SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.596
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 596

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 596
BID: $OPDX.596
January 27, 2003
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, ARRL Letter, WB2YQH, N3ZOM, NG3K, W3CF, W3UR & The
Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX/The DX Magazine, W4WX, WB6RSE, K8YSE, W8TTS, K9RZ,
W9DX, A35RK, DJ7AA, DJ7ZG, DL1EK/DL7VOA & DX Newsletter, F5NQL & UFT,
FJ5DX & La Gazette du DX, F5LEN, G0IAS, HK3JJH, I1JQJ & IK1ADH - 425 DX
MHz DX Bulletin, SM7AED, SP5EWY, VA3RJ & ICPO, ZL4HU and ZS4BS for the
following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 19/January, through Sunday, 26/January there were 234
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3DA, 3V,
3W, 3X, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5Z, 6Y, 7P,
7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3,
A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, CE, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3,
CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET,
EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM,
GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I,
IS, J6, J7, JA, JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH6, KH8, KH9, KL,
KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU,
SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T30, T31, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TR,
TT, TU, TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK,
VK0M, VK9L, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP8/h, VP8/o, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT,
XU, XW, XZ, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB,
ZC4, ZD7, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

2002 WRTC VIDEO RELEASED. Ari, OH5DX, informs OPDX that the official video
of the Amateur Radio Olympics (WRTC 2002) is now available on DVD and VHS.
Unlike previous ham radio videos, this one is produced from a 100%
"pro-sports" perspective. Watching the extreme effort Finnish hams put
into making WRTC 2002 as successful and professional as it was, it is only
fitting that the official video reflect these achievements. In order to
capture as much of the action as possible, three different camera crews
were sent out to film as many teams and events as they could during the
actual 24 hour competition. And supporting all this great footage are
high-end 3D graphics, intra-competition scoreboards, top-ten boxes, team
profiles, and lots of other things that you might expect when watching a
professional sports event on television.  The entire production is even
narrated by one of ESPN's top announcers. Animation, graphics and sound
were all posted at some of the best studios in the Asia-Pacific region,
and the DVDs were mastered in the same facilities used by Paramount and
Sony Entertainment. Total running time is 60 minutes. The DVD version
also contains lots of extra features like full score breakdowns for each
team, continental line-ups, competitor rulebook, and even all the past
WRTC scores dating back to 1990. Copies are now shipping worldwide, and
all information on how to obtain one can be found at the following web

3B8, MAURITIUS. Herman, ON4AME, is expected to be active as 3B8/ON4AME
from Mauritius (grid square LG89) from March 9-22nd. Activity will be on
CW/SSB and digimodes (SSTV-RTTY-PSK31-JT44... anything that is soundblaster
compatible) using a TS2000X fitted with 160m-23cm. The antennas will be
verticals and beams. More details will be forthcoming.

5X, UGANDA. QSL Manager Bob, WB2YQH, informs OPDX that Graham, 5X1GS,
has been semi-active this month due to work related travels away from
Kampala to the north part of the country. He is now traveling to 5Z4
(no operation there) and back to 5X for a day before departing for the
UK on January 30th. He will return to Uganda February 15th. He is looking
into a WARC beam for a better signal. Bob also mentions that the logs
are up-to-date. QSL via WB2YQH.

6W, SENEGAL. Norbert/F6AXX and Anne Marie will be vacationing here now
through February 7th, in the Saly Area. The callsign to be used will be
6W7/F6AXX. Look for Norbert every morning and evening mainly on CW around
the following suggested frequencies: 14035, 18090, 21035, 24105 and 28035
kHz (+/- QRM). QSL via F6AXX, either direct (SASE) or via the French REF
Bureau. Some more information about Saly and amateur radio in Senegal can
be found (in French) at:

6Y, JAMAICA. John, K3TEJ, plans to be active in the ARRL DX CW Contest
(February 15-16th) as 6Y0T. During activity outside of the contest, he
will operate as 6Y5/K3TEJ. He will be active from here between February
11-18th. Operations will be on 160-10 meters CW ONLY. QSL both callsigns
via K3TEJ.

