>From time to time subscribers contact me inquiring why the are no 
longer getting DXR posts.  Most think that I have unsubscribed them 
for some indiscretions.  1st off..If that were the case, I'd let you 
know it beforehand.  Most likely you are not receiving posts for 
several other reasons:

Each day, when I download mail, I receive a list of addresses that 
for one reason or another have bounced their mail (could not receive 
it).  One some threads (especially the ones that are sure to generate 
lots of replies) I can receive over 1000 bounced e-mail messages.  
Usually it's because there is a problem at their end with their ISP 
or they are over their quota of disk storage space, etc etc.

Over quota's get unsubscribed immediately..no sense in adding to the 
overage and it eliminates bounced mail to me.

If you know you are going to be away, just go to:

and unsubscribe.  When you return, do the same and subscribe.

Another way I unsubscribe people is if their address bounces 3 days 
in a row.  This shows me there is a problem somewhere along the line 
and the 3 days would hopefully allow that problem to be fixed.

If I receive, off list, a virus and find it was from a subscriber, I 
will notify that person of his problem and unsubscribe from the list. 
 The list itself can't pass virus', but the virus can pull names from 
list e-mail posts and send them direct.

Anyway that's that scoop.  Couple a more things.

Remember, the DXR has a digest version...1 post per day with the past 
24 hours incorporated into it.  If interested contact me direct.  
Tell me if you want to unsubscribe from the main list at that time.

The DXR is also archived for those that like seeing what was 
previously posted. The address is:

We (the NJDXA) also sponsor a DISCUSSION list, as opposed the the 
DXR's NEW forum, called DX-CHAT.  to Subscribe, go to:

This forum is where we should go to continue discussions of a DX 
nature that are originally posted to DX-NEWS.

Recently, an archive was added to CHAT, so you can see just what 
topics are being discussed. That address is:

All for now.  If you are celebrating July 4th, have a good holiday.  
If not, enjoy your Thursday.

C U all soon in the pile-ups

Steven - KF2TI
Systems Administrator
NJDXA DXR Reflector

outgoing mail scanned with Norton's NAV2002

Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc 
DX-NEWS  http://njdxa.org/dx-news
DX-CHAT: http://njdxa.org/dx-chat
To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news%40pro-usa.net

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