SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.538
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 538

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 538
BID: $OPDX.538
November 26, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & The GoList, KF2HC, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX,
ZL1ANH for the following DX information.

EDITOR'S COMMENTS: This week's bulletin was sent out early to accommandate
late CQWW DX CW Contest announcements and to update the situation on the
Ducie Island DXpedition.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Friday, 16/November, through Friday, 23/November there were 235
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q,
7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2, A4, A6,
A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX,
D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY,
EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA,
HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HM, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS,
J2, J3, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH3, KH6, KL, KP2,
KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2,
P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9,
T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK,
UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V, VP5,
VP6, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, XX9, YB, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO,
YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZL, ZP,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

DUCIE DXPEDITION CANCELLED! On late Monday, November 19th, the DXpedition
team turned back to Pitcairn due to the stormy weather conditions. Between
the rough seas and having to shut down the diesel engines to clean the
fuel filter every few hours, it was just too risky to attempt a landing.
As they were heading back to Pitcairn, the team began making plans to
operate in the upcoming CQWW Contest from Pitcairn. According to pilot
station Dr. Bill, N6GNX, the team made it back OK to Pitcairn, however,
once on the island the PIARA Ducie Island team decided not to operate
during the CQWW weekend from Pitcairn. The reason given was that a
diesel problem necessitated a dozen stops to clean the fuel filter just
on the trip back to Pitcairn alone, and it was decided that it would be
prudent to head back to the Gambier Island earlier (0100z) November 22nd.
Before leaving, Kan, JA1BK, donated all the antennas and masts and 2
generators to the Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association (PIARA) for
a future DXpedition. INTEREST NOTE: While on the island, Mike/K9AJ and
Vince/K5VT who are both medical doctors, made themselves available to
several patients as the number of doctors on Pitcairn just went from
zero to two! For more details/information on this operation, check the
Web page:   

144MHz DAILY NEWS BULLETIN IS BACK. Derek, G0NFA, informs us that he has
just finished moving/adjusting the 144MHz Daily News Bulletin (By G0NFA)
back to its original Web site. The site can be accessed at URLs:
Your comments on the new look would be very welcome however good or bad.
Send E-mail to Derek at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3D2/R, ROTUMA. Tony, 3D2AG, is active from here until January 10, 2002.
His activity over the last few days have been on 10/20 meters CW/SSB
usually starting around 0130z. Watch 28022, 28495, 14024 and 14195 kHz.
QSL direct to 3D2AG (CBA).

4L, GEORGIA. Omari, 4L5O, will be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest as
a Single Op/All Band entry.

5A. LIBYA. Abubaker, 5A1A, reports that there have been many pirate
stations active over the last few months. He states that the following
active stations are the only ones which are legal/official (which includes
three new licensees).
  5A1ASC - Assaker Club station. QSL via DK4HB (Mr. Rolf Blauert) direct
           or via Bureau.

  5A1A   - Abubaker Alzway; he will be using the same direct QSL
           information until he goes to Germany in the next few weeks.
           So, he will announce his new German address later. Also, any
           QSL sent to his address in Libya will be answered 100% while
           he is moving to Germany.

  5A1TA  - Operator Tark Abu Kris. QSL via EA3GIP (Mr. Fidel Leon),
           direct or via the Bureau.

  5A1HA  - Operator Haytm Hashim. QSL via DJ9ZB (Mr. Franz Langner),
           direct or via the Bureau.

  Abubaker requests to PLEASE be patient with the new operators, especially
  for their English language.

9K, KUWAIT. Mike, DL1HCM, is now active from here as 9K2HN. His activity
will be mainly on the low bands and the WARC bands outside this weeks
contest. Remember to look for him as 9K9X in the CQWW CW Contest as a
Single Op/All Band entry.

