> > > 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE < < <

The latest issue (October 2006) is now available at www.425dxn.org/monthly/

25 November 2006                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                    No 812
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9M2     - Gerben, PG5M will be active  (on 40-10 metres  CW only) as  9M2/PG5M
          from Pulau Ketam  (AS-074) on 24-26  November, CQ WW  DX CW  Contest
          included. QSL via home call. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
CE      - Oscar, LU1XS  will  be active  as  CE8/LU1XS  from  Navarino  Island
          (SA-050) on 8-10 December. He plans to operate CW only on 40, 20, 15
          and 10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX LU1XS]
DL_ant  - Mirko, DG9BHQ will  be the new  operator at  Neumayer Base  (DP0GVN,
          DL-03 for the  Antarctica Award),  Antarctica (AN-016).  He will  be
          there from December 2006 through February 2008. QSL via DL5EBE. [TNX
E5      - After two weeks  and almost 15,000  QSOs on  Penrhyn (North  Cooks),
          Bob, W7YAQ (E51PDX) and Bill, N7OU (E51PEN) are now active as E51YAQ
          and E51NOU from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands. They  should
          remain there  until  28 November.  QSL  via home  calls.  [TNX  OPDX
F       - Special event  station TM5AIR  will be  active on  2-16 December  to
          celebrate  the   70th  anniversry   of  the   first  air   base   at
          Varennes-sur-Allier. QSL via F5KEK. [TNX F8REF]
F       - A few  special  stations  will be  activated  for  the  20th  annual
          Telethon, the fund-raising  event organized by  the French  Muscular
          Dystrophy Association that will take place  on 8-9 December.  Expect
          activity from  TM8T (27  November -  10  December) and  TM2TLT  (8-9
          December) among the others. [TNX F8REF]
F       - Special call TP20CE will be aired on 8-10 December to celebrate  the
          20th anniversary of the  creation of the  Council of Europe  Amateur
          Radio Club.  QSL  via  F5LGF.  The  rules  for  the  relevant  "20th
          Anniversary CUP" can be found at http://ewwa.free.fr/ [TNX F6FQK]
HI      - Serge, ON4AA will be active as HI8/ON4AA from the Dominican Republic
          (NA-096) from 2 December to 14 January. He plans to focus on 40  and
          20 metres SSB,  RTTY and PSK31,  and to  particpate in  a number  of
          contests. QSL via home call. An  attempt will be made to operate  as
          HI2/ON4AA from Isla Catalina (NA-122) during local day-time hours on
          a Wednesday or a Saturday (not  coinciding with a major SBB or  RTTY
          contest). [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
HS      - Champ/E21EIC, Dej/E21YDP, Bruce/AA4XR  (HS0ZCY) and Alex/UT5UY  will
          operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 10-160 metres from Lipe  Island
          (AS-126) on 5-12 December. They will  be active mainly as  E21EIC/P,
          but they might  also use  their personal  Thai calls.  QSL via  home
          calls. [TNX UT5UY]
JA      - Look for JR2RKK/6 to operate SSB  on the HF bands from Aguni  Island
          (AS-017, JIIA AS-017-002), Okinawa Prefecture  on 1-4 December.  QSL
