SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.588
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 588

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 588
BID: $OPDX.588
November 25, 2002
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, N2CKH, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX,
NP4FW, K5LBU, KH6GMP, AA7UC, K7OX, K8YSE, Diamond DX News, 9M2/G4ZFE,
DL1HCM, DL1EK/DL7VOA & DX Newsletter, F5NQL & UFT, FJ5DX & La Gazette
du DX, G3TMA, I1JQJ & IK1ADH - 425 DX NEWS, JA1ELY, OZ6OM/OZ7M & OZ 50
MHz DX Bulletin, S52DG, SM7VZX, VA3RJ & ICPO and VK2CZ for the following
DX information.

** EDITOR'S SPECIAL NOTICE: This week's bulletin was sent out earlier
   than normal to accommodate the late CQWW DX CW Contest announcements.
   Also, it will provide the readers with a consolidated listing of the
   CQWW DX CW Contest participants.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Saturday, 16/November, through 2102z Friday, 22/November there
were 241 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2,
3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5W, 5X,
5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9Q,
9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, CE, CE0A,
CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, CY0, CY9, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6,
EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ,
FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0,
HC, HC8, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HM, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6,
J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA,
LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4,
PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S0, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9,
T32, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9,
UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, VE, VK, VK0M, VK9N, VP2E, VP2M,
VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK,
YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

4Z, ISRAEL. Look for OK1EE to be active as 4Z8EE in the CQ World Wide
DX CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Single-Op/Single Band (40m)/Low
Power entry. QSL via OK1EE or 4Z8EE.

7S, SWEDEN. Samir Popaja, SM7VZX, will be active as 7S7V in the CQ World
Wide DX CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Single-Op/All Band/Low Power
entry. His antennas will be as Battle Creek Special (1.8, 3.5, 7 MHz)
and GP (14, 21, 28 MHz). QSL via SM7VZX: Samir Popaja, Lettlandsgatan 2B,
SE-214 31 Malmo, Sweden. Visit his Web page at:

8Q, MALDIVES. Juergen, DL8LE, will be active through December 3rd. His
activity will be on 80-10 meters mainly on CW, with some SSB, PSK31 and
RTTY. The callsign is not known yet. QSL via home call either direct or
through the bureau.

9K, KUWAIT (Update). Mike, DL1HCM, informed OPDX that he will be active
as 9K9X in the CQWW CW Contest either as a Multi/2 or Multi/Single entry.
Remember, QSLs go via the 9K Bureau or via 9K2HN, not via DL1HCM.

9M2, WEST MALAYSIA (IOTA Op/Contest). Rich, 9M2/G4ZFE, informs OPDX that
he will be active from Pulau Pangkor (IOTA AS-072) during the CQWW CW
Contest as 9M2/G4ZFE/P. He will operate as Single Operator/Single Band
(15m)/Low Power entry. He also mentions that the direct QSL address for
all his 9M2 operations (9M2/G4ZFE and 9M2/G4ZFE/P IOTA) has changed to:
Richard Everitt, #2601, PNB Darby Park, Jalan Binjai, Kuala Lumpur 50450,

9M8, EAST MALAYSIA (OOOPPPS!). Last week we mentioned that Ian, 9M2/G3TMA,
would be active in 9M2-land for the CQWW CW Contest. Ian has informed
us that this is a "slight error" and he will be active in the contest
but as 9M8/G3TMA and not 9M2/G3TMA.

A4, OMAN. Krzysztof, SP5EXA, will be active as A45XR in the CQWW DX CW
Contest as a Single-Op/All Band/High Power Entry. QSL via the address

AFRICAN OPERATION (Update/Please refer to OPDX.585). Frost, K5LBU, informs
OPDX that he has talked to Andre, ZS6WPX, this past week and things may
change for their operation by the time Frosty arrives in South Africa (ZS).
They were hoping to be active as C91CF from Mozambique but will not know
for sure until Friday, November 22nd. If he cannot be active from C9-land,
he will try to be active as 7P8/K5LBU from Lesotho, or if that fails, he
will be active as 3DA0CF from Swaziland. Whatever happens, Frosty should
be active somewhere starting on Monday, November 25th through noon the
29th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters SSB.