9M6, EAST MALAYSIA. Look for 9M6NA to be active in the CQWW CW Contest
as a Single Op/All Band/High Power entry, from Labuan Island (OC-133).
QSL to JE1JKL via JARL bureau or direct to: Saty Nakamura, 1-27-2,
Kamiya, Ushiku, Ibaraki, 300-1216 JAPAN. E-mail requests for bureau
replies are also welcome. Send QSO data to:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you do so, please do not send your QSL.

A3, TONGA. Tommy, VK2IR, is expected to be active as A35/VK2IR from
November 29th through December 3rd. There was no mention of bands/modes
activity. QSL via VK2IR direct. ADDED NOTE: Tommy states, "For return QSL
card please send 1 USD as contribution, as QSL cards and postage are very
expensive from Australia to most of the world. So please send your
contribution or no QSL card returned."

C6, BAHAMAS. Joe, W4SAA, is active as C6A/W4SAA from South Bimini (NA-048)
now through November 27th. During the CQWW CW DX Contest, he will team up
with Dick, N4RP, and be active as C6AKP as a Multi-Op entry.

FS, FRENCH ST. MARTIN. Brian/KF2HC and Ann/W2AZK will be active from
here November 26th through December 2nd. Their first station should be
up and running by dinner time Monday, the second station will be later
that evening or the next morning. Plans are for CW and SSB on 40-10 meters
with attempts on 6 meters using wires. Most of their operating will be
mornings and evenings. Be sure to spot them on the cluster. Score special
bonus points if you work FS/W2AZK on CW. Brian states that their antennas
this year will be a Force-12 Sigma 5 courtesy of Mike Crawford's Antennas
Plus (shameless plug). The Sigma 5 is a vertical dipole that covers

IOTA NEWS............
   OC-201.  Graeme, ZL1ANH, reports that Whale Island will be activated
            November 23-26th. Look for ZL6WI to be active on all HF
            bands CW/SSB. QSL via ZL1AYQ.

KG4, GUANTANAMO BAY. Clifton "Tip", N4SIA, will be active as KG4AS from
November 27th through December 5th. No details on his bands/modes activity
were provided. QSL via N4SIA.

OG4, FINLAND. OH6QU will be active on 20 meters during the CQWW CW
Contest as OG4A. QSL via OH6LI.

OH0, ALAND ISLAND. Jukka, OH6LI, will once again be active from here.
Look for him to sign OH0V in the CQWW CW Contest on 15 meters. QSL via
OH6LI: Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, 31400 Somero, FINLAND. Also, look for
OH0N on 10 meters to be activate by DJ2QV. QSL via OH1BOI.

P5, NORTH KOREA. Ed, 4L4FN, continues to be active as P5/4L4FN. The
frequencies (14205 and 28575) and times (1400-1500 and 2200-2400z)
remain the same. The West Coast and Mid-West stateside stations seem to
have a better chance to work ED, while East Coast and Central stations
can barely hear him.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.................
  OPDX was informed this week that due to medical problems, well-known
  QSL Manager John Parrot, W4FRU, is not able to continue being a QSL
  Manager for any of his stations. He is currently in a nursing home.
  No other details were provided. However, James (Bob) Young, K4JDJ,
  will be taking over all of John's QSL chore. So, please send all
  requests that go to W4FRU to K4JDJ: Bob Young, 556 Babbtown Rd.,
  Suffolk, Va 23434 or CBA.

  FO/SP9FIH, who was active from Marquesas Island between October 24th
  and November 10th, informed OPDX that he made 12,000 QSOs on the bands
  80-10 meters. QSL cards will be sent out the beginning of 2002. The
  QSL route is via SP9FIH: Wegrzyn, P.O. Box 480, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland.

  TOLY, UT3UY, informed OPDX that he is now the QSL Manager for Serge,
  4K5CW. Please QSL 4K5CW and 4J6ZZ via UT3UY direct to:
  Anatoly Kirilenko, P.O. Box 439 / 3, Kiev - 151, 03151, UKRAINE.

