Today on "Il Sole 24 Ore" the main economic newspaper in Italy i found an
article concerning the Polar Aurora studies conducted by Italy, France,
Finland & Sverige.
SuperDARN is the acronimous of Super Dual Auroral Radar Network.
This network is composed by nine radars couples placed  in boreal and six in
austral areas. One of these radars is placed in Kerguelen Island Area.
Every radar is composed by one trasmitting arrary (16 square antennas (15 x
15m) placed every 15m) and one receiving array antenna (for interferometric
measures). The antennas receive the power from 18 trasmitters.
The transmitters makes signal in the frequency range between 8 and 20 MHz
and generate echoes in the ionosphere between 90 and 400KM
The operative time is 24 hours per day (unique stops for maintenance).
For the future the consortium will install one new radar in RUSSIA, in
NEW-ZELAND and one in ANTARCTICA the main target is to cover the holes in
the radar network.
The DOME C WorkShop in Venice have planned to add other radars with a new
alliance between Italy, U.S.A. and France.
My question is: Does the HAM Community suffer other noises from this
what's the main operative frequencies for the network inside the range
I agree the ionosphere and magnetosphere studies but we can continue to use
our frequencies regularly?

73 by T77WI

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