SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.579
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 579

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 579
BID: $OPDX.579
September 23, 2002
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, NB1B, NC1L, W2GR, WB2RAJ, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX,
DL1EK/DL7VOA & DX Newsletter, DL2VFR, DL9RCF, F5NQL & UFT, FJ5DX & La
Gazette du DX, HK3JJH, I1JQJ & IK1ADH - 425 DX NEWS, IN3XUG, JI6KVR,
LA9VDA, OZ6OM/OZ7M & OZ 50 MHz DX Bulletin, PA0VDV, PY7ZY, UA0ACG,
for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 15/September, through Sunday, 22/September there were
228 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V,
3W, 3X, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q,
7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9U, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2,
A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM,
CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D6, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL,
EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FY, G, GD,
GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HM, HP,
HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J5, J6, JA, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KH9, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON,
OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV,
SV5, SV9, T33, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TN, TR, TT, TU,
UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, VE, VK, VK9L, VK9N,
VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, YA, YB, YI,
YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

NOTE FROM EDITOR (Jester or Gesture!): I want to thank the few (2) who
spotted and told me about the BIG grammar error in OPDX.578. Probably
this error was caused by my hurry to finish OPDX.578 Sunday morning so
I could attend the Cleveland Indian's game that afternoon. The surprising
thing was that it got by the Chief Proof-reader (Linda, my wife and
teacher). Well, I can't blame her. She was editing the bulletin during
the game (and this was not the first time she did it at a Tribe game)!
Talk about dedication.......

14.325 EMERGENCY NET. Charles Harpole, K4VUD, wants to remind everyone
that the USA Hurricane Watch Net is now active on 14.325 kHz handling
potential emergency messages. A clear frequency will be very helpful
during this important net.

7Q, MALAWI. Ely, IN3VZE, will be active as 7Q7CE from September 22nd
through October 8th. Activity will be on the HF bands, including the
WARC bands on SSB. QSL via his home callsign IN3VZE to the ARI Bureau
or direct to: Ely Camin, C.SO Tre Novembre 136/2, I 38100 Trento ITALY.

8P, BARBADOS. Dave/NT1N and Jim/W1UK will operate from here in the CQWW
SSB Contest as Multi/Single entry. Callsign is not known yet, and they
will be active before and after the contest (October 24-25th, and 28th).

9H, MALTA (IOTA Op). Gerd/DJ4KW and Gisela/DK9GG will be active from Gozo
Island (EU-023) between September 26th and October 8th. They are expected
to sign DJ4KW/p and DK9GG/p. Activity will be on CW and the digital modes.
QSL via their home callsigns.

9K, KUWAIT. John, W4NU, has been here since July and has been active
as W4NU/9K2. He only operates on Sundays (usually two Sundays per month
due to his job demands). John can usually be found after 1800z on/around
21250 kHz until about 2300z before moving onto 20 meters (14200 kHz) as
the band opens up to North America. He will be here until at least the
first of the new year. His QSL Manager is Nancy, NK4U.

C6, BAHAMAS. A five man team from the Magnolia DX Association will be
active from Treasure Cay, Abaco Island (IOTA NA-080) in the Bahamas
from October 21-28th. They will be participating in the CQWW SSB Contest
in the new Multi-2 catagory using the callsign C6ARB. Team members will
be active the week before the contest as homecall/C6A on 160-10 meters,
CW and SSB. Team members are: Randy/W5UE, Stan/K5NY, Bernie/KK5EW,
Joe/N5ID and Terry/W8JE. QSLs for C6ARB are via W5UE, and individual
team member activity are via their home callsigns.

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. By the time you read this, Babs/DL7AFS and Lot/DJ7ZG
should be active from here for the next two weeks as C98DC. They arrived
in Maputo on September 20th and were expected to head towards Bazaruto
Island (AF-072) in northern Mozambque. Activity will be SSB on the usual
DX frequencies and also on RTTY/PSK31 (watch 18101 kHz). QSL via DL7AFS.
For more information, check out the Web page at:

DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Manager, reports the following:
  * 7O/OH2YY - The DXCC Desk has received evidence that the Yemen operation
               by Pekka Ahlqvist, OH2YY in May 2002 was conducted with
               written, government approval. Credit for QSOs with 7O/OH2YY
               between May 4 and May 11, 2002 (inclusive) will be given
               effective immediately.

