To W4TV et al...... Slo scan tv ops on 14.230 + -, QRMs anyone on ssb that comes up there and it is on purpose and regularily practiced. Sounds like u are saying we are in for more of the same in another mode and with more legality behind it. Correct?

Oh, well..........  73

BTW, if the slo scan QRM xmissions are weak enuf, 14.230 is a great contest freq. because the slo scan qrm chases many other ops away from there abouts.

And, to non NA/non EU operators: there is regular intentional QRM from Europe on 14.195 these days, so if u r in a part of the world that can not hear that QRM, be aware that your intended listeners WHO CAN HEAR IT, can not hear you plainly.

Charles Harpole

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