> > > 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE < < <

The latest issue (January 2006) is now available at www.425dxn.org/monthly/

  11 February 2006                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                    No 771
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

                                 >>> 3Y0X <<<

The 3Y0X team arrived at Peter I on 5 February at 21.35 local time (01.35 UTC
of the 6th). It was foggy and windy, and they had to wait for the weather  to
clear. The first  helicopter load  landed on  the island  at 18.30  UTC on  7
February; most of the team  and 80% of  the gear were  flown ashore and  3Y0X
became active in the early UTC  morning of 8 February. The  rest of the  gear
and the  remaining three  team members  (NP4IW, K3VN  and  N4GRN) had  to  be
transferred onto the island a few  hours later, but the weather  deteriorated
and at 23.30 UTC of 9 February they were still on the ship.
The suggested operating frequencies are:
BAND    SSB     CW      Digital
10      28475   28023   28092 (listening up)
12      24987   24893   24928 (listening down)
15      21295   21023   21102 (listening down)
17      18145   18073   18108 (listening down)
20      14190   14023   14084 (listening up)
30        -     10103   10135 (listening up)
40      7093    7023      -
80      3750    3523      -
160     1842.5  1822.5    -
The latest information from the team,  released at 18.30 UTC of 10  February,
is that they now have four stations  QRV around the clock, while weather  and
visibility conditions are still the  same. The first  logs (13,067 QSOs  QSOs
through 10 February at 16 UTC) are now available at http://www.peterone.com/.
QSL via N2OO.

