> > > 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE < < <

   The latest issue (April 2006) is now available at www.425dxn.org/monthly/

  03 June 2006                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                    No 787
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                                Edited by I1JQJ
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  03/06      SY8V: Antikythira Island (EU-113)                      785
till  04/06      UA1CBW/p, UA1CCL/p: Polosari Island                    785
till  04/06      UA1CIO/p, RN1CW/p, RN1CX/p: Polosari Island            785
till  05/06      J48DX and SV8/HA4DX: Thassos Island (EU-174)           785
till  05/06      J48HW and SV8/HA0HW: Thassos Island (EU-174)           785
till  05/06      J48PJ and SV8/LZ1PJ: Thassos Island (EU-174)           785
till  05/06      S79RS: Mahe (AF-024) * by IZ8CLM                       785
till  05/06      SD1B: Gotland Island (EU-020) * by DL8AAV              785
till  05/06      TM3JB: special event station                           785
till  07/06      HB20DIG: special call (Switzerland)                    775
till  07/06      SM1/DL8AAV/p: Gotland Island (EU-020)                  779
till  08/06      HH/PY1ZV: Haiti (NA-096)                               783
till  08/06      HH4/N4LS: Haiti                                        781
till  08/06      OY/PA2A, OY/PA2AM: Faroe Islands (EU-018)              781
till  08/06      OY/PA2VMA, OY/PA0VHA: Faroe Islands (EU-018)           781
till  08/06      PJ4: Bonaire (SA-006) * by K0JGH                       785
till  09/06      TK/DL4FF: Corsica (EU-014)                             783
till  10/06      6W/HA3AUI: Senegal                                     780
till  10/06      J5UAP: Guinea-Bissau * by HA3AUI                       780
till  11/06      8S6KOS: Koster Islands (EU-043) * by SMs               783
till  12/06      YO/F4DZG: Romania                                      785
till  15/06      II2CSV: special event station                          783
till  15/06      SY05AIA: special event station (Greece)                776
till  18/06      JW/DJ3KR: Svalbard                                     786
till  20/06      VI9NI: Norfolk Island (OC-005)                         783
till  28/06      GB150VC: special event station (England)               783
till  30/06      8J1P, 8J3P, 8J4P, 8J5P, 8J6P: special event stations   784
till  30/06      TC150HP: special call * by TA2RX                       787
till  30/06      TK/F1PNR: Corsica                                      786
till  30/06      VI9NS: Norfolk Island (OC-005)                         787
till  June       6W/EA4ATI and 6W1EA: Senegal                           762
till  June       TT8LN: Chad * by F5TLN                                 771
till  01/07      FM/F5OIU: Martinique (NA-107)                          784
till  16/07      DR2006x, DQ2006x, DR2006J: special event stations      781
till  31/07      8N4OKI: special event station (Oki Islands, AS-041)    787
till  31/07      A72OO6: special event station                          786
till  31/07      SV0XAN/5: Lipsi Island (EU-001) * by IK2WZD            786
till  July       9Q/ON7KEC: Democratic Republic of Congo                775
till  July       JW4GHA: Bear Island (EU-027) * by LA4GHA               784
till  03/08      YU8/IV3NVB and YU8/IV3SRD: Kossovo                     777
till  10/11      YM125ATA: special call * by TA3J                       781
till  25/11      HH/PS7EB: Haiti                                        779
till  31/12      4N500CC, 4N500ZZ, YU500BW: special calls               777
till  31/12      8S30JC: special call (Sweden)                          767
till  31/12      9A15DX: special call                                   770
till  31/12      9A150NT: special event station                         765
till  31/12      9A35Y: special call                                    775
till  31/12      9A650C: special event station                          765
till  31/12      EI60LRC: special call                                  780
till  31/12      GB60SWL: special call                                  765
till  31/12      GB6SWL: special call                                   765
till  31/12      HA50MHZ: special call * by HA5X                        779
till  31/12      JV800: special prefix (Mongolia)                       770
till  31/12      LZ13ARDF: special event station                        765
till  31/12      LZ50KSB: special call                                  766
till  31/12      LZ80R: special event station                           777
till  31/12      ON40DST: special call                                  767
till  31/12      TF60: special prefix (Iceland)                         775
till  31/12      YU500CM, YU500JDE, YZ500A: special calls               777
till  December   VK0JLX: Davis Station (VK-03, AN-016) * by VK2JLX      771
till  Feb 2007   EM1UC & EM1U: Vernadsky Station (UR-01, AN-006)        774
till  March 2007 T68G: Afghanistan * by LA5IIA                          737
till  March 2007 VP8DJB: Rothera Station (G-07, AN-001)                 758
till  ??         VP8CMH/MM * by GM0HCQ                                  767
02/06-05/06      JM1VQJ/1, JO1IRO/1, JF1IZM/1: To Island (AS-008)       785
03/06-04/06      GW4BRS/P: Flatholm Island (EU-124) * by GW0ANA         786
03/06-04/06      IQ1SP (Museum Ships Weekend)                           786
03/06-17/06      TM7HAM: special event station (France)                 786
03/06-17/06      LX7HAM: special event station                          786
03/06-13/06      TM6SME: special event call (France)                    786