R1, ANTARCTICA. Oleg, R1ANF/mm, who is currently onboard of the vessel
"Grigoriy Mikheev", is heading south again. Reportedly, the ship will make
stops at the Canary Islands and Montevideo, Uruguay, before heading to
King George Island. Oleg, who will be the station leader of the Russian
Antarctic base "Bellingshausen", wil be there until March of 2003. His
equipment this season consists of a FT-900 (100w) and a R-6000 multiband
vertical antenna. He has plans to activate again the Chilean base
"Ripamonti" as well as "Pedro Cerda" (CE9) and probably "Des. Navy
Deception (LU/Z) Bases on Deception Island" in January 2002. QSL for
R1ANF/mm are via RK1PWA.

UX0, UKRAINE (6 meters). Nikolay, UX0FF, who has been active on 6 meters
lately, has been heard on 50113.6 kHz between 1300-1430z. He informs OPDX
that there has been some confusion with his CBA address. Some callbooks
list him as being in "Asiatic Russia" which is incorrect. His correct
address is: Nikolay Lavreka, P.O. Box 3, IZMAIL, 68600, UKRAINE.

VP5, TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS. Ed, WA3WSJ, will be operating his Elecraft
K2 on Provo Island starting Thanksgiving night through November 29th.
Outside the CQWW DX CW Contest, Ed will be active as VP5/WA3WSJ. He will
operate CW and PSK31, so he hopes to see many QRPers on his screen! Inside
the contest Ed will operate CW as VP5ED again with his K2. If you need
a VP5 QRP, give him a call. Take a look at his Web site for additional
information at:

VP8, SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND (Also South Orkney). By the time you read this,
GM0HCQ is scheduled/expected to be active from South Georgia (AN-007) as
VP8SGK until November 30th. He will also be active again from South Georgia
between January 10-11th. Also, look for him to be active from South Orkney
Island (AN-008) as VP8SIG, January 5-8th and January 28-30th.

XV9, VIETNAM. Rolf, SM5MX, informs OPDX that he  will be in Hanoi until
November 28th, activating his callsign XV9SW. He will take part in the
CQWW CW Contest as a 21 MHz Single Band/Low Power entry. Before and after
the contest, he will be on 20/15/10 meters, CW only. QSL via SM3CXS.

YA, AFGHANISTAN. It has been reported that well-known DXer Peter, ON6TT,
is back in Kabul. He is there setting up U.N communications for the U.N.
personnel. Knowing Peter, we are sure he will try to receive permission
to operate from this country.

ZK2, NIUE. Mike/KM9D and YL Jan/KF4TUG have been very active this past
week as ZK2MO and ZK2TO, respectively. Their activity seems to cover
80-10 meters and the WARC bands. Mike does mainly CW while Jan operates
on SSB. Mike will be in the CQWW CW Contest as a Single Op/All Band/Low
Power entry. QSL both callsign via OM2SA. Also, expected to be active
is Tom, VK2IR, until November 29th, but there have been no QSNs reported.
His callsign is unknown, but is expected to be active on 40-6 meters.

Thanks to Bill, NG3K, for providing OPDX with the following stations
listing for the CQWW DX CW Contest. A more detailed list is available
on the Web which lets users view the data sorted by Entity and by CQ
Zone. Take a look at:
  Call        Entity          QSL              Operators