3B8       - Jose, ON4LAC will operate (on 10-80 metres SSB, RTTY and PSK31) as
            3B8/ON4LAC from Mauritius Island (AF 049) from 17 March to 13 May.
            He hopes to get  the authorization to  operate as 3B9/ON4LAC  from
            Rodrigues from 25 April through the end of his stay. QSL via  home
            call. [TNX ON4LAC]
3W        - Stan, OK1JR expects to be in Hanoi, Vietnam for a couple of years.
            He is licenced as 3W9JR and  is allowed to operate  on 20, 17,  15
            and 12 metres CW and SSB. Stan hopes to get permission to  operate
            on the low bands, 6 metres and digital modes. QSL via OK1JN.  [TNX
            The Daily DX]
7Q        - Harry, 7Q7HB is once again in Malawi for a period of not less than
            three months. He has taken with  him some software, so now  should
            be able to put other modes  on again from  there. QSL direct  only
            via G0IAS  (Allan Hickman,  The Conifers,  High Street,  Elkesley,
            Retford, Nottingham DN22 8AJ, UK). [TNX G0IAS]
C6        - Steve, AK0M will be active as C6ASB from Abaco Island (NA-080)  on
            15-22 February, ARRL DX  CW Contest included.  QSL via AK0M.  [TNX
FM        - K3TEJ and  K3CT will  operate CW  and some  RTTY as  FM/K3TEJ  and
            FM/K3CT from Martinique (NA-107) on 12-20  February. QSL via  home
            calls. They will  participate in the  ARRL DX CW  Contest as  TO9A
            (QSL via K3TEJ). [TNX NG3K]
FS & PJ7  - David, K3LP and Clint, W3ARS will operate as FS/K3LP and  FS/W3ARS
            from St. Martin and as PJ7/K3LP and PJ7/W3ARS from St. Maarten  on
            15-22 February. Look for FS/K3LP to participate in the ARRL DX  CW
            Contest (SOAB Low Power), while Clint  will focus on 6 metres  and
            satellite. QSL via home calls. [TNX NG3K]
GJ        - Pete, K8PT and Craig, K3PLV will  be taking what has become  their
            annual DXpedition to  the Channel  Islands and  will be  operating
            from the Island of Jersey (EU-013)  on 8-15 March. This year  Tom,
            W8JWN and Jim, N1NK will accompany them, allowing for two stations
            to operate  24 hours  per  day with  a  third station  as  needed.
            Operations will cover 6-160 metres (SSB,  CW, RTTY & PSK) with  an
            emphasis on the low bands. QSL via home calls. Further information
            can be found at http://users.adelphia.net/~crahill/ [TNX K8PT]
HR        - Eugene/K0IEX, Vladimir/N0STL and Ron/N0AT will participate in  the
            ARRL DX CW  Contest (18-19 February)  as HQ9H (Multi-Single)  from
            Utila Island (NA-057).  QSL via  W0JAR. Outside  the contest  they
            will be active as HR9/K0IEX, HR9/N0STL and HR9/N0AT. [TNX NG3K]
HR        - Heikki, OH3JF  and  Henri,  OH3JR will  be  active  as  HQ9F  from
            Honduras from 23 February to 17 March. They will have two stations
            equipped with amplifiers and antennas for 160-10 metres, and  will
            operate CW, SSB  and RTTY targeting  Europe and Japan  on the  low
            bands. Look for  them on 1827,  3507, 7007,  10107, 14007,  18077,
            21007, 24897 and 28007 kHz (CW);  1840, 3795, 7045, 14195,  18145,
            21295 and 28495 kHz (SSB); 14077, 18097 and 21077 kHz (RTTY).  QSL
            via OH3MKH. [TNX OH3JR]
HR        - Manuel  (CT1BWW),   Javier  (HR2J),   Lane  (KC4CD/HR2),   Antonio
            (HR2AHC), Daniel (HR2DMR) and Pedro (HR2PAC)  will operate on  all
            bands as  HR4T and  HQ4T from  Isla del  Tigre (NA-060)  on  21-25
            April. QSL direct to HR2J (Javier Pinel, P.O. Box 2754, San  Pedro
            Sula, Honduras). [TNX CT1BWW]
I         - Look for ARI Torino members to operate as IO1ARI on 10-26 February
            during the Olympic Winter Games. QSL via bureau.
I         - ARI Cantu'  members  plus HB9OAE  will  operate  as  IQ2TU/2  from
            Campione d'Italia (an  Italian enclave in  Swiss territory) on  19
            February, from 8 to around 11.30 UTC. [TNX IK2LOL]
I         - IZ1GCZ, IW1FSQ, IK1DYS and IZ1BVO now expect to operate as  IX1CNR
            [425DXN 769] on 3-5 March. QSL  via IZ1GCZ. [TNX IW1FGZ]
JA        - Look  for  JN4MBO/5  to  operate  from    Yuge  Is  (AS-076,  JIIA
            AS-076-New), Ehime Prefecture  on 16 February.  QSL va home  call,
            direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA        - Look  for   JA5BEX/5  to   operate  from   Debajima   (AS-076,JIIA
            AS-076-New), Tokushima  Prefecture on  25 February.  QSL via  home
            call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JT        - Nicola (I0SNY),  Ernesto  (I2FUG),  Oscar  (IK2AQZ)  and  Giovanni
            (IK2JYT) will operate from Mongolia from  19 April to 8 May.  They
            will be active as JT1Y from Ulanbaatar and as JT0Y from Oigij, and
            will be QRV  on CW, SSB,  RTTY and PSK  on the HF  bands (with  an
            emphasis on 12 and 17 metres)  and 6 metres. QSLs via I0SNY.  [TNX
JW        - Look for JW8AJA, JW9DFA and JW9VDA to operate on all bands CW, SSB
            and RTTY  from  Spitsbergen  Island  (EU-026),  Svalbard  from  23
            February to 1 March. QSL JW8AJA and JW9VDA via LA9VDA; QSL  JW9DFA
            via LA9DFA.  Bureau  card  requests for  JW9VDA  can  be  sent  to
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]; please note that 1 USD does not cover  return
            postage, while 1 IRC does. [TNX LA9VDA]
P4        - John, W2GD will operate as P40W from Aruba between 16 February and
            8 March, ARRL  DX CW  (18-19 February),  CQ 160  Meter SSB  (25-26
            February) and ARRL DX SSB (4-5  March) contests included. QSL  via
            N2MM. [TNX NG3K]
PJ7       - Ron, PJ7/ND5S and Sue, PJ7/KF5LG will  be active on 160-10  metres
            CW, RTTY and SSB from St. Maarten (NA-105) on 14-25 February.  Ron