BV4, TAIWAN (Update/Change). Art, BW3/UA3VCS, states he will NOT be using
his "BW3" callsign for the CQWW CW Contest (eventhough he loves this
callsign; but it is too long for the contest), but instead, he received
the new callsign BV4YI. Activity will be SO/AB/LP.

C4, CYPRUS. Marios, 5B4WN, will be using the special callsign C4W in the
CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Single-Op/All Band
entry. QSL via 5B4WN.

ELECTED OFFICERS. The Spokane DX Association elected the following officers
to serve for the year 2003:
    Gary Elliott K7OX  - President          Mary Moore    AA7RT - Treauser
    Randy Folts  K7TQ  - Vice President     George Tuncil W6AEA - Secretary

FH, MAYOTTE. Dirk, DL5CF, will be active as FH/DL5CF now through November
30th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, mainly on CW with some RTTY.
Also, look for him in the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL via Bureau.

FM, MARTINIQUE. Paul, K9PG, will operate as FM5BH in the CQWW DX CW
Contest as a Single-Op/All Band/High Power entry. QSL via W3HNK.

FT1Z, AMSTERDAM ISLAND. Caroline, FT1ZK, is active on 6 meters every
afternoon. She currently states she doesn't hear any beacons yet. Her
beacon is active 24 hours a day on 50.086 MHz. She will leave Amsterdam
Island on January 16th. QSL via F5JCB.

GOOD NEWS FOR VK HAMS. David, VK8AA/VK2CZ, reports that all VK hams will
get access to 3776-3800 kHz starting January 1, 2004.

HL0, SOUTH KOREA. Operators HL4GRT, DS4NMJ and DS4OWM will be active as
HL0CAC in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Multi-
Single entry. QSL via the Bureau or HL4GRT.

IOTA NEWS................
   EU-016.  Dusan, S52DG, informs OPDX that he will operate from Hvar
            Island, Croatia, (Croatian Island Award CI - 028), as 9A/S52DG/P
            from November 29th through December 2nd. Activity will be on
            CW/SSB on 80-10 meters. QSL via bureau or direct to:
            Dusan Mohoric, Ojstri Vrh 12, 4228 Zelezniki, Slovenia.

   EU-035.  Yuri, UA1ONY, who was recently active from Yuzhnyj Island,
            Novaya Zemlya (RR-0401), is planning to visit some of the
            other islands in the EU-035 group in 2003 (possibly new ones
            for RRA, WLH and RMA). Exact dates will be announced. QSL
            via RZ3EC. The QSL for his recent operation is in the designing
            stage now and will be printed soon. Please be patient.

IU, ITALY. Members of the ARI Brescia Contest Team (I2CZQ, IK2BCP, IK2EAD,
IK2FYH, IK2GSN, IK2GXK, IK2GZU, IK2QEI and IK2SAU) will be active as IU2X
in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Multi/Single/
High Power entry. QSL via IK2GSN.

JA, JAPAN (Special 160m Op). Mark your calendar! OPDX was informed that
Hiro, JF1NZW, one of the best Top-Bander in JA-land, will be concentrating
on 160 meters between January 4-10th (2003). Hopefully, more details will
be forthcoming for this special week of activity.

JY9, JORDAN. Operator JM1CAX will be active as JY9NX (from JY9NX's QTH)
in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Single-Op/
Single Band (20m) entry. QSL via JH7FQK.

