherapy for 
some time now. This entire past year he continued in good
spirits and operated the ARRL SS CW test just a couple of 
weekends ago in the MS category with his friend Steve 
Merchant K6AW. He and Steve had operated HC8N in the 
Galapagos Islamds quite a number of times together. Ken
was our presentator at an OKDXA banquet a few years back
with many comments and photos on Galapogos Island.

Ken was well known around the country for his work on the
Sweepstakes as the contest manager for the past couple of
years and for his efforts at building and maintaining one 
of the top domestic contest stations in the country. His
station regularly won the NAQP M/S category and I was
privileged to be part of the operating team quite a number
of times.

Ken will be missed.  Even before his passing I missed
operating his FB station this past August in the NAQP.
It was always a grand time after the 12 hour contest was

During and after we had good snacks and food with plenty
to wash it down.  His wife Vicki always made sure we had
plenty of things to keep the energy going.  She supported
Ken and his hobby 100%.

In September, operators from around the country came to
Bartlesville to help Ken dismantle one of his two towers
and reorganize the beams on the first tower.  K1TO Dan
from Florida, N6TR Tree from Oregon, N5KO Trey from
California, N5RZ Ralph from Texas, K3LR Tim from Edmond OK
and myself had a fine weekend at Kens place.  He had a long
list of items to get done and most were accomplished by late
Saturday. I remember he was quite pleased to have so many
folks travel such distances to help him wind down his station.
I believe the reason they came was to help their long time
friend with his wishes. I know that is why I went to his
QTH that weekend.

Ralph, N5RZ sent the following email to let me and us know
of Ken's passing.


Just talked to Vicki. Ken passed away peacefully this
(Sunday) afternoon. He will be cremated, and there will be
no formal service.  However, Ken has told me repeatedly
(and perhaps some of y'all) that when the antennas come 
down he wants us to have a big BarBQ - a celebration.  We
will plan this sometime after the first of the year.

Vicki's e-mail isvicadams...@gmail.com

Mailing address:

She said she will probably put together a condolence page
on the web.

RIP Ken.

73,  Gator

Indeed, RIP Ken we will all miss you.


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2006-11-28 Thread RHunt
While we're on the subject, what happened to the online QSL received 
they promised? I'm not finding it and it appears their website hasn't 
changed in
months. Anyone have the URL ?

73, Ross K5RH

harris_ruben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/28/2006 07:15 AM

dx-chat List 


It's 4 months now. Any word on cards from these guys?

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Re: [DX-CHAT] a timely subjec

2004-01-01 Thread RHunt

Steve & other interested parties,

I like you have AboutTime on a dozen or so systems.  It works fine on 4 of
them this morning
so my educated guess is that your failing system isn't able to connect to
the internet or you
have changed some security parameters that prevent access.  It's a great
little program and
offered free without 47 page EULAs etc.

73,  Ross  K5RH



  or.com>  cc: 

  Sent by: Subject: [DX-CHAT] a timely subject 




  12/31/2003 11:24 


  Please respond   

  to litwins   



Happy New Year all;
I have a small problem and need a consensus.  I run a time-correcting
utility called "about-time".  It's freeware, and has been running
for years and years on several computers here in my house.  It uses NIST,
NASA and US Naval Observatory as its 3 time-servers.  Up until about two
days ago it was running, on command, just fine.  Now, it still runs ok, but
times out on all 3 servers and gets no time correction for this computer.
The other computers here that can access this utility are wired off-line
the moment, so can't use them to double-check this one.
Anybody else see this problem?  Anybody have any good words of advice?
a great year y'all, and work lots of great dx...73/dx
steve, k8wk

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Re: [DX-CHAT] New "Q" Signal Need

2003-09-10 Thread RHunt

I always use   " QRL ?? " for what it's worth.

73,DX, Ross K5RH

  "Tony Martin 
  W4FOA"   To:  "Zack Widup" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, "[DX-Chat]" 
  et>  cc: 
  Sent by: Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] New "Q" Signal 
  09/09/2003 10:26 

Yes indeed Zack!  I still use the  .. .  and hear it quite often.  Due to
it's brevity, it is still the best but lacking much international support,
it doesn't appear to be used much outside the USA.  QRL?  frequently blocks
a lot of intelligence whereas the .. .  hardly affects anything.

I say let's encourage .. .

Tony, W4FOA
- Original Message -
From: "Zack Widup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] New "Q" Signal Need

> On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Larry,  K4WLS wrote:
> >
> > We CW Ops have needed an appropriate "Q" Signal for
> > years for "Is the frequency in use ?"
> >
> Once upon a time someone tried to popularize the use of "I E" (didit dit)
> as an inquiry for "Is the frequency in use?"  Somehow it never caught on
> like it was intended.  I still use it now and then and I still hear
> use it occasionally.  It does have the advantage of occupying very little
> time and causing very little QRM if the frewuency is in use.
> 73, Zack W9SZ
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2002-07-16 Thread RHunt

For the third time, all the info anyone can handle about the VP6DI
QSL cards may be had at  :


Now if you need help on accessing a URL, go get the 9 year old
next door for help.

73,  Ross  K5RH

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