            will participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest as single operator  all
            band. QSL via ND5S, direct or bureau. More details can be found at
            http://www.qsl.net/nd5s/nd5s8.html [TNX NG3K]
PY0_ti    - Otto, PY1OTO  expects to  operate mainly  CW as  PY1OTO/PY0T  from
            Trindade  Island  (SA-010)  for  three  days  around  mid-February
            (indicatively on 17-19th). QSL via the bureau or direct. [TNX  The
            Daily DX]
SM        - Stan, SM7WT reports  he will  be active  as SF7WT  starting on  15
            February to celebrate his golden jubilee  with amateur radio.  QSL
            via home call.
TI        - W9RE, N5OT, NT6X and N4GG will be active from Costa Rica on  14-25
            February. They will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as  TI5N
            (QSL  via  W3HNK).  Outside  the  contest  look  for  them   using
            TI5/homecall on all bands (QSL via home calls). [TNX NG3K]
TR        - Salvatore, IZ8CLM is active as TR0A from the AGRA Radio Club until
            11 February.  For this  activity only  QSL via  IZ8CLM, direct  or
            bureau. [TNX IZ8CCW]
TT        - Sylvain, F5TLN reports he will be active as TT8LN from Chad  until
            June. QSL via home call, direct (preferably) or bureau. He can  be
            contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for skeds. QSL via home call.
V3        - Alan, NS0B and John, WC0W will be operating the ARRL DX CW Contest
            (18-19 February) from  Belize, using either  V31TP or V31EV.  They
            will be there probably  from 15 through  20 February, and  outside
            the contest  they  will  operate  on  10-160  metres  (WARC  bands
            excluded). [TNX K1XN and The Golist]
V7        - Tom, K7ZZ will participate in  the ARRL CW  DX Contest as  V7/K7ZZ
            from Kwajalein (OC-028), Marshall Islands.  Before the contest  he
            will emphasize Europe on the WARC bands. QSL direct via home call.
            [TNX The Daily DX]
VE        - VE2CRAQ will  be aired  on 18-26  March  to commemorate  the  80th
            anniversary of the Club Radio Amateur  de Quebec (VE2CQ),  founded
            by Alex Lariviere, VE2AB in March 1926. The club invites all radio
            amateurs to participate in the QSO  Party on the air; details  can
            be found at http://www.craq.qc.ca [TNX VA2RC]
VK_ant    - Paul, VK0JLX [425DXN 758]  and Greg, VK0SEE  (QSL via VK4SEE)  are
            active  from  Davis Station,  Antarctica  (VK-043  for  Antarctica
            Award).  Greg will remain there until early March, while Paul will
            be wintering at Davis.
VP2M      - VP2MVX, VP2MWH, VP2MFC, VP2MLB and VP2MUK are the callsigns to  be
            used from Montserrat  on 14-22  February [425DXN  761]. The  group
            will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as VP2MVX. QSL for  all
            via N3ZNI. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP5       - Saul, WA1UKN is active on 20,  17, 15 and 10 metres as  WA1UKN/VP5
            from Grand  Turk  Island (NA-003)  until  3 March.  [TNX  ARRL  DX
VP9       - Kurt, W6PH will participate in  the either the  ARRL DX CW  (18-19
            February) and the  ARRL DX SSB  (4-5 March)  Contests as  VP9/W6PH
            from Bermuda (NA-005). QSL direct only to W6PH. [TNX NG3K]
VU        - Sarla/VU2SWS (YL operator), Basappa/VU2NXM and Mickey/VU2IZO  will
            operate as AT0EI from Elephanta Island (AS-169) on 10-14 February.
            QSL via VU2SWS  (Sarla Sharma, 7  Gaurav Apartments, Behind  Ashok
            Nagar, Nahur, Mulund West, Mumbai 400080, India). [TNX VU2SWS  and
VU4       - David, K3LP (www.k3lp.com) reports he be active (on 10-160 metres,
            either as VU4/K3LP or with another callsign to be issued prior  to
            arrival) from the Andaman Islands on  18-20 April. QSL via  W3ADC.
            He plans to arrive on 14-15 April and  to depart on 3 May. If  the
            operational time is extended beyond 20 April, look for him on  the
            air until his departure date. [TNX NG3K]
W         - Dennis, WA2USA will operate as WA2USA/4 from Bogue Banks,  Emerald
            Isle (NA-112) on 12-19 February, including an entry in the ARRL DX
            CW Contest. Before and after the  contest he will be active on  30
            and 17 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
W         - Jeff, VA3QSL will be active on 10-20 metres SSB as VA3QSL/W4  from
            Key West (NA-062) on 13-16 February. QSL via home call, direct  or
            bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
YJ        - DJ7EO, DL3DXX,  DL5LYM  and DL9NDS  will  operate from  Port  Vila
            (OC-035), Vanuatu  from  24 February  to  11 March.  Licences  and
            relevant callsigns will be collected upon arrival. They will  have
            two complete stations and plans are to concentrate on 160, 80  and
            40 metres CW (plus RTTY, WARC and some SSB). They have a web  page
            at http://www.df3cb.com/yj/, where on-line logs will be  available
            if they have Internet access at the hotel. [TNX DL3DXX]
ZD8       - Bill, W4WX (ZD8WX) and Jan, K4QD (ZD8QD) will operate CW,  PSK-31,
            RTTY and SSB on 10-160 metres from Ascension Island (AF-003)  from
            20 February to 2 March. QSL ZD8WX via W4WX (direct), QSL ZD8QD via
            K4QD (direct or bureau). [TNX W4WX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3Y0X  FORUM  --->  Robert  Chudek,  K0RC,  has  established  an  open   forum
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/3y0x) for  the exchange  of information  about
the DXpedition to  Peter I. It  is inteded as  a tool  for worldwide  amateur
radio operators to communicate and exchange information as a community during
the expedition, while the primary source of up-to-the minute information from
3Y0X is http://www.peterone.com [TNX K0RC]