  * 7O1YGF   - (Update) No evidence traceable to the Yemeni government
               has been received by the DXCC Desk to date. DXCC credit
               for this operation will be given only after such evidence
               has been presented to ARRL.

will be active as ES6Q in the CQ World Wide DX SSB Contest (October 26-27th)
as a Multi/Single entry. Also, operators ES5TV, ES5RW, ES5MC, ES5RY, ES5QX,
ES5RAH, ES5RN and ES5MG will be active as ES6Q in the CQ World Wide DX CW
Contest (November 23-24th) as a Multi/Single entry. QSL both operations
via ES5RY.

FO, AUSTRAL ISLANDS (Possible New IOTA). Silvano/I2YSB and Adriano/IK2GNW
will be active as FO/I2YSB/p and FO/IK2GNW/p from Rurutu Island (OC-050),
October 17-28th. While there they will try to also operate from Maria
Island (OC-NEW). QSL via their home callsign. A web page has been set
up for this operation at:

FT/Z, AMSTERDAM ISLAND. Georges, F8OP, reports that Caroline, FT1ZK, has
just received all her equipment. They are expecting her to be active very

HC1, ECUADOR. Look for Jorge, HC1JQ, to be active in the CQ/RJ WW RTTY
Contest as a Single Op/Single Band (10m) entry. QSL via HC1JQ.

HP, PANAMA. Elio, HP1BYS, will be active in the upcoming CQ World Wide DX
SSB Contest (October 26-27th) as a Single Op/Single Band (20 meters) entry.

    Markus, DL9RCF, reports: "As most of you already know an international
    team will operate from KH8, American Samoa, in November 2002. The team
    consists of 6 operators and will try to operate from the main Island of
    Tutuila (IOTA OC-045) and also from Ofu Island (IOTA OC-077). The
    callsigns will be K8T and K8O." If you are interested in more
    information and the exact dates, please visit the DXpedition's
    homepage at:  

    Gordon, ZL2ARN, announces that he has been authorized by Ken, ZL4HU,
    to advise everyone about the official release of the details and Web
    page for the upcoming Chatham Island DXpedition. For up-to-date news,
    the Chatham Island DXpedition Web page can be found at:

IOTA NEWS....................
   NEWS.    The Philippine Amateur Radio League, Inc. (PARL) and other
            members of Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) are planning
            to have an IOTA DXpedition this coming October. The following
            islands and schedule of activities have been announced:
              Talicud Island (OC-235) - October  6-10th
              Cuyo Island (OC-120)    - October 11-16th
              Lubang Island (OC-126)  - October 17-20th

   EU-052.  Look for Luke/ON4BB, Rene/ON5KH and Bill/ON5JE to be active
            now through September 30th from Zakynthos Island. They will
            operate as SV8/homecall on 20/17/15/12/10 meters SSB and CW.
            QSL via their home callsigns either direct or through the

   EU-110.  Mauro/9A2PU and Boro/9A3KB will activate the Island of Veli
            Brijun (IOCA CI-139) on September 28-29th. Activity will be
            on all bands icluding 6 meters. Their location will be Cape
            of Pinida beside Otok Brijun Veli Rt Pinida Lighthouse
            (WLH LH-1651 and ARLHS CRO-010). QSL via their home callsigns.

   EU-110.  Peter, DL4AMK, will be active as 9A/DL4AMK and activate the
            lighthouse on the Island of Sv Ivan na Pucini (CI 113, WLH 0036,
            CLH 145) from October 12-18th. Activity will be SSB only on
            40/20/17/15/12/10 meters. QSL via DARC or direct.

   EU-125.  Peter, DL4FCH, will be active as OZ/DL4FCH from Romo Island
            from September 28th through October 4th. Activity will be
            on 80/40/20/15/10 meters CW.