03/06-04/06      IQ0PG (IARU Region 1 Field Day CW)                     786
03/06-21/06      IS0/IZ8GCB: Sardinia                                   786
03/06-04/06      Museum Ships Weekend                                   786
04/06-06/06      6L0NJ/4: Ch'uja Island (AS-084)                        786
04/06-18/06      TM6ACO: special event station                          783
05/06-23/06      7Q7WW: Malawi * by KC4D                                787
05/06-05/07      VA7UNEF: special call * by VA7DP                       781
05/07-15/07      YO2/ON4XA: Romania                                     787
06/06            SE0, SF0, SE, SF: special prefixes (Sweden)            787
06/06-24/06      TO0O: Martinique (NA-107) * by KC0W                    787
07/06-20/06      9A8XA: Croatia * by HA5X                               787
07/06-21/06      TM7OCR: special event call (France)                    787
08/06-13/06      ZK1EKS: Cook Islands * by EA3EKS                       787
09/06-18/06      6W2/F6ELE: Carabane Island (AF-078)                    777
09/06-11/06      W6C: Santa Cruz Isl (NA-144) * by W6WTG,KF6JOQ,KG6ZBL  787
10/06-09/07      VX, VG, XK, XJ: special prefixes (Canada)              787
11/06-18/06      9N7WW: Nepal * by JA8BMK                               787
11/06-13/06      II5MD: special event call (Meucci Day)                 787
11/06            IQ0FM/p (Italian Navy Day)                             787
16/06-28/06      GM: Isle of Rockall (EU-189)                           777
16/06-19/06      P29VV: Witu Islands (OC-181) * by PA3EXX               775
16/06-18/06      TP20CE: special event call (France)                    787
20/06-24/06      FO/F6CTL/M: Hiva Oa (OC-027), Marquesas                787
20/06-01/07      SU8IOTA: Norus Island (AS-099) * by SU1SK              787
20/06-21/06      XU7BMK: Cambodia * by JA8BMK                           787
21/06-04/07      8Q7/SV2BFN: Maldives (AS-013)                          787
21/06-22/06      GM3USR/P: Islands of Skye (EU-008) and Harris (EU-010) 787
22/06-27/06      J48WT: Samothraki Island (EU-174)                      785
23/06-25/07      DA0HAMCAMP: special event station                      781
23/06-08/07      V25V: Antigua (NA-100) * by G0VJG                      785
23/06-25/06      Ham Radio 2006 (Friedrichshafen)                       772
24/06-06/07      GM3USR/P: St. Kilda (EU-059)                           787
24/06-09/07      PI25ETL: special station                               783
24/06-25/06      W4Z: Mullet Key (NA-034)                               781
25/06-30/06      FO/F6CTL/A: Rurutu (OC-050), Australes                 787
29/06-13/07      C9: Mozambique * by K5LBU, W5KDJ, WW5L                 781
29/07-08/08      CU8F and CU8T: Flores Island (EU-089)                  787
01/07-13/08      7S6EM & 8S6EM: special event calls * by SK6AG & SK6AW  766
01/07-06/07      FO/F6CTL: Tahiti & Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia   787
07/07-10/07      9M6/JA3EGZ and 9M6/JA3DFM: East Malaysia               781
07/07-11/07      FO/F6CTL: Magareva (OC-063), French Polynesia          787
07/07-10/07      KG8RP/KH0: Saipan (OC-086) * by 7K4QOK                 787
07/07-10/07      N1KU/KH0: Saipan (OC-086) * by JE1KUC                  787
07/07-10/07      NA8O/KH0: Saipan (OC-086) * by JK1FNL                  787
07/07-20/07      SV9/SV1EJD: Crete (EU-015)                             787
07/07-10/07      World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC)              720
08/07            GM3USR/P: Islands of Skye (EU-008) and Harris (EU-010) 787
09/07            GM3USR/P: Great Cumbrae Island (EU-123)                787
10/07-16/07      CU7X: Faial Isl (EU-175) * by CT1BWW, EA2RC, EA3GHZ    785
12/07-14/07      FO/F6CTL: Fakarava (OC-066), French Polynesia          787
14/07-16/07      FO/F6CTL: Huahine (OC-067), French Polynesia           787
15/07-16/07      JJ8NNR/8: Rishiri Island (AS-147)                      787
17/07-23/07      CS25M: special event call * by CTs                     787
17/07-21/07      CU6X: Pico Island (EU-175) * by CT1BWW, EA2RC, EA3GHZ  785
21/07-25/07      CU5X: S. Jorge Isl (EU-175) * by CT1BWW, EA2RC, EA3GHZ 785
24/07-31/07      GB4CI & GW5X: Caldey Island (EU-124)                   777
24/07-30/07      VA7AQ/VE2 and VE7SAR/VE2: La Madeleine Isls (NA-038)   777
29/07-12/08      F/ON4XA, F/YO2MBO, F/ON4BEA                            787
29/07-05/08      MM/OS1A and MM/OP0J: EU-010 * by ON5FP and ON4CJK      781
29/07-04/08      OZ/OP4A, OZ/OP1A, OZ0ACA: Romo Island (EU-125)         787
03/08-15/08      TK/IZ1DSH: Corsica (EU-014)                            787
05/08-17/08      3D2BD: Rotuma (OC-060) * by F4ELJ, F0ELK, F0ELI        783
06/08            MM/OS1A and MM/OP0J: EU-008 * by ON5FP and ON4CJK      781
16/08-22/08      W5BOS/AL0: NA-238/pr (IOTA NEW)                        786
16/08-22/08      W5BOS/NL0: NA-237/pr (IOTA NEW)                        786
18/08-21/08      3D2BD: Fiji Islands (OC-016) * by F4ELJ, F0ELK, F0ELI  783
26/08-29/08      GW0GRC or GB0SK: Skokholm Island (EU-124)              783
15/09-17/09      28th Clipperton DX Club DX Convention                  766
14/11-28/11      5A7A: Libya                                            777

                       425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                       425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                       425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly


                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia


Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
A.R.I. HF & Award Manager


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