SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.601
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 601

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 601
BID: $OPDX.601
March 3, 2003
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, K3LR, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, W3LEO,
F5NQL & UFT, FJ5DX & La Gazette du DX, HL1VAU, I1JQJ & IK1ADH - 425 DX
50 MHz DX Bulletin, PA5ET, RW3RN, RW6HS, VA3RJ & ICPO, VE3EXY, VE6JO,
VK3EW, VK4AAR, VK4FW, XQ5SM, YO9HP and ZL4HU for the following DX

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 23rd/February, through Sunday, 2nd/March there were 238
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S,
4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P,
8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3,
A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP,
CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER,
ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD,
GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR,
HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0,
KH2, KH4, KH6, KH8, KH9, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE,
OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ,
S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T31, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG,
TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4,
V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/h, VP8/o, VP9,
VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU,
YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

6W, SENEGAL. John, F5VHQ (ex-OE5TGL), will be active as 6W/F5VHQ between
April 19th and May 1st. Activity will be on 40-10 meters SSB. QSL via

8P, BARBADOS. Winston Seeney, 8P9BX (VE3WFS), informs OPDX that he attended
a meeting of the Radio Society of Barbados and was told a QRP DX team is
scheduled to operate on the Atlantic coast, on March 15th, and is scheduled
to go on the air at 1400z. They will operate on CW and SSB on the lower
ends of the bands from 40-10 meters.

9N, NEPAL. Dov Gavish, 4Z4DX, will be active as 9N7DX starting April 22nd
for 4 weeks. Activity is expected to be on 160-6 meters CW and the digital
modes. QSL via 4Z4DX. His Web site is at:

A4, OMAN. Alex, YO9HP, will once again be active as A45WD. He leaves for
Oman today (Monday, March 3rd) and is expected to be active around the
5th or 6th of March. His length of stay is not known (possibly two weeks).
Look for him on 80-10 meters including the WARC Bands on CW/SSB. QSL
via bureau or YO9HP: Alex Panoiu, Pleasa - Prahova, RO-2038 ROMANIA
ADDED NOTE: Alex would like to thank all stations who sent direct QSL
(with SASE) or a bureau QSL. He has managed to reply to 99% of the direct
cards before his trip back to Oman. Also, bureau QSLs are almost done, and
he will drop the last batch via the A4 bureau. They normally send the
cards out every 3-4 months.

BU2, TAIWAN. Mark Kawasaki, JJ1TBB, was happy to inform OPDX that he has
received permission from the Taiwan Authority to operate as BU2/JJ1TBB
from Taipei. He states "BU" is a very new prefix for Taiwan. His activity
will be mainly CW/SSB on 40-10 meters. He was heard this past week on
21262 kHz around 0200z. Mark's work assignment is expected to keep him
in Taiwan for 3-4 years. QSL via JL1ANP. ADDED NOTE: Mark may be known
for his operations from Singapore as 9V1AN (1995-96), and Christmas Island
as VK9XB (1996), Vietnam as XV2A (1991) and possibly from some others

BW4, TAIWAN. Art, UA3VCS, states there is a minor change in his callsign
for the upcoming Russian DX Contest (March 15-16th) and the CQ WPX SSB
Contest (March 29-30th). He will not sign BW3/UA3VCS as first announced,
but he will sign BW4/UA3VCS. Art also mentioned that he will be a Single-Op/
Single Band (10m)/Low Power entry for the CQ WPX SSB Contest (and also a
Single-Op/All Band/Low Power entry for the WPX CW Contest). QSL via the
CBA (preferred) or bureau (it may take more than a year and a half to
reply for the QSLs received via bureau).

CB5, CHILE (Attention Prefix Hunters). Ferdi, XQ5SM (SCDXG member), will
put the CB5 prefix on the air for the first time during the CQWW WPX SSB
Contest (March 29-30th). Look for him to be active in the contest as CB5A
as a Single-Op/All Band/Low Power entry. QSL via XQ5SM.