   OC-NEW.  Paul, VK3KXG, an Amateur Ornithologist, has gained permission
            to travel to Lady Julia Percy Island (VK3-Victoria State West
            Group), a wildlife refuge off the coast of Victoria in Southern
            Australia to undertake some scientific studies between September
            27-30th. He has invited a small group of amateurs, including
            Tom/VK3ZZ and Peter/VK3QI, along to help with his scientific
            work and to activate the island. This island is part of a
            previously un-activated IOTA group. It will be a rare activation
            due to the closely guarded nature of the wildlife refuge and
            the harsh environment, which includes encircling 30-40m high
            cliffs and thousands of seals and seabirds! The operation will
            be CW/SSB on most HF bands on the usual IOTA frequencies. It
            is intended that two stations will be operational 18 hours a
            day with a special callsign to be announced upon their arrival.
            The above scheduled date is subject to change due to wind
            conditions which can make access to the island by boat very
            difficult. Please remember that the scientific work is the
            number one priority with the ham radio operation being
            secondary. QSL direct only to QSL Manager VK3KXG via address
            on (Paul Stampton, 69-71 Brown Street, Leongatha,
            Victoria, Australia 3953).

IOTW FORUMS ACTIVE AGAIN. John, WD8MGQ, informs OPDX that the folowing
"Islands On The Web" forums are once again operational:
    Skeds and Rumors:
  General IOTA forum:
  IOTA contest forum:
John states, "Unfortunately, the provider lost all the E-mail addresses,
so everyone needs to subscribe (for free of course) again. Our apologies
for it taking so long to get back up to speed, but we had to make sure
that this kind of error would not happen again." Please also visit the
following interesting Web pages:
      C.IS.A. --
      IOTW    --
      The Antarctic Page --
      IOTA Update Page   --

KH6, HAWAII. Just a quick reminder that Hiro, JA5XAE, will be here taking
his DX vacation in Hawaii between September 22-26th and will be active
KH6/JA5XAE. Refer to OPDX.575 for more details. QSL via his home callsign,
direct or JARL bureau.

KH0, MARIANA ISLAND (Update). Walt, KF2XN, currently active from Guam as
KH2/KF2XN, will be going QRT by the end of the week. He is active mainly
on 14.270-273 kHz from around 0830-1200z. QSL via W2GR. If everything goes
as planned, he will hop a plane Thursday, September 26th, for a side trip
and operate the weekend from KH0 Saipan (IOTA OC-O86) signing KH0/KF2XN.
One report indicates that he will meet Jun/WH0V and Danny/KH2JU there. He
will try to be active as much as possible on as many bands as possible,
mainly on SSB, but he will try CW if possible. The QSL route for this trip
will also be via W2GR: Mike Benjamin, 1064 99th Street, Niagara Falls,
NY 14304. QSL cards will be designed and printed after Walt's return home
in October. They will be a nice photo QSL.

LSDXA 2003 OFFICERS ELECTED. The newly elected officers and directors
of the Lone Star DX Association for 2003 were announced this week. The
following LSDXA officers are:
  President/Chief Director  - Bill Priakos,  W5SJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  VP & Information Director - Tom Anderson,  WW5L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  VP & Membership Director  - Bob Alexander, W5AH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Treasurer & Secretary     - Jim Bass,      K5KQI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  LSDXA Board Members:
  Herb Blair,    K5AT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Lynn Schriner, W5FO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Tim Bratton,   K5RA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Ken Knudson,   N5TY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  LSDXA Webmeister - Bob Winn, W5KNE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

P40, ARUBA. Ken, K6TA, will be active here as P40TA in the ARRL 160M
Contest (December 6-8th) as a Single Op/High Power entry. Kay, K6KO,
will team up with Ken in the ARRL 10M Contest (December 14-15th) as
P40K and as a Multi/Single/High Power entry. Ken will be on the island
from December 3-17th. QSL both operations via WM6A.

PIRATE ALERT. Taka, JR3QHQ, reports that a station signing 7Q7YE was
active on September 15th stating he was the QSL Manager. Taka states
that this station was a PIRATE and he is NOT the QSL Manager. He also
does NOT have plans to go to 7Q.