7Q, MALAWI. QSL Manager, Allan, G0IAS, informs OPDX that Les, 7Q7LA, has
landed in Malawi, but a week late. He also states that by the time the
OPDX readers read this, Harry/7Q7HB and Les/7Q7LA should be active and
providing some "new ones" from the Lake shore (of Malawi) for plenty of
people this time around. Allan states not to hesitate to ASK the guys if
they can QSY to other modes or bands if you need them, but please not in
the middle of a pile up..! QSL info is as usual via DIRECT only to G0IAS.
NO BUREAU cards via RSGB (They will NEVER be answered.) Also, there is

8P, BARBADOS. Tom, W2SC, will be active as 8P5A in the ARRL International
DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a Single-Op/High Power entry. QSL via

9L, SIERRA LEONE (Top Band!). Zbig, SP7BTB, has returned from a holiday
in Poland and is now back and active as 9L1BTB. He has been heard on 160
meters lately, so watch between 1828-1831 kHz after 2130z. His activity
depends mainly on whether there is power (electricity) in the town. He is
using a dipole 13 meters above the ground, an IC-706 and a Emtron DX-1b.
Also, look for him to be active on 6 meters with a 5 element Yagi.

DXER'S MOST WANTED COUNTRIES (ENTITIES). Over the past week, DXers (new
and old) got to see where their most wanted entities are listed/ranked
thanks to "The DX Magazine's" release of the results of its "2002 Most
Wanted Conuntries" survey. Also released this past week were the results
of the "425 DX News 2003 Most Wanted Survey". This is actually interesting
because DXers from the Americas can compare what the rest of world (Asia,
Africa, Europe and the Pacific) needs. The top 10 mosted wanted are:

    "The DX Magazine"                  "425 DX News"
    -----------------                  -------------
    1) VU4 - Andaman                   1) VU4 - Andaman
    2) BS7 - Scarborough               2) BS7 - Scarborough
    3) VU7 - Lakshadweep               3) VU7 - Lakshadweep
    4) P5 - North Korea                4) 3Y/P - Peter I Island
    5) 7O - Yemen                      5) FR/J - Juan de Nova & Europa
    6) FR/J - Juan de Nova & Europa    6) KP5 - Desecheo Island
    7) 3Y/P - Peter I Island           7) KP1 - Navassa Island
    8) KP5 - Desecheo Island           8) YV0 - Aves Island
    9) KP1 - Navassa Island            9) 7O - Yemen
   10) YV0 - Aves Island              10) FT8X - Kerguelen Islands

   As you can see, the top three entities are the same, however, the
other seven are very different. OPDX would like to thank both DX
publications for providing the DX Community for these results. For more
details and complete results on these surveys, please visit the following
Web pages at:   (The DX Magazine)
              (425 DX News)

IOTA NEWS.................
   AF-064.  Dennis, ZS4BS, reports, "A DXpedition to Robben Island is on
            the books." Robben Island is listed amongst the top 500 most
            wanted IOTA groups in the latest IOTA Directory. There have
            been several fairly low-key operations in recent years, mainly
            on SSB only. The team, consisting of Phil/G3SWH, David/G3UNA,
            Vidi/ZS1EL, Kosie/ZS1SR, Malcolm/ZS1MC, Andrew/ZS1AN and
            Hester/ZS1ESU, has been allocated the special callsign ZS1RBN.
            The team plans to activate the island between April 4-7th,
            and, propagation permitting, have two stations on the air on
            a 24 hours a day basis. One station will operate SSB and one
            will operate CW on all bands 40-10 meters. QSLs will be handled
            by G3SWH, either direct to his CBA with SAE and return postage
            or via the RSGB bureau.

   NA-073.  Wil, DJ7AA, informs OPDX that he is planning another trip to
            Contadora Island, Panama, and will be active February 4-19th.
            His main activities are the WPX-RTTY Contest and the ARRL CW
            Contest. Outside of the contests, his activity will be mostly
            CW on 160/80 meters. Please look for him on 1826.5 and 3560.0
            kHz always listening split, so please look for his QSX
            frequencies. There may be some activity on the WARC bands and
            some SSB if someone needs it and if there is some time. The
            callsign is not known yet. QSLs for this activity are going
            via DL6MYL.