  3B8/LA7MFA  Mauritius       LA7MFA           LA7MFA
  3W2ER       Vietnam         G4ZFE            G4ZFE
  5H1X        Tanzania        KQ1F             K1XM
  5X1Z        Uganda          SM6CAS           SM7PKK
  6Y1A        Jamaica         WA4WTG           K2KW
  6Y2A        Jamaica         WA4WTG           N6XG
  6Y4A        Jamaica         WA4WTG           N6BT
  6Y8A        Jamaica         WA4WTG           W0YK
  6Y9A        Jamaica         WA4WTG           KE7X
  6Y0A        Jamaica         WA4WTG           K2KW
  7S2E        Sweden          SM2DMU           SM2DMU
  8P2A        Barbados        K9PG             K9PG
  8P9Z        Barbados        K4BAI            K4BAI
  9K9X        Kuwait          See Notes        DL1HCM (Bavarian Contest Club)
  9M6A        East Malaysia   N2OO             YB0US
  9M6NA       East Malaysia   JE1JKL           9M6NA
  A61AJ       United Arab Em  N4QB             S53R
  AH2R        Guam            JH7QXJ Direct    JI3ERV JR7OMD JK3GAD
                                               JR8VSE  JP1JFG
  BV4/UA3VCS  Taiwan          UA3VCS           UA3VCS
  C4W         Cyprus          5B4WN            5B4WN
  C6A/K7RE    Bahamas         K7RE             K7RE
  C6A/K8EP    Bahamas         K8EP             K8EP
  C6AKP       Bahamas         N4RP             N4RP W4SAA
  C6AKQ       Bahamas         N4BP             N4BP
  CN2JS       Morocco         F6BEE            F6BEE
  CS7T        Portugal        DF4SA            DF4SA
  CT8T        Portugal        Automatic Buro   OH1NOA
  CT9M        Madeira         DL1SBF           DL2CC
  CX9AU       Uruguay         KA5TUF           CX9AU
  D44CF       Cape Verde Is   SM0JHF           SM0JHF
  D44TC       Cape Verde Is   IV3TAN           Marconi Contest Club
  E20HHK      Thailand        E21EIC           E20HHK
  E21EIC      Thailand        E21EIC           E21EIC E20RRW HS0XNO
  EA4ML       Spain           EA4KA Buro       EA2AZ EA4AMO EA4CWN EA4DRV
                                               EA4KD EA4NP EA4TX EA5FID
                                               EA5KW EA7DBO UY7CW
  EA6IB       Balearic Is     ???              EA3AIR EA3AJW EA3ALV EA3AVV
                                               EA3GGO EA3KU EA5BM EA5ZF
                                               EA6ACC EA6FB EA6FO E
  EA8EA       Canary Is       ???              OH2MM
  EO1I        Ukraine         UT1IA            UT1IA
  ES9C        Estonia         ES5RY            10 ES ops + guests ops
  FG/N4CD     Guadeloupe      N4CD             N4CD
  FM5BH       Martinique      W3HNK            FM5BH
  FO8DX       Fr Polynesia    W6UFT            W1HIJ
  FR5FD       Reunion         FR5FD Direct     FR5FD
  GM7V        Scotland        ZS5BBO           GM3WOJ + team
  HA8EU       Hungary         HA2NM            HA8EU
  HC8N        Galapagos Is    AA5BT            N5KO K6AW  N0AX N0JK K1KI
                                               K1TO K9NW
  HI/K6CT     Dominican Rep   K6 Buro          K6CT
  HI3K        Dominican Rep   AD4Z             AD4Z
  HK0GU       San Andres      ???              DL7VOG
  HS1CKC      Thailand        CBA              HS1CKC
  HS4BPQ      Thailand        E21EIC           HS4BPQ
  HZ1AB       Saudi Arabia    K8PYD            SM0CXU
  II1H        Italy           I1HJT            I1HJT IK1QBT I1NVU IK1DFI
  IQ3X        Italy           Buro             IV3SKB
  IU7M        Italy           IK7JWY           IK7JWY
