2007-02-03 Thread jcowens1
Moldovia is one of the better Russian Breakup federations for getting QSL cards 
from. I have 7 confirmed out of 10 sent and 15 worked, most of those via the 
bureau. That is pretty good for a BU Federation.

John Owens - N7SEJ



2007-02-03 Thread Art RX9TX
 Hello DX,

 Saturday, February 3, 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote to DX Chat:

jcn Moldovia is one of the better Russian Breakup federations for
jcn getting QSL cards from. I have 7 confirmed out of 10 sent and 15
jcn worked, most of those via the bureau. That is pretty good for a BU 

Have a look at a map, Moldova has never been a part of Russia. We even
have  another  country  between us, called Ukraine :) What about their
QSLs, even I had problems confirming them from here.

 73...Art RX9TX


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