   OC-098.  Ken Holdom, ZL4HU, is in the process of planning a small
            DXpedition to Pukapuka, North Cook Islands, and he would
            appreciate receiving any information on past activities from
            this island. Ken has already been provided with the following
            list of past operations (kindly donated by Neville G3NUG):
            KH6MG/ZK1, W0PBW/ZK1, ZK1AF, ZK1DP, ZK1KH, ZK1MB, ZK1TW and
            ZK1XP. Apart from his own activities as ZK1KH, Ken would
            appreciate the names of the operators of the above activities
            and the dates they were operational from Pukapuka, North Cooks.
            If possible, he would also like to know the number of QSOs
            each operator made on these visits. If these operators are
            still active, he would also appreciate their current E-mail
            addresses. Also, if anyone knows of any other activity from
            Pukapuka, North Cooks, he would appreciate hearing from you.
            Ken's E-mail address is:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(Vol. 22, No. 04) dated January 24, 2003. An excerpt from the "ARRL Letter"
states: "The long-anticipated "Logbook of the World" (LoTW)--the ARRL's
secure electronic contact-confirmation system--took a major leap toward
public release this month with several weeks of limited-- or "alpha" --
testing. Dozens of Amateur Radio operators checked out a preliminary
version of the LoTW software, which is still under development. Once it's
ready, LoTW will provide a means for participants to qualify for awards
such as DXCC or WAS without having to first collect hard-copy QSL cards.
........... LoTW beta testing for the general Amateur Radio public is
expected to begin soon. The ARRL has not announced a specific inauguration
date for Logbook of the World. To read the complete press release, go
to the ARRL Web page at:

KH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Looks like this one will be active over the next
few months by a few JA operators:
  *  Look for JN1MYM and JO1UTG to operate from Saipan as KH0/JN1MYM
     and KH2DI/KH0, respectively, between January 31st and February 3rd.
     Activity will be on HF and 6 meters. QSL via their home callsigns.

  *  Takeshi, JA5AUC, will operate from Saipan as KH0/JA5AUC from February
     7-12th. Activity will be on HF and 6 meters. QSL via his home callsign.

  *  JR1KGF will be active as KH0/JR1KGF from Saipan between March 11-13th.
     His activity will be on HF and 6 meters. QSL via his home callsign.

  *  Ikuko, JA5GSG, will operate from Saipan between June 5-11th. His
     callsign was not provided. Activity will be on HF and 6 meters. QSL
     via his home callsign.

NEW OFFICERS FOR 2003. The Texas DX Society (TDXS) is pleased to announce
its officers for 2003:
   President       Madison Jones - W5MJ    Secretary     Ed Gerber - W5GCX
   Vice President  Charles Frost - K5LBU   Treasurer     Dave Topp - W5BXX

P4, ARUBA. Bob, W6FRH, is once again active as P40RH through January 29th.
Activity will be on 160-6 meters, SSB and some CW. Over the past weekend
Bob has been heard on 80/40/20/15 meters as well as plenty of 10 meter
activity. QSL via W6FRH.

PIRATE ALERT. Bill, K9RZ, reports that Roger, WA0ETE, QSL Manager for
V31KQ, informs him that the callsign V31KQ is not presently active and
recent operations on 15m CW are the work of a PIRATE. The only valid dates
for operation from V31KQ in 2002 were from April 24th through May 2nd.
At present, there are no firm plans to return to V31 in 2003, but that
is subject to change. He will inform Bill if that happens.

PJ5, ST. EUSTATIUS. Jim, K1NA, will be active as PJ5/K1NA (or possibly
PJ5NA) in the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) as a
Single-Op/All Band entry (This will be a casual effort). QSL via his
home callsign.

PY0F, FERNANDO DE NORONHA. Bill, W9VA, will be active as PY0ZFO from
February 12-18th. His activity will include the ARRL CW DX Contest using
a special callsign. Contest category and callsign will be announced later.
QSL via W9VA.

QSL INFO AND NEWS....................
   CO6XN QSL CHANGES. After much discussion with Abel, CO6XN, his QSL
   Manager Oscar/HK6DOS and Frank/N3ZOM have come to this conclusion.
   Because it is no longer cost effective for him, given the current
   unstable mail situation and increase in cost of the bureau service
   in Colombia, it is with much regret that Oscar will cease to handle
   Abel's cards effective June 1, 2003, via the bureau. The last date
   to accept via the bureau will be January 31, 2003. Frank will continue
   to handle all of Abel's cards for all past contacts DIRECT ONLY with
   sufficient post included with the contact request. Please be patient
   if sending a card since all contacts have to be confirmed over the
   air with Abel.

