The day prior to BS7H coming up, I had a pile up as HS0ZCW, using one freq split (no spread of callers). I am sure most used my sig as a test to see how they may get into this part of the world and a few probably thot I was BS7H. Anyway, the pile up was beyond imagination... Many more than I had as VU4AN/VU3CHE and as 9N7UD years ago. There was the very real wall of sound.

I was hearing JAs, EUs, and NA all at once. And the vast majority were of equal strength, about S7, and thus no one sig could be read. Proportionally even more callers for BS7H leads me to say, I can not imagine how those ops can cope, even calling by numbers with a 10kc spread, for example.

Moral is lots of extra patience will have to be on hand on all sides for this one to get some contacts in the log. A big GL to everyone..... 73

Charles Harpole

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