UBA section "NOK" will again take part in the IOTA Contest 2002 from the island TEXEL - EU038 and simultaneously activating the  TEXEL Lighthouse NET#024(ARLHS). A full color Qsl card is available.
Callsign: before contest      PA/ON4NOK
             during contest      PA6TEX
Qsl via ON7YX Ron  (ex. on4alw)
Please DO NOT send qsl via DUTCH QSLBURO, since this is an Belgian operation the dutch buro will not
handle the qsl cards..either direct or via UBA Buro => ON7YX
Qrv from 26 u/i 28 juli 2002   3.5 > 28 Mhz + WARC bands befor contest.
73's Ron ON7YX 

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