          to via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
J7      - John, K3TEJ will  operate as J79Z  from Dominica  (NA-101) until  29
          November. Activity will be on 10-160  metres, including an entry  in
          the CQ WW DX CW contest. QSL via home call. [TNX K3TEJ]
KH8     - Pete/N0FW, Jay/K4ZLE, Charlie/W6KK and Mike/N9NS  will be active  as
          KH8Q from American Samoa on 1-14 December. They will operate CW  and
          SSB on 160-10 metres, including efforts  in the ARRL 160 Meter  (1-3
          December) and 10 Meter (9-10 December) contests. QSL via W8QID. [TNX
LZ_ssh  - Mitko, LZ1UQ will  be active  as LZ0A  from the  Bulgarian base  St.
          Kliment  Ohridski  (LZ-02)  on  Livingston  Island,  South  Shetland
          Islands (AN-010) from 1 December to  1 March 2007. Mitko also  plans
          to operate as VP8/LZ1UQ during a few HF contests. [TNX I1HYW]
P4      - Ken, K6TA and Kay, K6KO will operate  SSB, CW and RTTY as P40TA  and
          P40K respectively from  Aruba (SA-036)  on 1-21  December. QSL  both
          callsigns via WM6A, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
TN      - Baldur, DJ6SI (CW)  and Franz,  DJ9ZB (SSB  and RTTY)  expect to  be
          active from  Congo in  late November-early  December. They  plan  to
          operate as TN6X and TN0Z respectively, on 10-160 metres CW, SSB  and
          digital modes with two stations. QSL via home calls. [TNX The  Daily
VE      - Dave, VA3RJ  reports  that to  celebrate  the 100th  anniversary  of
          Reginald Fessenden's first  AM voice broadcast  (24 December  1906),
          from 1  December  through 31  January  all  Canadian  amateur  radio
          operators may replace their  ordinary prefix with  a special one  as
          CF1 = VA1         CG1 = VE1         CG8 = VE8
          CF2 = VA2         CG2 = VE2         CG9 = VE9
          CF3 = VA3         CG3 = VE3         CH1 = VO1
          CF4 = VA4         CG4 = VE4         CH2 = VO2
          CF5 = VA5         CG5 = VE5         CI1 = VY1
          CF6 = VA6         CG6 = VE6         CI2 = VY2
          CF7 = VA7         CG7 = VE7         CI0 = VY0
VP5     - Kelly, N0VD  will be  active as  VP5/N0VD  from the  Caicos  Islands
          (NA-002) on 2-12 December, including an  entry in the ARRL 10  Meter
          Contest as VP5D. QSL for both via home call. [TNX N0VD]
VU7     - The ARSI team of operators for the 1-30 December VU7LD activity from
          Kavaratti Island in  the Lakshadweeps  includes 23  people from  all
          over India (see the roaster and individual operating mode skills  on
          the expedition web site).  They will operate  in batches: the  first
          group will arrive  on 30 November,  followed by the  second and  the
          third ones  around  12 and  22  December  respectively.  Please  pay
          frequent visits to http://arsi.info/vu7/ for further information and
YI      - Mitch, K7TUT plans to operate as  YI9TU from Iraq till 12  December,
          and then again in January and February.  Look for him on 10, 17,  20
          and 40 metres SSB, CW and PSK3 between 15 and 18 UTC, and on Sundays
          between 4 and 6 UTC. QSL via N2OO. [TNX The Daily DX]