DESOTO CUP WINNERS ---> DXCC has announced the winners of the 2005 DeSoto Cup
competition. Top honours go to Bob  Eshleman, W4DR who for 6th straight  year
has won the DeSoto  Cup Gold Medal.  In second and  third place, winning  the
Silver and Bronze Medals are Ken  Bolin, W1NG and Fausto Minardi, I4EAT.  The
remainder of the Top Ten competitors is listed below. Congratulations to all!
1.  W4DR    Bob Eshleman         3095
2.  W1NG    Kenneth Bolin        3082
3.  I4EAT   Fausto Minardi       3077
4.  SP5EWY  RyszardTymkiewicz    3072
5.  OZ1LO   Leif Ottosen         3070
6.  K5UR    Rick Roderick        3066
7.  W9ZR    Randy Schaaf         3053
8.  DJ6RX   Klaus Heintzenberg   3042
9.  K8MFO   Donald Karvonen      3041
     W1JR    Joseph Reisert Jr.   3041
This list details the Challenge Top Ten as of 30 September 2005. The  current
DXCC Challenge standings can be found at www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc . Beginning
in 2006 the DeSoto Cup winners  will be based on  the Challenge standings  at
the end of the calendar year. [TNX NC1L]

DXCC HONOR ROLL ---> The  deadline to be  shown in the  next DXCC Honor  Roll
list is 31 March 2006. Submissions must be postmarked 31 March 2006 for  your
submission to count for this listing. The DXCC Honor Roll list will appear in
August 2006 QST.  There are 335  entities on the  DXCC list and  you must  be
within the numerical  top 10 DXCC  entities to qualify.  The current  minimum
requirement for Honor Roll is 326 current  entities (deleted entities  do not
count towards this level). [TNX NC1L]

DXCC NEWS: K7C  from Kure  Atoll (25  September -  6 October  2005) has  been
approved for DXCC credit.

DXCC RULE CHANGES? ---> The  ARRL Programs and  Services Committee (PSC)  has
asked the DX Advisory Committee (DXAC)  to study the  impact of amending  the
DXCC "political entities" rule. The change  under consideration would  revise
Section II, "DXCC  List Criteria," under  "1. Political Entities,"  to add  a
Paragraph c)  reading,  "The  Entity  contains  a  permanent  population,  is
administered by a local government and  is located at least  800 km from  its
parent." The PSC has asked the DXAC to report back by 15 March. [TNX N7NG]

T99D ---> This is the new  callsign issued to Dalibor,  T94DO. The QSL  route
has not changed and it is via DJ2MX. [TNX T99D]

QSL MANAGER SURVEY ---> Conducted by the "Golist, QSL Manager List", the "Top
5 QSL Managers"  survey for  2005 closed  on 30  January and  resulted in  68
different mangers  being nominated. From this list of 68, the following Top 5
(listed in alphabetical order) were selected  based upon the greatest  number
of nominations  received: Phil  Whitechurch (G3SWH),  Roger Western  (G3SXW),
Nigel Cawthorne (G3TXF), Antonio Cannataro (IZ8CCW), Joe Arcure (W3HNK). [TNX

QSL VIA  G0IAS  ---> Allan,  G0IAS  has all  of  the  late  Ron  Macfarlane's
logbooks. These date back to 1947, and cover all  of the QSOs made by Ron  as
GM3EAK, ZD6RM (when  Malawi was  called Nyasaland)  and 7Q7RM.  "I intend  to
close the logs on the anniversary  of Ron's death in September", Allan  says.
QSL direct only.