KH3, JOHNSON ISLAND. Gary Belcher, KH6GMP, informs OPDX that he will be
on a one man DXpedition to Johnston Island from December 11-17th. The
following modes will be used: SSB, RTTY, PSK31, there will be no CW
operation. His callsign will be KH6GMP/KH3. QSL via KH6GMP with SASE or
IRC or via KH6 Bureau, NO E-mail QSLs please. During the ARRL 10 Meter
Contest, activity will be a full contest effort SSB only. Prior to and
after the contest, activity will include RTTY and PSK31 Operation.

LIGHTHOUSE ACTIVITY. Look for Glen, NK1N, to be active November 29th from
Jeffrey's Hook Lighthouse (USA-408), New York County, New York. The special
callsign W2L will be used. Operation will begin at 1700z and end at 2100z.
Glen is expected to start his activity on 14270 kHz (+/- QRM) and will
use the other usual lighthouse frequencies as well, CW included. QSL via
Glen Johnstone, NK1N, 555 Kappock St, #16A, Bronx, NY 10463 USA.

OD, LEBANON. Pavel, OD5/OK1MU, is expected to be active in the CQWW DX CW
Contest as a Single-Op/Single Band/High Power entry. He has not yet decided
what band he will operate (possible 80, 40, or 10 meters). QSL via OKDX
Foundation. Visit his Web page at:

P4, ARUBA. Mike, DF8AN, is expected to end his activity in Peru on November
24th (where he was signing as OA4/DF8AN/p and OA7/DF8AN/p) and head to
Aruba to be active until November 29th. He is expected to sign as P4/DF8AN
or P40N. Activity will be mainly on CW on all bands including 6 meters
with just 100 watts into a long wire. QSL via DF8AN.

RK0, ASIATIC RUSSIA. Members of the Central Siberia DX Club Team will be
active as RK0AYB in the CQWW DX CW Contest as a Multi-2 entry. Operators
will be UA0ANW, RU0AT, UA0WW, UA9MA, RZ9HT, RZ9HG, RZ9IR and RW9HK.

SILENT KEY. Hector (Luigi) Perez, NP4FW, reports on behalf of the Puerto
Rico DX Club that Agustin (Papo) Santana, WP4Q, one of thier most dedicated
DXers in Puerto Rico, became a SK early Thursday morning after undergoing
complications on a long time illness. OPDX and its readers would like to
send out our deepest sympathy to Papo's family and friends.

SPECIAL EVENT. The OMARC "Project Diana Special Event" Press Release:
On January 11, 2003, from 1600z to January 12th 0000z the Ocean Monmouth
ARC will operate from the historic Diana site to commemorate the first
ever successful moon bounce experiment as conducted by the U.S. Army
Signal Corps held on January 10, 1946. The  OMARC shall operate CW/SSB
and possibly other modes in the General and Novice/Technician sub bands
of the 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meter bands and possibly elsewhere. For a
historical perspective refer to the ARRL QST article in the May of 1946
QST titled "A DX Record: To the Moon and Back, How the Moon-Radar Feat
was Accomplished" written by Herbert Kaufpman, W20QU. For more information
on the Diana Project and for QSL info please visit the OMARC web site at:
Also, visit the "Info Age Learning Center" for more Diana Project history
You can also send an E-mail to:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TO2, GUADELOUPE. Jack, F6HMJ, will be active as TO2FG from Guadeloupe's
main island (IOTA NA-102, DIFO FG001), for one month starting December
15th and ending on January 15th. Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL
via F6HMJ.

TZ, MALI. Mac, TZ6JA, is once again going to Bamako, Mali for business.
He will stay in Bamako between November 23rd and December 10th. Mac hopes
to operate 40/20/17/15/12/10 meters SSB only. QSL via JA3EMU SASE only
or via Mac's mailing address below:
  Mac Obara: P.O.Box 59, Tama, 206-8691 JAPAN
  JA3EMU: Toshiyuki Tanaka:11-22 Higashi-Kourishinamachi, Hirakata,
          573-0077 JAPAN
  ADDED NOTE: If you send your QSLs via the JARL Bureau they will be
  returned few years later because neither are members of the JARL.

will be active as UU7J in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest(November 23-24th)
as a Multi/2 entry. The antennas are as follows: 2 elements on 160, 5
elements on 80, 2 elements on 40, 6 elements on 20, 8 elements on 15 and
6 elements on 10 meters. QSL via UU8JK.

