Howie was at the top of the DXCC list (391) having worked and confirmed VP6 and P5 
just this past year.

Several years ago at Dayton, Howie was standing in line for over an hour to get his 
Chesterfield card from Martti Laine.  When he saw 
Howie's callsign and found out how long Howie waited, Martti replied, You waited for 
me??  I should be waiting for you?

Howie was a true gentleman, both on the air and off.


------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:              Sat, 07 Dec 2002 17:59:33 -0500
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NJDXA Discussion List)
From:                   Urb LeJeune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [NJDXA-L] W2AGW SK

 It is was a sad heart that I report that dear friend Howie W2AGW has
become a SK.

 I just got off the phone with Howie's daughter Ellen. He passed away
at 1:30 AM today.

 There will be a service at noon on Monday at the Becker Funeral Home
219 Kinderkamack Rd. Westwood, NJ 07675 Phone: 201 664 0292

 It is the end of an era.

 I will get up a memorial book on the NJDXA website for all to sign
this evening.

 I plan on going to the service on Monday if anyone needs a ride.

Urb, W2DEC

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