PJ2, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Joeke, PA0VDV, will be active again as PJ2/PA0VDV
from November 10th through December 2nd, from Curacao.  Activity will be
only CW on HF bands 80-10 meters with an emphasis on WARC bands. There will
be NO activity planned in CQWW Contest. QSL via the bureau or direct to:
Joeke van der Velde, Delleburen 1, 8421 RP Oldeberkoop, Netherlands.

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
   Denver, 4S7DA, informs OPDX that he is moving and will be off the
   air for some time until he sets up his station again. He states that
   his direct mailing address will no longer be correct and will provide
   the new address once his station is up again. All QSLs should go either
   direct to W3HNK or via the 4S7 QSL Bureau. Denver requests to PLEASE
   DO NOT send QSLs via the Bureau to the QSL Manager as he is already
   overloaded. His E-Mail address will still be OK at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Also, Denver states, "Thanks to all my friends for the many QSOs we
   have had, but will be back soon."

   Bernie McClenny, W3UR, editor of "The Daily DX", reports: "Please update
   your databases. The QSL Manager for A61AJ is N4QB. He has all of the
   logs that I had. I have no A61AJ logs and no A61AJ QSL cards. I know
   that a few months ago N4QB was missing some logs from 2002. Please
   pass this on to your friends and please help me to update any old
   databases.  This change took place over one year ago."

   Ferdi, XQ5SM, Chairman of the Southern Cross DX Group (SCDXG), informs
   OPDX that following Chilean SCDXG members/stations were active during
   the recent WAEDC-SSB Contest:
        CE8EIO  -->  SOHP        CE4P   -->  SOLP (operated by CE4PBB)
        CE4EBJ  -->  SOHP        CE4EM  -->  SOLP
        CE4U    -->  SOLP (operated by CE4USW)
   Please, QSL via their home callsigns, via direct (check QRZ.COM for
   details) or via the Bureau.

   tell the DX community that he is not a memeber of the LCRA, and all
   the QSL cards sent via the bureau are not arriving. He states that he
   can't answer QSLs for his last operations (SA-078 and SA-040). QSL
   only direct to his address: P.O. Box 81119, Bogota, Colombia (also
   other operations to him or to his QSL Manager N4AA).

   QSL JI3DST/8 (operator Takeshi) via the Bureau only to home callsign.
   Activity was from Okushiri Island (AS-147). Takeshi states if you
   QSL direct, "Please don't send 1 USD (1 IRC is best" and use the
   address on

   QSLs for JT1FDK and JT1JA (September 8-9th, for all 2002 Asian DX
   Contest) go via UA0ACG.

   QSL the K5C operation from Cat Island (IOTA NA-082, USI MS-002S) by
   members of the Magnolia DX Association to with SASE or
   via bureau.

   Nao Mashita, JA1HGY, was active as KH2/JA1HGY from September 13-16th.
   If you send your QSO data by E-mail to him, you will reeceive KH2/JA1HGY
   QSL via the bureau (He does not need your QSLs). His E-mail address
   is:                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   LA8W was active this past weekend as LN8W in SAC contest. QSL via
   LA9VDA, direct or bureau. For a direct QSL, please add 2 USD or 1 IRC.

   Trond, LA9VDA, reports that all direct QSL cards for OJ0LA with 1 IRC
   or 2 USD have been sent out on September 19th.

   Richard, WB2RAJ, reports that he is receiving QSL requests and inquiries
   for ST2SA. WB2RAJ is NOT the QSL Manager for ST2SA. WB2RAJ is the QSL
   Manager for the following stations: EM3W, FK5DX, FK8GM, J39BW, LZ2TU for
   1993 only, ST2/G4OJW, ST2AA through February 1995 only, ST0K and UZ3AYR.

   QSL MANAGER NEEDED. Venci, Z32AF, informs OPDX that the following
   stations from Macedonia (Z3) are looking for a QSL Manager: Z31DX,
   Z32AF, Z32AM, Z32RS, Z33A, Z33AA, Z340FAD, Z350AM, Z350DX, Z350FAD,
   Z37FAD, Z39Z and Z30Z. Also, added very soon to this list will be two
   more licensed operators, Z32AY and Z34NO. They only want one manager
   for all. Send E-mail to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --or--  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Rudi, ZS6DX, activated the special event station ZS02AM during the
   past week. This activity was for the, "Africa Militair", an airshow
   and arms exibition at Waterkloof Airbase in Pretoria, South Africa.
   He states that the callsign is valid for a year, and he might use it
   again later in the year. A special QSL card has been printed, and the
   QSL information is via ZS6DX, direct or via the bureau.