DAYTON HAMVENTION EVENT. Tim, K3LR, reports that the North Coast Contesters
are pleased to announce: The 11th Annual Dayton Contest Dinner (Tickets
are on sale NOW). Master of Ceremonies is Tim Duffy, K3LR. The 2003 Contest
Hall of Fame Inductions will be formally announced by the CQ WorldWide
Contest Director and CQ Contest Hall of Fame member, Bob Cox, K3EST. They
are honored to have Rich Strand, KL7RA, as their dinner speaker. The dinner
will be held on Saturday night, May 17th, at 6:30 PM: Cash bar opens at
5:30 PM. The event will be located at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (Official
Contest Hotel), 5th and Jefferson Streets (Next to the Convention Center),
Dayton (Downtown), Ohio in the VAN CLEVE BALLROOM. Menu: Prime Rib of Beef,
Potato, vegetables, rolls, chocolate fudge cake, choice of beverage, coffee,
tea or iced tea (* Vegetarian menu available by request at the dinner).
Price is 31.00 USD per person. SEATING IS LIMITED TO 300, SO ORDER YOUR
TICKETS EARLY. Seating is random and is not reserved. Tables are set in
rounds or 8. All dinner ticket orders are handled exclusively by Craig
Clark, K1QX at: Radioware and Radio Bookstore, PO Box 209, Rindge, NH 03461
You can place your order by calling: Monday through Friday from 10 AM to
6 PM eastern USA time.          1-800-457-7373
                                1-603-899-6957 for International
                                or by FAX  1-603-899-6826   24 hours
You can also E-MAIL your orders to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visa, Mastercard, American Express. Sorry no COD orders. E-MAILs must
include charge card + number, callsign and return address information.
Tickets will be sent via First Class US Mail no later than May 7, 2003.
Please allow plenty of time for your tickets to arrive before you leave
for Dayton. Radioware and Radio Bookstore is not responsible for tickets
lost in the mail. Special thanks to Craig Clark, K1QX and Radioware - Radio
Bookstore for once again handling the tickets. Deadline for ticket orders
is May 6, 2003. NO EXCEPTIONS There will be no tickets at the door. Many
contest operators from around the world will attend this event. If you
enjoy radio contesting, you do not want to miss this dinner. They expect
a quick sell out. Order your tickets early!

IOTA NEWS......................
   AS-084.  Club members of Pyoungteak DX Club (PDXC) will be active from
            the Chuja Island Group between March 18th and March 24th.
            The operators who will activate this Korean island, which
            has been silent for 5 years, are: Han/DS2GOO, Son/DS3HWS,
            Chae/DS5BSX and Choi/6K2CLF. The operators will sign as
            homecall/4 and use their club callsign D90HE/4. Activity will
            be on 80-10 meters (all bands) SSB/RTTY with 100w transceivers.
            QSLs for DS2GOO/4 and D90HE/4 are via DS2GOO, and the others
            are via their homecall. More detailed information and their
            schedule will be available at:
            A log search and various pictures will be available after
            their return.

   AS-079.  Takeshi "Take", JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/6 from Miyako
            Island (Miyako-jima Hirara-City Okinawa-ken) as follows:
                   March 20th (0700z) to March 23rd (0000z)
                   April 26th (0700z) to May 5th (0000z)
            Activity will be on 40/17/15/12/10/6 meters SSB. He will
            listen for DX stations on 6 meters (especially AF and SA).
            QSL only via the Bureau.

   EU-004.  Christian, DL6KAC, will be active as EA6/DL6KAC from Mallorca
            Island (DIE: E-021), starting March 11th through April 10th.
            This will be a holiday style operation with activity on 40-10
            meters (maybe 80m) mainly on SSB, but with some RTTY and/or
            PSK31. Using 350 watts, his antennas will be dipoles, maybe
            an Inverted L for 80m. QSL via the DARC Bureau or direct
            (using the address).

   NA-144.  Tom, WA6WPG, is expected to be active next weekend (March
            8-9th) from Anacapa Island (USI CA-002S) as WA6WPG/p. His
            operation will last for 26 hours with activity on 40-10 meters.
            QSL via his home callsign.

   SA-085.  UPDATE TO OPDX.600. Marco, CE6TBN, informs OPDX that he will
            be joining the 3G1P team on the Pan de Azucar Island DXpedition
            to take place March 14-17th. QSL via XQ1IDM.