QSL VIA N2OO ---> Cards for XR9A/8, XR9A/MM and XR9A can be sent in the  same
envelope. Bob asks that cards for CE0Z via N2OO and 3Y0X be sent in  separate
envelopes, as sending cards for multiple calls in one envelope will seriously
delay your QSL. [TNX N2OO]

QSL VIA  SM5DQC --->  SM5DQC (Osten  B.  Magnusson, Nyckelvagen  4,  SE-59931
Odeshog, Sweden) is the new QSL manager for ZK1EQL (2002 and 2005) and ZF2QL.
Those who have already sent their  cards to SM7EQL, should not resubmit.  One
USD does not cover postae from Sweden, but  1 IRC does. Bureau cards will  be
replied to some time in the future.

YL WRTC  2006 TEAM  ---> Our  Community has  a great  desire to  enlarge  the
participation of Ham Ladies in international  contest activity. The  WRTC2006
Steering  Committee  is  totally  in  line  with  this  important  objective.
Discussing this matter with Alexander Teimurazov  (4L5A), member of our  WRTC
2006 Honorary Board Committee,  we came up  with an action  to really have  a
good use of the WRTC 2006 to comply with this objective.
Has been decided  by WRTC  2006 Steering  Committee to  accept Al's  generous
offer to specifically sponsor a Team  representing the Ham contesting  ladies
of our hobby in WRTC 2006.  4L5A Al, is donating to WRTC  2006 USD 10,000  to
have a new slot for YL TEAM in addition to the other ones already in place.
Accordingly with our main philosophy  of recognition of  actual score as  the
instrument to  choose the  competitors, we  invited Emily  Thiel (P43E),  the
highest level points among all women applications, to be the YL  Team-Leader.
Also accordingly  our general  practices we  gave Emily  the free  option  to
nominate her  Team-Mate. She  decided  to invite  Ann  M. Santos  (WA1S))  as
Team-Mate, coincidentally the third  YL highest score.  [TNX PY5EG and  4L5A,
Press Release 036/06]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

QSL GALLERY:  An Antarctic Gallery feauturing 1500+ images (including  nearly
              800 QSL cards)  in  58  albums is  available on the WAP website
              at  http://www.ddxc.net/modules.php?name=coppermine [TNX I1HYW]
YE6P:         The website  for the  12-16 April activity from Simeulue Island
              (OC-NEW)   [425DXN    770]  is    now   up   and   running   at
              http://dxpedition.orari.web.id/simeulue [TNX YB1TC]

QSLs received direct or through managers: 4L1DA, 4N7ZZ, 4U60UN, 5U7JB, 5W0VF,
5X1RI, 5Z4DZ, 5Z4LS, 6Y2Z, 6Y3R, 6Y5/4S7RO, 7P8/JH4RHF, 7Q7MT, 7X0RY,  8P6RC,
8P9R, 9G5GJ, 9G5OO, 9L1DX, 9M2AX, 9N7JO,  9R2DX (AF-100), A22/JA4ATV,  A35RK,
A45WD, A6/ON5NT, AH2R, AL1G, C21XF, C31MO, C6AGN, C91CG, CP4BT, CY9SS,  D2BB,
FS/N8II, FW5ZL,  HC1HC,  HK1RRL,  HU1M,  HZ1IK,  J3/SP9BQJ,  J41V,  J6/K9MDO,
KH8/AH7C, KP2/K3CT,  LT1F, NC2N/V44,  NP3CW, OH0RJ,  OX/DL7WB, OY1CT,  P29KM,
P29NI (OC-116),  P40X, R0K (AS-174), R0K/p (AS-038), R1ANF (AN-01; AA UA-04),
S79EC/F,  S79EX/F, S79NAN, S79RRC/A  (AF-025),  S79RRC/C  (AF-026),  S79RRC/F
(AF-035), SU9NC, SV8/I3FDZ/P, SV9/IK8UND, SV9CVY, SY8S (EU-060), T77C, TF3CW,
TI5AA,  TL8CG, TL8DV, TZ6MF,  V25WX, V26B,  V31JP, V31TM,  V44/EW1AR,  V51AS,
V63JQ,  V73RY, VD2X,  VK8PY/6  (OC-183),  VK9CG,  VK9NS,  VP2EWX,  VP5/AA2WN,


                 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                                 MAILING LIST

                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia


Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
A.R.I. HF & Award Manager

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                        >>> 425 DX NEWS - NEW SEARCH TOOL <<<

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a IOTA Reference number, Island name, Antarctica Base, Lighthouse, etc.

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