   Circo, PY7ZY, has informed OPDX that he has concluded his ZY7USA
   operation on September 17th. QSL via his home callsign. Those that
   send direct QSLs can visit Ciro's homepage to see if he has comfirmed
   the reception of their QSL at:

S0, WESTERN SAHARA. Look for operators Fernando/EA1BT, Xavier/EA3BTD,
Juan/EA5FWK, Francisco/EA5WV, Julio/EA5XX, Bela/N8SHZ and Luis/XE1L to
be in Alicante on October 8th, and be on active from October 9-13th as
S07L. Activity will be on 40-10 meters with several 100 watt stations
active on SSB/RTTY/PSK31 (80 meters is possible). Julio, EA5XX, states
that they will be using a "Buddipole" antenna ( ).
Also, they will power the stations with a generator in the day and batteries
at night. They are trying to get another generator on site so they can
use high power. QSL info will be announced later.

SPECIAL EVENT AND 24TH HAM EXPO IN AUXERRE. On October 19-20th, in Auxerre,
the 24th HAMEXPO Show will be held. This event is one of the more important
activities in Europe, behind Friedrichshaffen. A lot of commercial and Ham
societies will be there for these two days. A huge fleamarket will also be
held indoors. Several thousand visitors are expected as each year. Auxerre
is about 160 km south east of Paris in Northern Burgundy. The French REF
Headquarter's callsign F6REF will be on the air on Saturday and Sunday
by the REF89's hams.

SV5, DODECANESE. Phil, G4OBK, is now active as SV5/G4OBK from Kos Island
(EU-001) until October 1st. His activity will only be for a few hours on
most days, with operations on 40-10 meters CW/RTTY/PSK31 and maybe a
little SSB. He will be giving out a multiplier during the CQ/RJ WW DX RTTY
Contest, however, his time might be limited. QSL via his home callsign
either direct or through the bureau.

TEAM-ZONE 2 DXPEDITION. A large group of operators from Canada and the
U.S. will activate "CQ Zone 2" (Grid Square FO10mi) from October 21-31st.
Callsigns to be used before the CQ World Wide DX SSB Contest (October
26-27th) will be CJ2KCE, CJ2BY and CJ2SRE. During the contest (and after),
look for the special event callsign VC2C to be used to commemorate the
October 31st, 1902, completion of the Trans-Pacific Cable. This cable was
the first telegraph cable between Canada and Australia/New Zealand. The
British Empire was now linked together by an all-British telegraph line,
from Australia to New Zealand to Norfolk Island to Fiji Island to Fanning
Island then on to Vancouver, Canada. For more information, please see the
Web page at:        
Their operating plan during the contest will be 160-10 meters, SSB only.
Before and after the contest, look for activity on 2m, 6m, Satellite,
RTTY, PSK31, SSTV, CW and the WARC bands. SPECIAL NOTE: On 80m, they will
have a Full-size 4-square antenna and they will be active through Europe's
sunrise and Japan's sunset. Operators include the following: VE3BY, VE3DXE,
VE3BY. QSL CJ2SRE via VE3SRE. QSL CJ2KCE via VA2KCE. QSL requests are as
follows for VC2C:

   USA/International Direct             Canada/International Direct
        and Bureau:                              and Bureau:
    Dennis Egan, NB1B                      James Davidson, VE3TPZ
    3 Keith Rd, Wayland                    65 Youngs St, Stratford
    MA 01778-4517  USA                     ON N5A 1J5 Canada

For sked requests and any additional information, send E-mail to:
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The TEAMZONE 2 Web site (under construction) is at:

TK, CORSICA. Rudy/OM3PC and Miro/OM5RW will be active as TK/OM3PC/P and
TK/OM5RW/P from now through September 30th. Activity will be on 160-10
meters CW/SSB/RTTY. During the CQWW DX RTTY Contest they will be active
as a Multi/Single category.

