Beginning in September 2004, there will be no deadline for the DXCC
Annual List. We have been working toward this end for several years.
In previous years, September 30 was the cutoff point for compiling 
entity totals for the DXCC Annual List, published in the DXCC
Yearbook. Over the years, DXCC participants tended to collect cards
and submit them once a year, in September, to ensure the highest
possible total for the listing. A major downside of the deadline is
that we receive over 25% of our annual credit submissions during the
month of the deadline. This in turn creates a huge increase in
workload and a lengthy processing time.

Going forward, the lists of DXCC standings previously published in 
DXCC Yearbook will be replaced by complete lists on the ARRL Web 
The new Web-based lists should be ready and on-line early in the 
quarter of 2005, when the listings in the DXCC Yearbook would 
have been published. After initial publication, the new lists
published on the Web will be updated regularly, perhaps weekly or 
daily. They will also include the standings of all DXCC members, not
just those who made a submission in the previous year (as has been 
practice with the printed Yearbook due to space limitations).

A smaller version of the Yearbook will be published, containing
highlights of the standings, along with other features, as in the

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
DXCC Manager

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