I had learned from a source located not too far from 3B9 that Robert had 
"disappeared" from the island.  An  Italian amateur had searched for him for 
over a month during his stay on 3B9, but he was never found.  A  ham there has 
told me he will attempt sometime soon to travel to 3B9 to see what he can find 
out.  The original message generating this effort was from WF5E had said that 
this was the situation and that no QSL's were generated with his absence, and 
really hadn't been issued in the past, due to past history for this station.  
Several other amateurs (including myself) have outstanding QSO's on multiple 
bands with Robert that would give new band country counters, so I'm sure this 
is a widespread problem.  If anyone has additional info, please inform 
everyone.  Robert was the main contact for years from 3B9, even with the 3B9C 
expedition eating into the demand. 

I've attempted to generate some interest in obtaining old logs, but without 
Robert's permission, I don't think ARRL would fly with issuance of any cards, 
even if the logs were verified as his.  Let's keep our fingers crossed that 
Robert is OK and just on a long holiday off island, and that we can convince 
him to turn the logs over to a manager for processing.

That's all I have to this point....


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