VK9X, CHRISTMAS ISLAND. Kunio, JA8VE, who has been in Indonesia, will be
active from Christmas Island (OC-002) between December 7-14th (callsign
was not provided at this time). He will operate mostly 20 and 15 meters
SSB. QSL via JA1KJW: Nakayama Hisashi: 1-17-8 Shibuya, Yamato,
242-0023 JAPAN.

VU, INDIA. Ananth, VU2PAI, will be active in the CQ World Wide DX CW
Contest (November 23-24th) as a Single-Op/All Band entry. He asks all
the "big guns" to please listen for him on 160 meters. QSL via the
address on

XR3, CHILE. Charlie, CE3DNP, will be active as XR3A in the CQWW DX CW
Contest as a Single-Op/Single Band (10m)/QRP entry. He will use a FT-817
and a 4 element yagi.

ZC4, U.K. SOV. BASE AREAS ON CYPRUS. Dez, ZC4DW (G0DEZ), will be in the
CQWW DX CW Contest as a Single-Op on 80 meters or 160 meters. His sunrise
is at 0436z and his sunset is at 1435z.

Z3, MACEDONIA. Dragan, Z32XX, will be active in the CQ World Wide DX CW
Contest (November 23-24th) as a Single-Op/All Band entry. QSL via the
bureau or CBA: Dragan Davkovski, PO Box 15, 2000 Stip, Macedonia.

ZP6, PARAGUAY. An International Crew of operators (Dale/N3BNA, Clarence/
W4PMF, Jorge/CX6VM, Douglas/ZP6CW, Thomas/ZP5AZL, Juan/ZP5MAL and Luis/
ZP5WBM) will be active from the contest station in Pirayu (about 30 miles
from Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay) as ZP6T in the CQ World Wide DX
CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Multi-2-High Power entry. QSL via

ZL1AMO UPDATE. Judy Roush, AA7UC, continues to provide OPDX and the DX
community with updates on Ron Wright's condition from his daughter Terri
Wright. Over the past weekend, doctors performed a tracheotomy and Ron
was slowly beginning to show signs of improvement and movement. As this
was being prepared, another update was received on Thursday, November 21st,
stating the following from Terri: "My sister Jeanne phoned a little earlier
to say dad had a bad night and has had a decline. They have found two
infections which are making it harder on him. He is has also been put
back onto the other breathing machine. The nurse said he will have good
and bad days, we just don't want him to give up. Jeanne said she told
him all his Ham friends from around the world are waiting to hear him
on the radio and this put a big smile on his face. We are hoping that he
will gain some strength so as he can perhaps be able to write......"
   Also, INDEXA has established the "ZL1AMO Air Ambulance Fund" to assist
Ron and his family with the cost of air evacuating him from Fiji to
Auckland, New Zealand. The details are in the following news release.
International DX Association (INDEXA)
P. O. Box 607 / Rock Hill, SC 29731
Phone: (928) 537-2186 / FAX: 775-655-2102 / E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


For release: Immediate (21 November 2002)
For more information contact:
Judy Roush, AA7UC, President, INDEXA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ZL1AMO Air Ambulance Fund

On November 15th, the amateur radio community received word that
well-known DXer, Ron Wright, ZL1AMO,  fell ill in Fiji while on a
DXpedition that included C2, Nauru.  Ron was admitted to the Lautoka
hospital where he was diagnosed with pneumonia and collapsed lungs. He
was placed on life support and a few days later an air ambulance was
dispatched from New Zealand to transport him back to New Zealand where
he remains on life support in the critical care unit of the Auckland

Ron has no medical insurance and the cost of the emergency air ambulance
is $40,000 NZD or approximately $20,000 USD.  A ZL1AMO Air Ambulance
Fund has been established by the International DX Association (INDEXA)
to assist the Wright family with expenses incurred during Ron's most
recent DXpedition.

