Ken, AB5A,

I thought I worked them on 20 RTTY and 15 RTTY.  The 20 meter QSO was really
strange.  In fact I was worried it might have been a pirate, so thankfully I
worked them on 15 RTTY.  My 20 meter QSO did not seem to be in LOTW.  Thank
fully the QSL manager sent me a print out of all of my QSOs directly from
the computer log.  It turns out the YV0D log had my 20 meter QSO exactly one
hour prior to my QSO.  So it seems that the RTTY QSOs are in LOTW.  Well at
least one of the two of mine matched up.  I think the time range for a QSO
to match is 30 minutes plus or minus.

YV0D is the first major DXpedition, to a very rare DXCC entity, that has
uploaded their logs prior to the traditional QSLs being sent out.  I am sure
we are all going to see how important it is for both ends of the QSO to have
their clocks set properly.  Remember the ARRL is not the QSL manager, but
rather only the keeper of the logs submitted.  If your QSOs do not match up
you need to contact a member of the DXpedition.

With the submission of the YV0D logs on LOTW I have a funny feeling that
there are going to be a lot of requests for certificates, especially from
outside the US, over the next few days.  Despite the minor hiccup, which we
all knew would happen, I believe LOTW is going to benefit Amateur Radio in
several ways.  Here are a few that instantly come to mind:

1 cut down on postage costs for the DXers (you and I)
2 speed up the process time of confirming a QSO
3 sharpen logging skills (keeping accurate time, band and mode info) 4
easing the work load of the DXCC checkers 5 eventually more awards can be
added (i.e. WAS, VUCC, WPX, WAZ, IOTA)

For complete details about LOTW see the ARRL Website at

I know there are some old timers out their scratching their heads and
wondering about this whole thing.  It will be interesting to see what
happens with the traditional QSLs as well as hand logs.  I'm not advocating
that we give these two up, but I think both will slowly diminish over the
years.  I like the photo QSLs, so maybe it will continue for the big time
DXpeditions.  For me personally I would only want a traditional QSL from an
all time new one, as I have one from each country on the current DXCC list
hanging on my shack wall.  I don't care about band or mode countries.  I
guess I am in a hurry to get those confirmed and I'll wait for an all time
new one (mixed mode DXCC).

Bernie, W3UR

Bernie McClenny, W3UR

Now more than ever - you need The Daily DX and The Weekly DX - to keep up
with the DX news from around the globe!

Editor of - The Daily DX <-- two free weeks
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          - How's DX

-----Original Message-----
Ken Eckel, AB5A
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 08:00
Subject: [DX-NEWS] : YV0D on LOTW with the exception of RTTY

 Hi all,

Looks like YV0D is available on LOTW.

Ken AB5A

P.s. this is sent a day later than I originated it.
       I don't post often so I had to learn the new protocol

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