JW, SVALBARD. Francois, F8DVD, will once again be active from Spitzbergen
Island (EU-026, WAZ 40). He will stay from April 20-24th, in Longyearbyen
(Grid JQ78TF), the main city of Spitzbergen. Look for him as JW/F8DVD
on 80-10 meters SSB. QSL via his home callsign either via the bureau or
direct (SASE+postage).

KH6, HAWAII. Csaba Gal, DH7KU (HA7XQ), will be active from here as KH6/DH7KU
during his spare time between March 9-15th. His main purpose for being
here is to install different types of equipment at Caltech Submillimeter
Observatory (CSO) at Manua Kea, but he hopes to be active in the evenings
enough to make a few contacts. He will be using a Kenwood TS-50 into a
multiband dipole or a 3 band GP.

KH6, HAWAII. Marty, K2PLF, is now active as KH6/K2PLF until March 14th
from Sea Q Maui (OC-019, USI HI-018S, Maui County, Hawaii). He was heard
in this past weekend's contest, but plans to concentrate over the next
two weeks on the WARC bands and the lower bands.

LIGHTHOUSE ACTIVITY (From Germany).............
    Look for DL4OK/p to be active July 15-29th, which includes the IOTA
    Contest from Pellworm Island. Reference numbers are: IOTA EU-042,
    German Island Award N-023, German Lighthouse Nr. 40 and ARLHS-LH
    FED 187. Activity will be on all bands CW/SSB. QSL via their

    Operators DH7AX, DH1LA and DL2VFR are going to Hiddensee Island from
    May 29th through June 1st. Activity will include the 1st German Island
    and Lighthouse Weekend. Island reference numbers are: IOTA EU-057
    and German Island Award O-005. Two lighthouses will be activated:
         Dornbusch - German Lighthouse Nr. 17 and ARLHS FED-026
         Gellen    - German Lighthouse Nr. 22 and ARLHS FED-088
   Activity will be on 80-10 meters CW/SSB. QSL via their homecall/bureau.

MD4, ISLE OF MAN. Operators G0HSS, G3NKC, G4MJS, G4XUM and M0BEW will be
active as MD4K in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th) as a Multi-????
entry. QSL via G3NKC.

MJ, JERSEY. Pete/K8PT and Craig/K3PLV will be off to the Channel Island
of Jersey (IOTA EU-013) again and will be operational from March 19-24th.
Their callsigns will be MJ/K8PT and MJ/K3PLV. They will be operating
SSB/CW/RTTY on all bands with concentration on the lower bands including
160 meters. Pete states, "Ham radio is our priority." QSL is via their
home calls. Direct QSLs are preferred, but bureau cards will be answered
as time permits.

MM0, SCOTLAND. Leo, W3LEO, will once again be active from Portpatrick in
southwest Scotland from about March 4th to April 3rd. His callsign will
be MM0LEO, and he plans to be in the CQWPX SSB Contest. Leo will use an
Icom 706 (100 watts), an R-5 vertical [10, 12, 15, 17, 20 meters], and
a 40-meter dipole in a delta configuration. Leo provided us with the
following reference numbers: CQ Zone 14, ITU Zone 27, Grid Square IO-74ku,
IOTA EU-005 [Great Britain] and Worked All Britain [WAB] Square NW-95.
QSL via W3LEO.

OY, FAROE ISLANDS. Rob, PA5ET, informed OPDX that he was pleased to announce
that Ronald/PA3EWP, Dick/PA3FQA and himself (all members of the Low Land
DX-pedition Team) will activate these islands between March 24th and
April 3rd. Activity will be on all HF bands 160-10 meters CW, SSB, RTTY,
PSK31 and some SSTV. (UPDATE: Just before going to print, Rob informs
OPDX that Tom/GM4FDM and Bill/AK0A have decided to join the team, so now
there are 5 operators. Since Mr. RTTY [AK0A] is joining the team, we can
expect a lot of RTTY especially on the WARC bands.) They will have two
stations on around the clock. Equipment will be: 2 FT-1000MPs with 2 Alpha
Amplifiers, 2 Quads antennas for 30-10 meters, a vertical for 40 meters
and the Titanex V80e and V160e for 80 and 160 meters. They have requested
local callsigns, but currently have not been informed of them. So for now,
they will use OY/homecall. The group would like to use the requested local
callsigns for 80/160 meter and for the WPX SSB Contest (the last weekend
in March in which they will participate). All QSLs will be handled by
the LLDXT QSL Manager PA5ET: Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137,
2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands. It is not likely that they will have
on-line logs unless it is easy to get an Internet account. However, they
are currently investigating the uses of a InterNet Cafe or local hams to
upload their information on a daily basis. For more update-to-date
information, please the LLDXT Web site at:

