Re: [DX-CHAT] Waiting on the Other Shoe

2006-10-14 Thread Michael Keane K1MK

At 02:00 PM 10/13/06, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

My suspicion... and this is only idle speculation at this point 
based on an extrapolation of the data at hand... is that at some 
point in the next 6 to 18 months, the other shoe is going to 
drop.  Namely, the long awaited and anticipated (pro or con) removal 
of Element 1 as a requirement for HF access.

If that were the case then why only the big expansion over what had 
been requested and originally proposed by the FCC on 80m/75m and not 
on 15m or 40m as well? The changes on those bands are identical to 
the ARRL petition and NPRM. If the changes to 75m were made  for the 
reason that  you suggest wouldn't in also be be anticipated that 
those other bands would get just as crowded as well?

Perhaps the FCC decided this way because a significant fraction of 
the individuals who expressed a need for bigger phone bands only 
commented on expanding the 75m phone band.

The rule changes as proposed by the FCC were fairly 
non-controversial. As a result the NPRM only received a total of 163 
comments and replies. That's extremely small in  comparison to other 
recent proceedings dealing with amateur radio.

If it had been know or suspected that the FCC was contemplating as 
drastic a change as ended up being made, I suspect both the volume 
and perhaps the composition of the comments would have been quite different.

Mike K1MK

Michael Keane K1MK

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Waiting on the Other Shoe

2006-10-13 Thread Fred Stevens K2FRD
Ron, as a former Federal employee (US Army, US Natl Park Service), I think I 
can state you've put your finger on the FCC game plan. They don't like 
surprises and are fairly certain we don't like surprises, so they're gonna ease 
us into the notion that we're gonna have to learn to live without mandatory 
code tests. It's not unlike going from a very hot bath into a very cold shower: 
ya gotta do it a little bit at a time. I think the FCC is just giving us a 
little temperature adjustment time between baths.

I'm not certain I completely agree with you on the numbers, however although 
it's probably more of a discussion of statistics, semantics, and speculation. I 
don't think we're gonna see any great upswing in ham numbers, at least to the 
degree to congest HF ham bands on a consistent basis i.e., recruitment of new 
hams. There never really has been a great influx of hams based on lightening of 
license requirements; the interest just isn't there except among those who 
would like a license without doing anything for it (vis a vis the old CB 
license). I suspect a certain percentage of present no-code Techs will upgrade, 
but I don't believe it's gonna be in massive numbers. Again, the interest and 
motivation isn't there. Whether we like it or will admit it to ourselves, DXers 
aren't exactly representative of a majority of hams (although pretty darned 
influential and vocal) and there's a lot of Techs out there (and Generals and 
Extras, albeit in increasingly smaller percentages) who have no interest in HF 
DX whatsoever. If anything congests HF more than it already is will be a 
renewed interest among those DXers who have "dropped out" for the duration of 
the bottoming out of Cycle 23 as Cycle 24 picks up and makes it easier to work 
DX. Just my 2 Flying Eagle cents. YMMV.

73 de Fred K2FRD, VO2FS

At 1:00 PM -0500 13/10/06, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
>In reviewing comments made about the FCC changes, one thing that kept popping 
>up was that the FCC allocated more (sometimes much more) space for voice 
>operations than was initially asked for.
>For example, the original ARRL proposal was for an extra 25 kHz of phone on 
>75.  The original FCC NPRM was for the same.  Many of the comments that I read 
>(and I did not read all of them) indicated that of those in favor of this 
>change, 25 kHz wasn't thought to be enough; most of those that I saw proposed 
>50, 75, even 100 kHz more.
>No one expected a 150 kHz expansion of phone on 80!
>Why?  Or to put it another way, what does the FCC staff know that we don't 
>My suspicion... and this is only idle speculation at this point based on an 
>extrapolation of the data at hand... is that at some point in the next 6 to 18 
>months, the other shoe is going to drop.  Namely, the long awaited and 
>anticipated (pro or con) removal of Element 1 as a requirement for HF access.  
>(Whether for some or most or all license classes, I have no idea)
>So... logic dictates that if you no longer need Element 1 for HF access, you 
>have little reason to not give SOME HF access to the current crop of VHF-only 
>Technicians, who have passed the same theory as the Tech-Plus (aka Tech w/HF, 
>etc., you know what I mean) licenses.  And obviously, giving them CW only 
>access when they officially don't know CW would be rather silly.
>Catch my drift?
>When they become effective sometime next month, enjoy the extra elbow room on 
>75, 40, and 15, my friends, especially you Generals.  I have a hunch that it 
>won't be too long until those bands get very, very crowded!  [Now, is that a 
>good thing, or a bad thing?  THAT is a different topic of speculation, my 
>...or am I way off base here?

73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS
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[DX-CHAT] Waiting on the Other Shoe

2006-10-13 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
In reviewing comments made about the FCC changes, one thing that kept popping 
up was that the FCC allocated more (sometimes much more) space for voice 
operations than was initially asked for.

For example, the original ARRL proposal was for an extra 25 kHz of phone on 75. 
 The original FCC NPRM was for the same.  Many of the comments that I read (and 
I did not read all of them) indicated that of those in favor of this change, 25 
kHz wasn't thought to be enough; most of those that I saw proposed 50, 75, even 
100 kHz more.

No one expected a 150 kHz expansion of phone on 80!

Why?  Or to put it another way, what does the FCC staff know that we don't 

My suspicion... and this is only idle speculation at this point based on an 
extrapolation of the data at hand... is that at some point in the next 6 to 18 
months, the other shoe is going to drop.  Namely, the long awaited and 
anticipated (pro or con) removal of Element 1 as a requirement for HF access.  
(Whether for some or most or all license classes, I have no idea)

So... logic dictates that if you no longer need Element 1 for HF access, you 
have little reason to not give SOME HF access to the current crop of VHF-only 
Technicians, who have passed the same theory as the Tech-Plus (aka Tech w/HF, 
etc., you know what I mean) licenses.  And obviously, giving them CW only 
access when they officially don't know CW would be rather silly.

Catch my drift?  

When they become effective sometime next month, enjoy the extra elbow room on 
75, 40, and 15, my friends, especially you Generals.  I have a hunch that it 
won't be too long until those bands get very, very crowded!  [Now, is that a 
good thing, or a bad thing?  THAT is a different topic of speculation, my 

...or am I way off base here?

73, ron w3wn
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