DX TRIP --->  Karl, N1DL will  visit and operate  holiday style from  several
countries between 27 November and 19 December as follows:
27-28 Nov     VP2V/N1DL      Virgin Gorda, BVI (NA-023)
29 Nov        FJ/N1DL        St. Barthelemy (NA-146)
30 Nov-1 Dec  9Y4/N1DL       Tobago (SA-009)
5-6 Dec       PY8/N1DL       Boca da Valeria
11-12 Dec     FY/N1DL        Devil's (Diable) Island (SA-020)
14 Dec        8P6/N1DL       Barbados (NA-021)
15 Dec        J7R and J79DL  Dominica (NA-101)
16 Dec        V25DL          Antigua (NA-100)
17 Dec        VP2V/N1DL      Tortola, BVI (NA-023)
18-19 Dec     N1DL/HI9       Samana, Dominican Republic (NA-096)
He says he will favour RTTY,  PSK and CW, with some SSB.  QSL via home  call.
Karl adds that all of the  QSL cards for the recent  J7R operation have  been
sent either direct or via bureau.

CQ WW  DX  CW  CONTEST  ---> The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (25-26 November):
ZONE CALL          CATEGORY     DXCC                 QSL VIA
02   VE2WDX        M/S          Canada               VE3TA
05   4U1UN                      United Nations HQ    HB9BOU
05   VP9I          SOAB         Bermuda              N1HRA
07   TI5N          M/2          Costa Rica           W3HNK
07   V31XX         SOAB HP      Belize               EA4BQ
08   6Y1V          SOSB 40m     Jamaica              OH3RB
08   6Y3R          SOSB 80m     Jamaica              OH3RB
08   8P5A          SOAB HP      Barbados             NN1N
08   8P9XA         SO           Barbados             G3SWH
08   C6AKX         SOSB 20m     Bahamas              WA4WTG
08   C6AQQ         SOAB LP      Bahamas              ND3F
08   C6ARR         SOSB 160m    Bahamas              WA4WTG
08   C6ART         SOAB         Bahamas              KN5H
08   C6ATA         SOSB 40m     Bahamas              WA4WTG
08   FS/AH8DX      SO           St. Martin           AH8DX
08   HI3A          SOAB         Dominican Republic   ON4IQ
08   J79CO                      Dominica             F6COW
08   J79EP                      Dominica             F6EPY
08   J79Z          SOAB         Dominica             K3TEJ
08   KP3Z          M/S          Puerto Rico          WC4E
08   KP4US         M/S          Puerto Rico
08   T40C          M/S          Cuba                 N1KI
08   TO5X          SOAB         Martinique           K5UN
08   V26K          SOAB LP      Antigua              AA3B
08   V47NT                      St. Kitts & Nevis    N2NT
08   VP2MDG        SOAB HP      Montserrat           K2DM
08   VP2VVV        M/S          British Virgin Isls  K9VV
08   VP5W          M/2          Turks & Caicos       W7TSQ
08   ZF1A          M/2          Cayman Islands       W5ASP
09   9Y4AA         M/?          Trinidad & Tobago    VE3HO
09   FY5FY         SOAB QRP     French Guiana        FY5FY
09   P40A          SOAB         Aruba                WD9DZV
09   P40T                       Aruba                N6AA
09   P40W          SOAB         Aruba                N2MM
09   P49Y                       Aruba                AE6Y
09   PJ2T          M/S          Netherlands Antilles N9AG
09   PJ4A          M/S HP       Netherlands Antilles K4BAI
09   PZ5ZY         SOAB         Suriname             N6ZZ
09   YW4D          SOAB         Venezuela            EA7JX
10   HC8N          M/M          Galapagos Is         W5UE
11   ZP0R          SOAB HP      Paraguay             W3HNK
11   ZY7C          M/S          Brazil               PT7WA
12   3G1X          SOAB HP      Chile                XQ1IDM
13   CX7BY         M/S          Uruguay              CX5BW
13   LR2F          M/S          Argentina            LU2FA
14   CS2R          SOSB 80m     Portugal             CS1GDX
14   CS7A          SOSB 20 or 15m Portugal           CS1GDX
14   CU2A          SOAB HP      Azores               OH2BH
14   EI/SP4Z       SOAB LP      Ireland
14   G5W           M/S          England              G3BJ
14   G6M           M/2          England
14   GD6IA         SOAB HP      Isle of Man          GD6IA
14   GD8T          SOSB 40m     Isle of Man          G4MJS
14   GJ2A          SOAB HP      Jersey               K2WR