  IY1SP       Italy           I1FNX            La Spezia chapter of ARI
  J3A         Grenada         WA1S             YCCC
  J41YM       Greece          OKDXF            OK1YM
  JA3YBK      Japan           Buro             JA Team
  JE4VVM      Japan           Buro             JA Team
  JK6SEW      Japan           Buro             JH6QIL JK6SEW JM6CIP JP6EGZ
  JY9NX       Jordan          JH7FQK           JM1CAX
  KP2/K0DI    Virgin Is       K0KTZ            K0DI
  LA6YEA      Norway          LA9VDA           LA6YEA
  LU7EE       Argentina       LU7EE            LU7EE
  LX/DL4SDX   Luxembourg      DL8SCG           DL4SDX DL4SDW DL5SEJ DL8SCG
  LX4B        Luxembourg      LX1TI            OH2PQ
  LX5A        Luxembourg      Buro             DF9LJ DK2OY DK6WL DL1MGB
                                               DL2HBX DL5KUT
  LZ5A        Bulgaria        See Notes        LZ3GA
  LZ8T        Bulgaria        LZ2CJ            LZ2FV
  LZ9W        Bulgaria        ???              LZ1ANA LZ1AX LZ1PM LZ1UQ
                                               LZ1ZD LZ2HM LZ2PO LZ3DX
                                               LZ3FN LZ3UP LZ5VK
  MU/DL2OBF   Guernsey        DL2OBF           DL2OBF
  MU0ASP      Guernsey        F5SHQ            F5SHQ
  MZ5A        Shetland Is     G3TXF            G3TXF G3WVG
  NH0S        Mariana Is      JF2SKV           JQ1UKK JF2SKV JK2VOC JG3VEI
  OE2S        Austria         ???              OE2-gang DL6FBL DL1MFL
  OE75CWL     Austria         OE5CWL           OE5CWL
  OG1F        Finland         OH1MDR           OH1MDR
  OG1MM       Finland         OH1MM            OH1MM
  OG4A        Finland         OH6LI Direct     OH6QU
  OG4A        Finland         OH6LI Direct     OH6QU
  OG6NIO      Finland         Buro             OH6NIO
  OH7M        Finland         OH6LNI Buro      OH4XX OH4JFN OH6LNI OH7MS
  OH0N        Aland Is        OH1BOI           DJ2QV
  OH0V        Aland Is        OH6LI Direct     OH6LI
  OH0Z        Aland Is        OH1EH            OH2MA
  OM5M        Slovak Rep      Buro             OM3BH
  OM8A        Slovak Rep      OM3RM            OM3RM 9A3PA 9A7R OM2RA OM2VL
                                               OM3GI OM3JW OM3NA OM3LU OM7JG
  OT1A        Belgium         See Notes        ON5UM
  OT1P        Belgium         ON7RN            ON5OO ON5AV ON6AH ON6QR ON6VL
                                               ON6MH ON7PC
  OY9JD       Faroe Is        OY9JD Direct     OY9JD
  OZ5W        Denmark         OZ1KRF           OZ1FTU OZ1KRF OZ3W
  OZ0XX       Denmark         Buro             OZ8AE OZ5WQ OZ3ZW/OZ0XX
                                               OZ1BIZ OZ1ETA
  P3A         Cyprus          ???              RA9JX RZ9UA RW9UP UA9MA RK3AD
                                               UA3AB RW3QC
  P40Q        Aruba           K0DQ             K0DQ
  P40W        Aruba           N2MM             W2GD
  PJ2T        Neth Antilles   KN7Y             W0CG KP2L K6LA K4WA
  PT5T        Brazil          ???              CT1BOH
  PY4FQ       Brazil          PY4FQ            PY4FQ
  PY4NQ       Brazil          PY2NQ            PY2AMX PY2EMC PY2NQ
  RA0FA       Russia (Asia)   RA0FA            RA0FA
  RA0JJ       Russia (Asia)   RA0JJ Direct     RA0JJ
  RF9C        Russia (Asia)   RK9CWW           RZ9CO RA9CKQ RA9CMO UA9CIR
  RG3A        Russia (Europe) RZ3BW            RZ3BW
  RM6A        Russia (Europe) W3HNK            RN6BN RA6CO RA6CM RN6AA and