If you would like to contribute, please make checks out to INDEXA with a
notation "For ZL1AMO Air Ambulance Fund" on the "For" line at the bottom
of the check.  Please mail your contributions to:

The ZL1AMO Air Ambulance Fund
c/o Bill Jennings, W4UNP
Secretary-Treasurer, INDEXA
P. O. Box 607
Rock Hill, SC  29731

Contributions to this fund are not tax deductible.

Ron's family assures the DX community that they have his log book from
Fiji where he was operating as 3D2RW and, in time, all QSL cards will be

The Wright family appreciates the prayers and support of long-time =
friends and they hope that friendships recently established will =
continue in the future.

Judy, AA7UC, states, "I will continue to forward more updates as they
become available."

       The following stations are expected to be active in the
        CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 23-24th, 2002)
Thanks to Bill, NG3K, for providing OPDX readers the following consolidated
listing of the participants in the 2002 CQWW CW Contest. For a more detailed
listing in HTML format, please visit the Web page at:
         (by entity)
         (by zone)

 Contest        DXCC       CQZ    Class         QSL
Callsign       Entity                          Route
3C2MV  Equatorial Guinea   36                VE6JO Direct
3G1X   Chile               12    SOAB HP     XQ1IDM
3V8BB  Tunisia             33    M/S         YT1AD
4G1A   Philippines         27    SOAB HP     DX1CW Direct
4L8A   Georgia             21    SOSB 10M    OZ1HPS
4Z8EE  Israel              20    SOSB 40M    OK1EE
6Y2A   Jamaica             08    SOSB 20M    WA4WTG
6Y4A   Jamaica             08    SOSB 40M    WA4WTG
6Y8A   Jamaica             08    SOSB 80M    WA4WTG
6Y9A   Jamaica             08    SOSB 15M    WA4WTG
6Y0A   Jamaica             08    SOSB 160M   WA4WTG
7S2E   Sweden              14    SOAB HP     SM2DMU
7S7V   Sweden              14    SOAB LP     SM7VZX
8N1OGA Ogasawara           27                JARL Buro
8P5A   Barbados            08    SOAB HP     NT1N
8S5A   Sweden              14    SOAB        SM5AJV
9A1A   Croatia             15    M/M         Buro
9A1P   Croatia             15    M/S         9A2RD
9K9X   Kuwait              21    M/S         9K2HN
9M2/G4ZFE/p West Malaysia  28    SOSB 15M    G4ZFE
9M6NA  East Malaysia       28    SOSB 15M    JE1JKL
9M8/G3TMA East Malaysia    28    SO          9M2/G3TMA
9S1X   Congo (DR)          36    SOAB        F2YT
A45X   Oman                21    SOAB HP     A45XR
AH2R   Guam                27    M/2         JH7QXJ
BV4YI  Taiwan              24    SOAB LP     UA3VCS
C4W    Cyprus              20    SOAB        5B4WN
C53M   Gambia              35    M/M         OH3RM
C6AJX  Bahamas             08    M/S         N7NU
C6AKP  Bahamas             08    M/2         N4RP Buro
CE4U   Chile               12    SOSB 15M    CE4USW
CN2R   Morocco             33    SOAB        W7EJ
CO8LY  Cuba                08    SOSB 15M    EA7ADH
CO8TW  Cuba                08    SOSB 20M    IZ8CCW
CO8ZZ  Cuba                08    SOAB HP     DK1WI
CT3EE  Madeira             33    SOAB LP     Automatic Buro
CT8T   Portugal            14    SOAB HP     Automatic Buro
CT9L   Madeira             33    M/S         DJ6QT
