The recent wind storm we had here in NNJ (average speed 30, with 
gusts measured at the tower of 50+), finally took its toll on my very 
old Alliance UD73 rotator.  It spins nicely with a gentle push on the 

SInce I bought it used in 1993, it is probably better to replace, so 
I have narrowed down to Hy-Gain's CD45ll or the Ham IV.  One handles 
8.5 sq ft in-tower, the other 15 sq ft, with an accompaning increase 
in dollars.

I am not sure what the slecs for the UD73 3 but as stated, it worked 
up until recently and that includes 3 "hurricanes" and numerous 
blizzards and high wind conditions...anyway, here's what's on the 

Mosley TA53 with 40m add-on (approx 8.5 sq ft)
Cushcraft 3 ele 6m Beam  (approx 1.8 sq ft)

all mounted on 12' of 1 1/2" pipe

The rotator is mounted in tower and I am using a thrust bearing

So....any comments, good bad or indifferent would be appreciated.

As to how I am going to change this all out is concern for warmer 


Steve KF2TI

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