QSL INFO AND NEWS..............
    INTERESTING QSL TOOL. Bill, W9OL, in Chicago, has provided the DXers
    with an interesting chart/list on his Web page. This Web page contains
    info on the amount of IRCs or GSs (Greenstamps) needed to QSL to
    various countries. The URL is:
    Bill states, "Hams in all countries are invited to send me data on
    the amount of IRCs or GSs needed to return QSL requests from their
    country." His E-mail address is:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Vitaly, VE6JO, reports that his 3C2MV DXpedition was approved for
    DXCC credit. QSL cards were designed and ordered mid-February with
    an estimated delivery of mid-March. He has started to prepare labels
    for the cards received direct and will proceed with mailing as soon
    as he receives the QSLs from the print shop. There is a possibility
    of a delay at the beginning as he has to go to a construction site
    (no, not in 3C-land, local site in Alberta) around the end of March
    to beginning of May. Vitaly states, "DX clubs and individuals that
    supported this DXpedition and has made some donations will receive
    my QSLs first with couple of photos. Cards received direct but with
    not sufficient postage and/or with old and incorrectly stamped IRCs
    will be returned via the bureau."

    Juan Pablo, CE4USW, 3G5Q Webmaster and Team Member, informs OPDX that
    he has uploaded the 3G5Q log to the Web page at:

    Ferdi, XQ5SM, SCDXG Chairman, informs OPDX that the following Chilean
    stations were active during the ARRL DX Phone Contest this past weekend:
            CE4Y (CE4FXY)  -->  28 MHz - High Power
            3G5A (XQ5SM)   -->  All Band - Low Power
            CE3NR (CE3NR & CE4PBB)  -->  Multi-Single
    Please QSL all via the route listed on

    Juan, CO8TW, was active in the ARRL SSB Contest over the past weekend
    as Single-Op/Single Band (10m)/Low Power 100 watts entry. QSL via
    IZ8CCW, and the log will be online after the contest at:

    EA8BH in the contest over the past weekend was Martti, OH2BH, in the
    Canary Islands. Martti's equipment for the ARRL SSB Contest was small
    and light (8.6 lbs!), the Yaesu FT-897. During these turbulent times
    it is advantageous to have all your equipment hand carried--such rigs
    are the FT-897 and the FinnFet FF-1001 solid-state kilowatt, all
    fitting into a small airline hand-carry bag. A special QSL will be
    available that shows/features this compact approach. QSL via OH2BH.
    ADDED NOTE: In the announcement for Martti's -EA8BH operation- the
    following was mentioned: "When returning from AH3D and on the Seattle-
    Copenhagen leg, all their Samsonite case's locking systems were broken
    by the actions of the Sea-Tac security people. The checking was done
    in a secure area at the Seattle airport, and with no access to the
    luggage keys, they broke into them, resulting in damage and messy

    FO0/N5XX QSL STATUS. Bob, K8BL, reports that Clark, N5XX (aka FO/N5XX,
    A35XX, ZK1XXX, ZK2XX, etc.), informed him he is sorry about the delay
    in sending out QSLs, and he (Clark) hasn't been back to the States yet,
    so, the QSLs are piling up.  Clark understands that there are about
    4000 QSLs waiting for him at home. He intends to answer all when he
    returns home in April. Clark also adds, "No need to send another if
    you have sent one already. Sorry this is taking so long. But, we're
    here for the Americas Cup and will do a tour of the South Island after
    it's over before we come home for the summer."

    Operator Alfredo signed HC1HC/QRP in the ARRL PHONE Contest over the
    past weekend. QSL via NE8Z: Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg,
    MI 48139 USA.