TM5, FRANCE (Special Callsign). Dom, F5SJB, will again be active as TM5CW
for the CQ CW Contest. Also, look for TM5CW during some CW DX and QRP
activity from November 11-25th. The callsign TM5CW is valid for the
"Lons-le-Saunier City Telegraphy Award". A special QSL is available
direct or via Bureau. QSL direct to F5SJB at: Dominique Meige,
F-39130 Hautecour, France.

TN, CONGO. Walsker, CT3HK, was active this past week as TN3S. QSNs show
he was on 21211 kHz around 2226z. "The Daily DX" reports that he has been
working in Congo for one year and has finally received his license to
operate. He will be working here the next three years. Reportedly, Walsker
is a little intimidated by the pileups and will probably be working very
closely with Luis, CT3DL, who will be taking lists. His activity will
be on 80-6 meters, probably only on SSB. QSL via Madeira Team, P.O. Box 19,
9001-901 Funchal, Madeira Island or to the bureau.

VK8, AUSTRALIA (QRP Op). Alan, VK4AAR, reports that Claude, VK8XC, has
asked him to manage his QSL chores effective immediately. Claude will be
going QRP in the near future but is currently using 100w and a vertical.
He is mostly on CW, so look for him on 14.009 kHz (preferred frequency).
The best times are 1930-2130z and later between 0630-0830z. QSL direct
to VK4AAR with SAE plus reply postage. Alan states, "The Australian postal
rates are being misunderstood by many amateurs in other countries. Please
let us put the CORRECT stamps on the reply envelope. 1 USD covers the
postage nicely." VK4AAR's address is: Alan Roocroft, PO Box 421,
Gatton 4343, Australia.

VK9, NORFOLK ISLAND. Jim Smith, VK9NS, and his wife Kristy, VK9NL, are
the only active hams on Norfolk Island (CW only). There are two hams who
are not very active, VK9NT and VK9JA. Jim can usually be found on CW
between 1000 and 1330z on 7005, 10105 and 18070 kHz. After 2130z, watch
10 meters. He was spotted on 28481 (SSB) and 29030 (FM). QSL via his home

ZC4, U.K. BASES ON CYPRUS. Look for ZC4DW to be active in the CQ/RJ WW
RTTY Contest possibly as a Single Op/All Band or Single Op/Single Band
entry. QSL via G0DEZ.

ZONE 2. Nenad, VE3EXY, will be active as VE3EXY/2 from September 27th
(about 2200z) through October 2nd (1300z). He will also be active in
the CQ/RJ WW DX RTTY Contest. Activity during the contest will be on
20/15/10 meters and around the greyline times, either on 80 or 40 meters.
Outside of the contest, he will be on RTTY, LF and the WARC bands.
Suggested frequencies are:
      CW   - 3510, 7010, 10107, 14025, 18077, 21025, 24897 and 28025 kHz
      RTTY - 14090, 21090 and 28090 kHz
      ADDED NOTE: No 6 meters. Outside contest, Nenad will always be working
                  split (2 kHz CW, 5 kHz RTTY). Sunrise/Sunset: 1035/2328z.
QSL via VE3EXY, direct with SASE (SAE + postage), via the bureau, or
direct without postage. QSLs with sufficient return postage will be answered
the same day (if in the log), or via the bureau otherwise. QSL cards are
already printed, and there is no reason to wait. E-mail requests are not
accepted. However, Nenad states e-QSL requests will be confirmed
electronically, subject to receiving notification and electronicQSL server
address. He will upload all Zone 2 electronic logs into LoTW as soon as
this system becomes available.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " [EMAIL PROTECTED] ", please send
mail to me via " [EMAIL PROTECTED] "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
online at 440-237-8208 28.8k/14400/9600/2400/1200 and leave a message with
the Sysop or send via InterNet Mail to:
Use the VOICE or FAX answering machine at 440-237-8208 which shares the
same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. To access:
1) Dial Number. 2) Wait for first ring (the second ring should be a false
ring from the fax/data switch box) and then dial four quick ones ("1111").
(NOTE: Some FAX machines that send single "BEEPS" every second will not
have to do this step.) 3) The phone will pick up and after the "BEEP"
leave your voice message or FAX.


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