CX9AU  Uruguay             13    SOAB        KA5TUF
CY0MM  Sable Island        05                VE3NE
D4B    Cape Verde          35    SOAB        4L5A
D44TD  Cape Verde          35    M/S         CT1EKF
E20HHK Thailand            26    SOSB        E21EIC
E20NTS Thailand            26    SOSB        E21EIC
EA6/DL1GGT Balearic Islands14    M/2
EA6DD  Balearic Islands    14    SOAB LP     Buro
EA6IB  Balearic Islands    14    M/S         EA6IB CBA
EA8/DH5JG/p Canary Islands 33                DH5JG Buro
EA8/DL6QW   Canary Islands 33    M/S         DL6QW
EA8ZS  Canary Islands      33    M/M         OH1JT
EM0U   Ukraine             16    M/S         UT3UZ
ES6Q   Estonia             15    M/S         ES5RY
EY8MM  Tajikistan          17    SOSB 10M    K1BV
FH/DL5CF Mayotte           39                DL5CF Buro
FM5BH  Martinique          08    SOAB HP     W3HNK
FS/KM3T St Martin          08    SOAB HP     K2PF
FY5FY  French Guiana       09    SOAB QRP    FY5FY
GI5W   Northern Ireland    14    M/2         UT5SI
GJ2A   Jersey              14    SOAB HP     GJ3DVC
GM7V   Scotland            14    M/M         M0CMK
HB0/DJ0IP Liechtenstein    14    SOAB LP
HC8N   Galapagos           10    M/M         W5UE
HL0CAC South Korea         25    M/S         Buro
HR3J   Honduras            07                JA6VU
HS4BPQ/9 Thailand          26    SOAB LP     E21EIC
HZ1AB  Saudi Arabia        21    SOSB 15M?   K8PYD
IG9A   African Italy       33    SOSB 80M    IT9GSF
IH9/OK1DSZ African Italy   33    SOSB 10M    OK1DSZ
IH9P   African Italy       33    SOSB 40M    OK1MG
II1H   Italy               15    M/S         I1HJT
IQ3X   Italy               15    SOSB 40M    IV3SKB
IU2M   Italy               15    M/S         IK2HDG Buro
IU2X   Italy               15    M/S         IK2GSN
J3A    Grenada             08    M/M         WA1S
J45KLN Dodecanese          20                SM0CMH
J75KG  Dominica            08                KU9C
JK6SEW Japan               25    M/S         Buro
JW5E   Svalbard            40    M/S         JW5NM
JY9NX  Jordan              20    SOSB 20M    JH7FQK
JY9QJ  Jordan              20    SOAB HP     DL5MBY
K2G    Guam                27    M/S         JA1OZK Direct
KH6/W8QZA Hawaii           31    SOSB 20M
KH0/JF2VAX Mariana Islands 27    SOAB        JF2VAX
KH0/JK2VOC Mariana Islands 27    SOAB        JK2VOC
KP3Z   Puerto Rico         08    SOAB HP     WC4E
LN8W   Norway              14    M/?         LA9VDA
LT1F   Argentina           13    M/2         LU1FKR
LX5A   Luxembourg          14    M/S         LX1RQ
LX7I   Luxembourg          14    M/S         LX2AJ
LY1YK  Lithuania           15    M/S         LY2FY
LY7A   Lithuania           15    M/M         LY2ZO
LY7Z   Lithuania           15    SOAB        LY2TA
LZ9W   Bulgaria            20    M/S         Buro
M7M    England             14    SOSB 80M    G0CKP
M7W    England             14    SOAB HP     G3XWK
M8C    England             14    SOAB LP     G4DFI
MJ0ASP Jersey              14    SOSB 20M    F5SHQ
MU5X   Guernsey            14    SOAB        G3KKQ
MW5A   Wales               14    SO          G3TXF
OD5/OK1MU Lebanon          20    SOSB        OKDXF
OH1F   Finland             15    SOAB        OH1NOA