14   LX7I          M/2 or M/S   Luxembourg           LX2A
14   MD4K          SOSB 80m     Isle of Man          G3NKC
14   MD6V          SOSB 160m    Isle of Man          G3NKC
14   MJ0ASP        SOSB 20m     Jersey               F5SHQ
14   MZ5A          SOAB         Shetland (Scotland)  G3TXF
14   TM4Q          M/S          France               F6FYA
14   TM8W          SOAB LP      France               F5TER
15   4O3B          SOSB 80m     Montenegro           OH2BH
15   4O3M          SOSB 160m    Montenegro           OH2PM
15   IR9K                       Italy                IW9HLM
15   IS0N          SOSB 40m     Sardinia             OK1MG
15   YT6A          SOSB 20m     Montenegro           YU1FW
15   Z38N          M/M          Macedonia            HA6KNB
16   R7C           M/2          European Russia      RW3GW
16   RD3A          SOAB         European Russia      RD3AF
16   RL3A          M/S          European Russia      W3HNK
16   RU1A          M/2          European Russia      RU1AE
17   UA9AYA        SOSB 40m     Asiatic Russia       UA9AB
20   4X0G          M/S          Israel               W3GG
20   J41A          SOSB 160m    Greece               LY1DF
20   LZ9A          SOSB         Bulgaria             LZ2HM
20   P3F           M/2          Cyprus               5B4AGN
20   SV9COL        SOSB HP      Crete
20   YM2W          SOSB         Turkey               OK1TN
20   YR2V          SOSB 40m     Romania              YO2LDC
21   4L2M          SOSB 40m     Georgia              K3PD
21   4L8A          SOSB 20m     Georgia              DJ1CW
21   A45WD         SOSB 15m     Oman                 YO9HP
22   8Q7DV         M/2          Maldives             UA9CLB
22   VU3JRA        SOSB 80m     India                DJ3KR
24   B1Z           M/S          China                EA7FTR
24   B3C           M/S          China                BA4EG
24   VR2/AA1ON     SO LP        Hong Kong            AA1ON
26   HS0ZDJ        SOAB         Thailand             W2YR
26   HS0ZGH        SO           Thailand             G4UZN
26   XU7ADE        SO           Cambodia             E21EIC
26   XU7ADF        SOSB         Cambodia             AA4XR
26   XU7ADK        SOSB 40m     Cambodia             E21YDP
26   XU7ADL        SOSB LP      Cambodia             E20PFE
26   XU7MWA        SOAB         Cambodia
27   AH2R          M/S          Guam                 JH7QXJ
27   T88MR         SOAB         Palau                K9NW
28   9M2/PG5M      SO           West Malaysia        PG5M
28   9M2CNC        SOAB HP      West Malaysia        G4ZFE
28   9M6NA         SOSB 20m     East Malaysia        JE1JKL
28   YB0ECT        SOSB 20m LP  Indonesia            K3AIR
29   VK8NSB        SOAB         Australia            VK6NE
29   VK9AA         SOAB         Cocos (Keeling)      DL8YR
31   KH6/W6PH      SOAB LP      Hawaii               W6PH
32   E51YAQ                     South Cook Isls      W7YAQ
33   CN2R          SOSB 40m     Morocco              W7EJ
33   CN2WW         SOSB 20m     Morocco              EA7FTR
33   CT3NT         SOAB         Madeira
33   CT9L          M/2          Madeira              DJ6QT
33   EA8/OH4NL     SOSB 80m or 160m  Canary Islands  OH2BYS
33   EA8EW         M/2          Canary Islands       YL2KL
33   IH9P          M/M          (African) Italy      KR7X
34   5A7A          M/M          Libya                DL9USA
34   ST2A          M/S          Sudan                T93Y
35   6V7D          SOAB LP      Senegal              KQ1F
35   6W1RW         SOAB HP      Senegal              F6BEE
35   D44AC         SOSB         Cape Verde
35   TZ5A          M/M          Mali                 G3SXW
37   5Z1A          SOSB 20m     Kenya                PA1AW
37   5Z4LS                      Kenya                G3RWF
38   V5/DJ4SO      SOSB 20m LP  Namibia              DJ4SO
38   ZS3NN         SOAB         South Africa         AA4NN
38   ZT2V                       South Africa         ZS2DL
39   3B8/OM0C      M/S          Mauritius            OM2FY
40   JW5E          M/?          Svalbard
Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2006.html - good contest to  you