   Pavel, OD5/OK1MU, was active in the CQWW 160 CW Contest (this past
   weekend) as a Single-Op/Hign Power entry from the Czech Embassy. QSL
   via OKDX Foundation or OK1TN. Visit his Web page at:

   Kurt, OE 1002419, has announced that he just uploaded the newest version
   of the OE callsign directory as zipped PDF file to his homepage at:
   After entering the page, you can find the file under "Downloads ->
   OE-Callbook". The file size is about 580 kB (zipped). The PDF file
   contains all OE callsigns with their names and addresses (SW and VHF/UHF
   hams = class 1 and class 2 hams) that were licenced at the 3rd of
   January 2003.

   Ted, W8TTS, has informed OPDX that he has taken over the QSL Manager
   tasks for PJ2/N8LGP for his operation during February 2002.

   Pascal, F5PTM (aka TT8ZZ), informs OPDX that he has begun (last week)
   to send out QSL cards for his activities in Chad this past autumn.
   Direct QSL cards that were received will be sent first. The remainder
   of the callsigns in the log will automatically receive a QSL via the
   bureau (about 14,000 QSL). For more info, a log search and pictures,
   please visit the Web page at:

   POSTAGE IS UP. Pedro, HK3JJH, informs OPDX that the actual cost of
   regular mail in Colombia is 1.65 USD and IRC are not accepted at the
   post office where he lives (so he can not use them). He states that
   he will continue sending his QSLs via Bureau or direct from an American
   post office when he visits the USA, or send it to some friends there.
   Currently, Pedro states he is up-to-date on his outgoing QSLs, but
   he will need to make the above mentioned changes.

   QSL/MGR SEARCH ENGINE AVAILABLE. Boye, OZ7C, reports that his QSL
   and Manager search machine is back after one year out of sevice. The
   URL address is:     
   The QSL database contains 336368 records and the MGR database contains
   17570 records, based on managers that have more than 3 callsigns to
   their service. There will be weekly updates, normaly on Monday.

   V51AS QSLs. Steve, WB6RSE, recently received a direct reply from Frank,
   V51AS, and enclosed was an article from a local paper showing a picture
   of pilfered mail discarded in the Windhoek riverbed. "Some of the mail
   found was posted at least three months ago, and includes both domestic
   and international mail. Investigators said the culprits mainly targeted
   international mail as Namibians living abroad sometimes posted cash to
   friends and family." Frank's hand written note included: "Nobody has an
   answer. I hope it's over. Please let others know about the problem."
   Frank chooses to QSL himself, which is his prerogative, even though a
   stateside or European manager would solve the problem. Bottom line:
   Frank does QSL. Steve received his in a matter of weeks. If it's been
   longer than that, you might consider trying again.

   YI1BGD QSL CONFUSION. This one has had many scratching their heads this
   past week. What we can gather so far is to "LISTEN" to the operator's
   instructions. From what we can tell, activity by:
      *  Operator Mike, OM2DX, who has finished his operation as YI9OM
         on December 12, 2002, and is active (temporary) from the club
         station YI1BGD, should be QSLed via his father Steve, OM3JW.
         Steve informs OPDX that the YI1BGD QSLs are at the printer's,
         and he will send them out as soon as possible. By the way, Mike,
         OM2DX, is still waiting for his own personal callsign YI9DX. Also,
         for more info about the YI9OM and YI1BGD activity by Mike, OM2DX,
         and the logs, visit the Web page at:

      *  Cliff, G0MMI, is the QSL Manager only for contacts made with
         YI1BGD operated by Rodger, G0TLC. These DO NOT include CW
         contacts, as Rodger does not work CW.

      *  Any other operator at YI1BGD (other than Mike or Rodger as
         operators) should be QSLed via YI1DZ: P.O. Box 7361, Baghdad 12216,

   Stan, OK1JR/YB0AJR, was active this past weekend during CQWW DX 160m
   CW Contest using the callsign YE0X from Jawa Island, Indonesia. QSL
   via OK1JR to the YB bureau. A special QSL card will made for CQ 160m
   Contest only.