  RX6LDK      Russia (Europe) RX6LDK           RX6LDK
  RT9W        Russia (Asia)   RZ9WWH           RU9WX RX9WR RW9WA RW9WW RV9WB
                                               RW9WY RV9WA UA9WFM RA9WR
  RU1A        Russia (Europe) RU1AE            RW1AC RU1AA RV1AW RN1AM RA1ACJ
                                               UA1ARX RX1AA UA1ANX RA1AR
  RW2F        Kaliningrad     DK4VW            UA2 Contest Club
  RW9QA       Russia (Asia)   W3HNK            RW9QA
  S54A        Slovenia        Buro             S54A
  SU1ER       Egypt           WA3HUP           N9NC
  SW1R        Greece          SV1XV            SV1VN SV1XV SV1RD
  T70A        San Marino      Buro             I2WIJ IK2QEI I2VXJ IK4MTF
                                               IZ2AAJ T77LL
  T88JA       Belau           JH6RTO           JH6RTO
  TI5X        Costa Rica      N0KE             N0KE
  TM2Y        France          F6BEE            F5IN F5JOT F6FGZ F6FVY F8CRH
  TM5C        France          ???              F6ARC F6DZS F5MUX F5NGA
                                               F5LND F5NLY
  TM0A        France          F6OIE            F6OIE
  TM0DX       France          ???              F5ROP DL7FER F8BWB F5SIH
  UA0YAY      Russia (Asia)   IK2QPR           UA0YAY
  UT7L        Ukraine         UR4LWC           UY5LW UX0LL UR4LTX UR4LRG
  UU7J        Ukraine         UU8JK            UU1DX UU1JA UU2JQ UU4JGR
                                               UU4JMG UU5JBO UU8JK UU0A UU0JM
  UV5U        Ukraine         UX1UA            UX1UA
  UY2UF       Ukraine         UX2UF            UX2UF
  V26K        Antigua         AA3B             AA3B
  V47KP       St Kitts Nevis  K2SB             W2OX
  V47UY       St Kitts Nevis  KJ4UY            KJ4UY
  V63A        Micronesia      JA7AO            JA7HMZ
  VA3NA/2     Canada          VA3NA            VA3NA
  VE1JF       Canada          Buro             VE1JF VE1JS VE9DX VE9WH
  VE3DC       Canada          VE3DC            VE3BK VE3OZO VE3RZ VE3SS VE3VZ
  VP5ED       Turks Caicos Is See Notes        WA3WSJ
  VP5G        Turks Caicos Is K3TEJ            K3TEJ
  VU2PAI      India           VU2PAI           VU2PAI
  VY2ZMM      Canada          K1ZM             K1ZM
  WP2Z        Virgin Is       KU9C             K7BV
  XE1RGL      Mexico          N2AU             XE1RGL
  XT2DX       Burkina Faso    G3SXW            G3PJT G3SXW G3XTT G4BWP G4IFB
                                               G4PIQ KC7V
  XU7AAV      Cambodia        G4ZVJ            G4ZVJ
  YE1ZTC      Indonesia       YB1BOD           ORARI Lokal Bekasi Club
  YL7C        Latvia          YL2GQT Direct    YL2GQT YL2MD
  YL8M        Latvia          YL2KL            YL2KL
  ZC4BS       Cyprus SBA      G4KIV Direct     ZC4BS
  ZC4DW       Cyprus SBA      G0DEZ            G0DEZ
  ZD8Z        Ascension       VE3HO            N6TJ
  ZF1A        Cayman Is       W5ASP            W5ASP
  ZF2AM       Cayman Is       K6AM             K6AM
  ZF2LA       Cayman Is       K9LA             K9LA
  ZF2NT       Cayman Is       G3SWH            N6NT
  ZS4TX       South Africa    ZS4TX            ZS4TX

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1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ("1111").
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single "BEEPS" every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the "BEEP"
leave your voice message or FAX.


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