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ARRL 160 METER CONTEST ---> Object  of the contest is for amateurs  worldwide
to work W/VE  amateurs on 160  metres CW  only (full  rules can  be found  at
http://www.arrl.org/contests/rules/2006/160-Meters.html). This  year's  event
will run from 22.00 UTC on  1 December through 16.00 UTC on  the 3rd. Do  not
forget to give a look to the Announced Operation listing maintained by  Bill,
NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/arrl160_2006.html

QSL CO#OTA ---> Pepe, EA5KB reports he  is now able to confirm contacts  made
back in  2000  with the  various  CO#OTA stations:  CO0OTA  (NA-015),  CO1OTA
(NA-093), CO4OTA (NA-056), CO6OTA (NA-204), CO7OTA (NA-086), CO8OTA (NA-218),
CO9OTA  (NA-201).   Before   sending  your   cards,   please   contact   Pepe

S9SS ---> Charles Lewis, KY4P (S9SS,  aka S92SS as  well as A25/KY4P,  A22AA,
SV0LM and SV5/SV0LM) will retire in February 2007 and finish his work as  IBB
VOA station manager on the island  of Sao Tome. He  and Lesley, N3TIA  (S9YL,
S92YL and SV0LN) will live in North Carolina. His S9SS log has been  uploaded
to LoTW and paper QSLs can be confirmed  by his QSL manager N4JR. Log  search
is available at  http://s50u.s50e.si, and by  the end of  February more  than
80.000 QSOs  will  be sent  to  http://logsearch.de/. All  of  his  logs  for
callsigns prior to  S9SS exist only  on paper  (about 100,000  QSOs), but  he
plans to create files of  at least some  of them for  submission to the  LoTW
over the next few years. He will do the A25/KY4P log first. [TNX S50U]

+ SILENT KEY + The Association des Radioamateurs de Monaco (ARM) reports  the
passing of Aldo Comisso, 3A2GL, on  23 July. He used to  be mainly active  on
the low bands CW. [TNX 3A2LF]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

LOGS:      On-line logsearch  for  4O60BH (OH2BH's  on-the-air  60th  birthday
           party) can  be found  at  http://www.skycc.info/4o60bh/search.html.
           The      Lucky      Draw      winners      are      listed       at
LOGS:      On-line    logsearch     for    5A7A     can    be     found     at
           http://www.df3cb.com/logsearch/5a7a/. These logs  cover the  period
           from 14.05 UTC on 16 November through 08.02 UTC on the 24th, but  a
           few thousand QSOs are known to be missing (do not panic!).
LOGS:      On-line logsearch for 9G5UR can  be found at  http://logsearch.de/.
           Vladimir, UY5ZZ  operated as  9G5UR on  4-14  July, and  as  9G5A/P
           (AF-084) on 12 July 2006. QSL  to Vladimir F. Latyshenko, P.O.  Box
           4850, Zaporozhye, 69118, Ukraine.
XT2C:      The web site for the 6-20 January expedition to Burkina Faso is  up
           and running at http://xt2c.free.fr/