T31, CANTON ISLAND. Paul, A35RK, informed OPDX that Mike Young, KM9D,
got his new callsign, T31MY, on January 24th. Over the past weekend,
Mike has been heard on 17 meters CW (check 18094 kHz after 1700),
10 meters CW/SSB (check 28005 and 28450 kHz after 2000z) and on 12 meters
CW (check 24916 kHz after 2300z). Activity was also reported on 40/30/20
meters. Mike's length of stay may be three to four weeks. QSL via OM2SA.

V2, ANTIGUA. Doug, W3CF/V26DX, and a group of Team Antigua operators will
activate V26DX as a Multi-Two entry for the 2003 ARRL International DX
SSB Contest (March 1-2nd) from the Royal Antiguan Hotel. The other operators
include Jay/WX0B, Jim/N2EA, Irwin/KD3TB and Sharon/N5CK. Doug states,
"This is a shake down of the new hotel station. This is more vacation for
some fun and sun in the sand than DXpedition. But will be on the air a
lot." They will be running a 100 watts into a tribander and wires from
the 8th story roof. They expect to have something on the air by Wednesday,
February 26th during the evening. Activity on 6 meters will be possible
but only with a wire antenna. QSL V26DX via KU9C. QSL the other operators
as directed. Doug states he will also load the log into the eQSL database
upon his return.

V2, ANTIGUA. Members of the Florida DXPedition Group, Bill/W4WX (V25WX)
and Larry/W1LR (V2/W1LR - applied for V26LR) are planning a trip to Antigua,
February 17-25th. They will be traveling "Space A" via military aircraft
out of Patrick AFB, Cocoa, FL. They will be taking one small Mini-beam
for 10/15/20 meters, Force 12 Sigma 5 Vertical for 10/12/15/17/20 meters,
and a dipole for 6 meters. They will be on SSB, MMTTY, PSK-31 (no brags
please) and Flashing Light on request for small ships. The pilot station
will be Clarence, W9AAZ ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). QSL via home calls.

V31, BELIZE. Paul/K1XM and Charlotte/KQ1F plan to be active from here
in a "light" Multi-Single effort in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd).
The callsigns, bands/modes and length of stay was not provided.

VK9, CHRISTMAS ISLAND. Steve, VK3OT (ex-VE3SIX), informs OPDX that he
will be active as VK9XI from April 7-21st. The VK9XI licence will be
granted on February 10th, and it will be the first time that this callsign
has been used on 6 meters since February 28, 1980. Activity will be on
160-6 meters using an Icom 706, Kenwood TS690SAT and Yaesu FT650. The
antennas will be a 5 element M2 for 6m, Mosley Tri-bander for HF, Hidaka
Vertical for 80/40/30 meters and a Sloper for 160 meters. Look for him
mainly on 50.115 MHz between 1000-1500z and at 2400z. Steve will listen
to 28.885 MHZ during all daylight hours (if propagation exisits or 21.205
MHz). He will also be active on the Lower Bands; 2300z (sunrise) and 1000z
(sunset). Pilot stations announced so far are VK2QF and VK3AKK. QSL via
VK3OT (Direct ONLY) to: Steve Gregory, Post Office Box 622 Hamilton,
Victoria 3300, AUSTRALIA. For more up-to-date details and information,
please visit the Web site at:

VP8, FALKLAND ISLANDS. Mark, VP8CSA, will once again be active from here
between now and February 11th. QSL via DL1SDN.

XY, MYANMAR (Late Update). Hiroo, JA2EZD, continues to be active as XY2A
until January 29th. Activity has been on CW mostly with some SSB. Operations
have been on 40/20/15 meters. He was expected to be joined by Kai/JH6VZS
and Shirow/JF6DEA/KE1EO over the past weekend for a short operation (January
25-27th). The two operators were hoping to use the callsigns XY5D and XY6J.
They plan to operate mainly on the low bands and 6m. As this was being
written no QSNs (of XY5D and XY6J) were reported. There is further
infomation at Shirow's Web site, "JA 6m Companion", at:
If callsigns XY5D and XY6J were permitted, both QSLs will be handled by
JH6QIL: Shin-Ichi KUSUMOTO, 1777-289, Nishi-Mochida, Aira-cho, Aira-Gun,
KAGOSHIMA, 899-5431 JAPAN (Direct only with SASE).

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