    LCRA TO BE DISSOLVED: "My old friend HK3DDD has just informed me that
    postal rates in Colombia were doubled as of January 1, 2003, and it
    now costs the equivalent of 2.00 USD to send a letter from Colombia
    to the USA",  Fred, K3ZO reports. "It now costs HJ/HK hams the
    equivalent of 13 cents per QSL to send outgoing cards through the
    bureau, but anyway the bureau won't be available any longer because
    the Colombian IARU-member society LCRA is meeting this Saturday to
    dissolve itself, since with only 200 paid-up members and 8000.00 USD
    of debt it feels it can no longer stay in business. Beto says Colombian
    hams have stopped calling CQ and running stations because they can't
    afford to handle the consequences economically. Colombian DXers are
    simply searching and pouncing these days, looking for new countries
    for themselves".

    ATTENTION HK HAMS! Alan, VK4AAR, informs OPDX, "I read with sadness
    of the imminent closure of the HK buro and the increased postage rates.
    If there are any HK or HJ amateurs who could use my service as a QSL
    Manager please ask them to E-mail me. There are no charges and I only
    need to get their log updates regularly (as E-mail attachments
    preferably)." His E-mail address is:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    His postal address is: Alan Roocroft, VK4AAR, POB 421, Gatton  4343,

    Bill Horner, VK4FW, reports that the FW8FP QSL cards finally arrived
    from the print shop on Monday, February 24th. He is currently busy
    sending QSLs out everyday until finished. However, he states that
    there were some cards received with no return or insufficent
    postage..... these will not be answered as Bill does not have any
    access to the bureau system. QSL via: Bill Horner, PO Box 1343,
    Maroochydore, 4558, Australia.

    K1B QSL REPORT. Dave, K4SV, reports that he has had an overwhelming
    response to the new QSL SSB route for K1B. All the available K1B QSL
    cards have been sent out, but he expects a new shipment of cards to
    arrive any day that will fill the current backlog. He requests to
    PLEASE be patient. Dave has received "850 QSL requests with about
    2500 Band/Mode QSOs". Please send your requests to: Stephen Grose,
    K4YL (ex W4SMG), P.O. Box 183, Flat Rock, NC  28731-0183. Dave states,
    "Our goal is to get everyone QSLed for K1B who has not received their
    cards. It is very unfortunate that some have never received their
    QSLs after several attempts and many dollars spent. We can not bring
    back the lost money but we can get you a K1B QSL card. Any small
    donations will be gratefully accepted towards printing cards, printing
    supplies and postage. PLEASE REMEMBER: USA send SASE; DX send SAE,
    with one Green Stamp preferred or one Large IRC accepted. Sorry, only
    direct QSL requests ONLY. Bureau cards for SSB to RZ3AA and CW/Digital
    to YT1AD."

    QSL Manager Ron, AC7DX, reports that he is now the new manager for
    both LU1FKR and LT1F (an Argentine Contest station).

    QSL LX7I, which was active in this past weekend's ARRL International
    DX SSB Contest, via LX2AJ.

    QSL TO1A via IK2QEI. Operator was Stefano, IK2QEI, in this past
    weekend's ARRL International DX SSB Contest. He was also activate
    outside of the contest as FM/IK2QEI.

    Vasilij, RW6HS, reports that he is now the QSL Manager for EX2F
    (ex-UM8FJ, UM8MF and UN7GZ).

    The QSL Manager for the VC2A cards (for the period June 15th to July
    15th, 2001) should go to Jacques, VE2QK, (also the VE2 incoming QSL
    Bureau Manager). He also responds to bureau cards. Send QSLs to:
           c/o J. Dube, VE2QK,
           875 St. Severe St.,
           Trois-Rivieres, PQ G9A 4G4