OH2K   Finland             15    M/M         OH2K
OH4A   Finland             15    SOSB 20M    OH6LI Buro
OH7M   Finland             15    M/S         Buro
OH0V   Aland Islands       15    SOSB 15M    OH6LI Buro
OH0Z   Aland Islands       15    SOAB        OH5DX
OK5W   Czech Republic      15    M/S         OK1AEZ
OL5T   Czech Republic      15    M/M         OK1KHL
OT2A   Belgium             14    SOSB        ON7LR Direct
OZ0XX  Denmark             14    M/M         OZ0XX
P40A   Aruba               09    SOAB        WD9DZV
P40E   Aruba               09    SOAB HP     W3HNK
P40Q   Aruba               09    SOAB HP     K0DQ
P40W   Aruba               09    SOAB        N2MM
PJ2T   Netherlands Antilles09    M/M         N9AG
PJ4W   Netherlands Antilles09    SOAB LP     DL1EFD
PJ5/K1NA Sint Maarten      08    SOAB        K1NA
PT5A   Brazil              11    M/M         VE3HO
R5CC   Russia (Europe)     16    M/S         RW3RN
RK0AYB Russia (Asia)       18    M/2         UA0ANW Buro
RT9W   Russia (Asia)       17    M/S         Buro
RU1A   Russia (Europe)     16    M/2         RU1AE
RW2F   Kaliningrad         15    M/2         DK4VW
S9MX   Sao Tome            36    SOAB LP     KQ1F
S9WU   Sao Tome            36    SOAB        F6HWU
S07PM  Western Sahara      33    SO
SN4L   Poland              15    M/M         SP4CJA
SP5KVW Poland              15    M/S         Buro
SV1NA  Greece              20    SOSB 160M   Buro
T88JA  Belau               27                JA6VZB
T94FC  Bosnia              15    SOSB 10M
TA2/Z31GX Turkey           20    SOSB 40M    DJ0LZ
TI5N   Costa Rica          08    SOAB
TM5C   France              14    M/S         F5NLY Buro
TM5CW  France              14                TM5CW
UU7J   Ukraine             16    M/2         UU8JK
V26K   Antigua             08    SOAB LP     AA3B
V31JP  Belize              07    SOSB 40M    KA9WON
V47CA  St Kitts            08
VE2IM  Canada              02    SOAB HP     VE3DZ
VO2WL  Canada              02    M/?
VP9/W6PH Bermuda           05    SOAB LP     W6PH Direct
VU2PAI India               22    SOAB        CBA
VU3JDI India               22    SOAB HP     AD6TF
WP2Z   Virgin Islands      08    M/M         KU9C
WP3C   Puerto Rico         08    SOAB LP     W3HNK
XR3A   Chile               12    SOSB 10M    CE3DNP
XT2DX  Burkina Faso        35    M/M         G3SXW
XW1IC  Laos                26    SOAB LP     E21EIC
YB0ECT Indonesia           28    SOAB LP     K5ZE
YI0M   Iraq                21                OM3JW
Z32XX  Macedonia           15    SOAB        Buro
Z33F   Macedonia           15    SOSB 160M   Z33F
Z36W   Macedonia           15    SOSB 10M    Z36W
ZA1B   Albania             15    M/2         OH2BH
ZC4DW  Cyprus SBA          20    SOSB        G0DEZ
ZD8A   Ascension Island    36    SOAB HP     N6CW
ZF1A   Cayman Islands      08    M/S         W5ASP CBA
ZP6T   Paraguay            11    M/2         ZP5MAL
ZS4TX  South Africa        38    SOSB 10M    ZS4TX
ZS6EGB South Africa        38                ZS6EGB
ZS0M   South Africa        38                ZS0M
ZX3S   Brazil              11    M/?         PY3UEB
ZZ8Z   Brazil              11    SOAB LP     PY8AZT

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