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8/OM0C    OM2FY       E51NOU      N7OU        PZ5ZY       N6ZZ
4A7L        WA3HUP      E51PDX      W7YAQ       R1ANC       UA1PAC
4L1FP       LZ1OT       E51PEN      N7OU        S9SS        N4JR
4L3Y        DK6CW       E51TLA      OZ6TL       SK60CG      SM6JSM
4O2NT       YZ1AA       E51YAQ      W7YAQ       ST2A        T93Y
4O3B        OH2BH       EH7FCI      EB7AEY      SX8F        SV1HER
4O3M        OH2PM       EK6LP       IK2DUW      T88MR       K9NW
4O60BH      OH2BN       EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      TC4ITU      TA4KA
4U1UN       HB9BOU      EX2M        W3HNK       TC4PP       TA4KA
5A7A        DL9USA      EY8CQ       DJ1MM       TM5DIA      F5LRL
5H3AA       K6EID       EY8DQ       DJ1MM       TM8KP       F6GOX
5N6EAM      IK2IQD      HA501TJ     HA1TJ       TO5X        K5NU
5N9GKA      N0OY        HA502EOA    HA2EOA      TT8FC       EA4AHK
5V7SE       IK3GES      HA503NU     HA3NU       TU0PAX      TU2CI
5W0OJ       DL4RDJ      HA505BA     HA5BA       TU2/F5LDY   F1CGN
5Z4LS       G3RWF       HA505OV     HA5OV       TZ5A        G3SXW
6V7D        KQ1F        HA507PL     HA7PL       TZ6LF       KY7M
6W1RW       F6BEE       HC2SL       EA5KB       TZ6MF       KC7V
6Y3R        OH3RB       HC8N        W5UE        TZ6NS       AA7A
7X5JF       DJ8QP       HF16CD      SP3PML      TZ6RF       GM3YTS
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       HK0GU       DL7VOG      TZ6RN       G4IRN
7Z1UG       DG1XG       HS0ZCY      AA4XR       TZ6VT       K5VT
8P9JG       NN1N        HZ1MD       PA2V        TZ6WP       G4BWP
8Q7GL       IK0XIH      J28JA       F5JFU       U4MIR       RN3DK
9G1YK       PA3ERA      J59OFM      I3LDP       UN7MMM      EA7FTR
9G5OO       DL4WK       J79CO       F6COW       V26K        AA3B
9J2VB       UA4WHX      J79EP       F6EPY       V63DX       JH7HMZ
9K2YM       EA5KB       J79Z        K3TEJ       V6T1        JA7AO
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       JV800DA     JT1DA       VP5/K7LAZ   K7LAZ
9Q1D        SM5BFJ      KC4/K2ARB   K2ARB       VP5/W7VV    W7VV
9Q1TB       F5LTB       KC4AAA      K1IED       VQ9JK       G4FJK
9Y4AA       VE3HO       KH0/K3UY    UA3DX       VQ9NL       W4NML
A61C        W4JS        KH2/AK0J    JA1KJW      VU3RYO      DL2JRM
C6AKX       WA4WTG      KP4SQ       W3HNK       WP2AIU      JH3AIU
C6ATA       WA4WTG      LX8DL       LX1DA       WP3R        W3HNK
CN2WW       EA7FTR      NL7G        OK1DOT      XU7ADE      E21EIC
CN8IG       EA7FTR      ON4PTC      ON7YB       XU7ADF      AA4XR
CN8KD       EA5XX       ON69MIA     ON5VL       XU7MWA      KM0O
CO3JN       IZ8EBI      OT4A        ON4AEK      YI9SM       W5CSM
CO3VK       IZ8EBI      PJ2DX       N9AG        YT150T      YU1FJK
DK2006TZ    DL1SBF      PJ4/K1TO    K4BAI       ZF2DO       N5DO
DT8A        HL2FDW      PJ4/N4TO    K4BAI       ZS3NN       AA4NN

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DL7VOG Gerd Uhlig, P.O. Box 700 332, D-10323 Berlin, Germany
DL9USA Andreas Glaeser, PF 100 246, D-03122 Spremberg, Germany
IT9DAA Corrado Ruscica, P.O. Box 1, 96018 Pachino (Succ. 1) - SR, Italy
JA7AO  Tokro Matsumoto, 3-62 Okachimachi, Yuzawa 012-0856, Japan
OH2BN  Jarmo J. Jaakola, Kiilletie 5 C 30, Helsinki 00710, Finland
ST2M   Magdi Osman Ahmed Abdelrahim, P.O. Box 2, Khartoum Airport 11112,
SV1HER Sotirios Vanikiotis, Korai 31, GR-12137 Peristeri (Athens), Greece
UA1PAC Alan Kuz'menko, P.O.Box 599, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russia
UT8IM  Valery P. Sossko, P.O. Box 25, Mariupol, 87514, Ukraine
XU7ABN Claude Laget, P.O. Box 1373 GPO, 99999 Phnom-Penh, Cambodia


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                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


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                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia



                        >>> 425 DX NEWS - NEW SEARCH TOOL <<<

Leonardo Lastrucci, IZ5FSA  has developed a software which allows to query the
425 DX News Archive  maintained on www.ariscandicci.it from the PacketCluster.
The command is SH/425 [text], where [text] should be replaced with a callsign,
a IOTA Reference number, Island name, Antarctica Base, Lighthouse, etc.

Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
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