    Ken Holdom, ZL4HU, Group Organizer/Team Leader/QSL Manager for the
    Kermadec DX Association, announces that all QSL requests for the highly
    successfull DXpedition to the Chatham Isalnds, ZL7C, in October 2002,
    which were received as of Wednesday, February 26th, were answered and
    despatched through the New Zeraland Post on Friday, February 28th.
    Please note that this does NOT include cards received via the different
    QSL Services. These will be mailed out at a later date when time
    permits. For those of you who did not include sufficient postage OR
    a return Self Addressed Envelope with your requests, these cards WILL
    go via the bureau. For those who included other DXpedition cards with
    your ZL7C requests, these will take a little longer to process and
    will be mailed out accordingly. Please if possible, avoid sending
    second requests until after the 1 May 2003. This gives them more time
    to spend on genuine 1st requests. PLEASE NOTE: OPDX InterNet Subscribers
    will receive Ken's complete press release as an additional bulletin.
    Also, Ken, ZL4HU, had arranged to have the ZL7C QSL card (double sided)
    to be viewed on the Web at:

RARE RUSSIAN DISTRICT. Alex, RW3RN, informs OPDX to tell the readers to
look for special station UE3RDA to be active March 8-15th from the rarest
district for the Russian District Award ( ).  QSL via
RW3RN: Alex Kuznetsov, Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023 Russia.

RU9, ASIATIC RUSSIA. Alex, RW3TN, will be active as RU9G in the Russian
DX Contest (March 15-16th) as a Single-Op/All Band/CW entry. RDA: KP-06
or KP-07. QSL via RW3TN.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station ZS03CWC to be active
throughout the "Cricket World Cup" until March 23rd. Activity will be
on 80-10 meters. QSL via ZS1AU.

SPECIAL WEEKEND EVENT. The GMDX Group (Scotland's DX Association) introduces
"Celtic Connections" to encourage activity by all radio amateurs worldwide
to contact areas with Celtic origins. This is purely an activity weekend
and will enable participants to pursue the Celtic Knot Award Scheme and
provide an interest in contacting Celtic areas of the world. The event is
to be held on the third weekend in April each year. Reports on activity
are welcome and certificates of participation will be awarded to anyone
who submits a report. If sufficient reports are received, the leading
participants from the Celtic and the non-Celtic areas will be presented
with an engraved commemorative Quaich (a small Scottish drinking cup).
The 2003 Weekend will start at 0000z on Saturday, April 19th, and last
until 2400z on Sunday, April 20th. For further details, please contact:
Mr. Drew Givens, GM3YOR, 5 Langhouse Place, Inverkip, PA16 0EW, Scotland,
U.K.  or vist the GMDX Group's Web site at:

TI, COSTA RICA (Correction to OPDX.600). Harry, AC8G, reports he gave
out the wrong callsign for one of the operator's in the upcoming fall
TI5N operation (during the CQWW DX SSB Contest). The callsign KA8KUZ
should have been Brian, KA7KUZ.

TM5/TO5, MARTINIQUE. Al, F5VHJ (aka NH7A), who was active this past weekend
as TM5A in the ARRL SSB Contest, will be active again in the CQ WPX Phone
Contests (March 29-30th) as Single-Op/All Band entry. Also, Al will be
active in the CQWW SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a Single-Op/All Band
entry, but using the callsign TO5A. QSL all three operations via F5VHJ.

VK9X, CHRISTMAS ISLAND (Update to OPDX.597). David, VK2CZ, reports that
he has been allocated the callsign VK9XD for the CQWW SSB Contest (October
25-26th). QSL via VK2CZ direct only.

VP6/D, DUCIE ISLAND. Remember, the second DXpedition to Ducie Island will
be active possibly next weekend on March 8th or 9th, depending upon seas
and weather. The station callsign will be announced shortly before the
operation begins (either from DXpedition organizer Kan, JA1BK, or the
pilot stations JE2EHP, DJ8NK and WA2MOE). Activity is expected on CW, SSB
and RTTY with operations on all HF bands and 6 meters. AO-40 was also
mentioned. Please refer to OPDX.595 for more details. QSL via JR2KDN.

YA, AFGHANISTAN. YA1CQ was heard this past week and weekend on 17/12/10
meters. Check 18130 kHz around 1200z, around 24940/24950 kHz after 0630z
and again after 0800z, and 28480 kHz after 0730z. QSL via JA1CQT. It
has also been reported that Nick, G4KUX, is in the country until April
2004 and is active as YA4F. Most of his activity reported on the clusters
has been on 40 and 6 meters. Watch around 7048 kHz after 1930z. QSL via

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